After one blow, Ji Chen didn't waste any time, and followed with another blow. The misty demonic energy surged, and a flash of sword light seemed to fly from the sky, stunning the world and shocking the hearts of the people.

Ye Wanru used her Xuanwu armor to resist. Her movements were very fast, and her speed was astonishing, beyond everyone's understanding.

With a bang, everyone's eardrums buzzed, the space in this place seemed to be distorted, a thunderous sound exploded, azure light bloomed, magic light shone, and the trembling sound of the collision of weapons shook all directions.

The holy light and the magic light completely flooded the whole world, and the two people fought violently in it, like two bolts of lightning colliding crazily, with bunches of fairy light shooting out, and the magic light shining brightly.

Ji Chen's whole body was filled with demonic aura, and he swooped forward with overwhelming demonic power. He slashed out with another sword. Tianxuan trembled, seeming to have spirituality and exuding crystal luster.

The fight between the two was extremely violent, shocking the world, and making everyone's heart palpitate.

This fierce and domineering scene shocked the hearts of all those watching the battle.


The vibrating sound can make people's eardrums burst, and the holy light keeps rushing up, impacting the terrifying demonic sword light.

This was an earth-shattering collision, with dozens of moves in an instant, as if the world was about to collapse. The air was vibrating with vibrating sounds, filled with knife intent. You could feel the knife intent splitting your organs with every breath, which was unbearable.

The Flurry of Demons is a group fighting move that does not distinguish between friend and foe.

This kind of fighting was simply unbelievable, and everyone was extremely shocked.

In the battlefield, Ji Chen became more and more surprised as he fought. He knew very well that this time he encountered an unimaginable opponent who was as strong as him. He was shocked and his arms were numb and a little painful.

There are rumors in the world that the descendants of the Holy Land can look down on their contemporaries and it is an insurmountable mountain for the young generation. This statement is by no means a lie.

If there are no successors to the holy places in this world and no successors to the ancient religions, who can compete with them?


Ji Chen launched the most violent attack, which was so violent that it was like a devil coming to the world.

He could tell that the other party didn't seem to feel that well either. From the twinkling eyes of the other party, Ji Chen could feel her surprise.

This is also true. This duel has reached the extreme that the two people's bodies can bear.

What Ye Wanru is good at is not physical close combat. Her holy power is monstrous, her physique is naturally compatible with Taoism, and her attainments in Taoism are even more astonishing and terrifying.

Close combat is her weakest point.

Ji Chen discovered this and took advantage of his speed, exploiting his strengths and avoiding weaknesses, closing the distance and fighting with his body, instead of widening the distance and fighting with Taoism, in which case he would not have the upper hand at all and would be beaten.

He knew very well that the opponent's realm was higher than his own, his divine power was stronger than his, and his understanding of Taoism was much higher than his. If he really wanted to distance himself and fight with Taoism, he would suffer a big loss.

Ji Chen is very clear about his advantage, which is that the Supreme Divine Body has reached its fifth transformation, and the Divine Body has been completed. He is not weaker than anyone in close combat, and with Tianxuan's assistance, he can compete even against the descendants of the Holy Land.

Ye Wanru always calmly greeted Ji Chen's fierce attacks. Although her eyes were surprised, she was always calm, calm and composed, as if everything was under control.

"You are very smart and know how to use your strengths and avoid your weaknesses!"

Ye Wanru whispered, her whole body was wrapped in holy light, surrounded by divine phoenixes, and filled with holy light.

She was looking for an opportunity to distance herself. This was the most frustrating battle for her. The opponent was very fast and was almost fighting close to her.

Especially the knife in the opponent's hand made her afraid. It was an incredible weapon.

There have been many knife marks on the Xuanwu armor. If it had not been able to repair itself, it might have broken.


There was another collision. Ji Chen's arm was numb, and there were blood stains and blood spatters. Although it healed quickly, it also surprised him. His body's endurance had reached its limit.

Ji Chen stared at Ye Wanru, wanting to know if he was also injured, but her whole body was wrapped in holy light and surrounded by divine phoenixes, and she couldn't see clearly at all.

But Ji Chen believed that she would definitely not be much better.

Ye Wanru was fighting fiercely with Ji Chen while using Taoist magic. She couldn't distance herself. The opponent was too fast and was fighting against her hand to hand, which was not good for her. She wanted to use Taoist magic to forcefully suppress Ji Chen.

Threads of Dao Yun filled her body, and various Dao talismans bloomed, which she used in battle.

The Xuanwu Armor glowed and began to bear the Tao Yun, blooming with blazing light. The Tao Talisman was vigorous, but was wiped out by the strong sword intention.

The bright light flooded the world, making it difficult to see what was going on inside.

"Mr. Wolong is so powerful that he has not yet been defeated."

Some people in the crowd couldn't help but admire, their words full of admiration for Ji Chen. After all, she was the descendant of the Holy Land, an insurmountable gap for the younger generation, but Ji Chen had been fighting with her for a while, and he actually persisted. You can see how amazing it is.

Xia Liyun stood in the distance, her long skirt fluttering, showing her peerless grace. Her eyes shone with light as she stared at Ji Chen, not knowing what she was thinking.

In the distance, Li Changzhi finally lost his composure. Ji Chen's strength made him uneasy. He could actually fight with the Tianshu Saint for so long without losing, which was enough to amaze the world.

He knew Ji Chen's background very well. When he was in Liangzhou City a few months ago, this guy was said to be invincible under demigods. At that time, he had not yet broken through to demigods. How long has it been since then? Battle.

Ye Wanru has already broken through the realm of metamorphosis, and no one knows how far she has gone in the realm of metamorphosis. Ji Chen had just entered the realm of Nirvana but was able to compete with her. This was what shocked and scared him.

This kind of qualification is so terrifying that anyone with such an enemy will have trouble sleeping and eating.

The woman in red next to her was even more shocked and couldn't believe it, "He could actually fight Ye Wanru without losing. This kind of enemy is a huge hidden danger to our Li family."

"It's only temporary that he doesn't fall behind. He should have a special physique and rely on physical suppression to draw with Saintess Tianshu."

Li Changzhi finally analyzed the reason with reason.

He could barely see the battle clearly. The reason why Ji Chen was able to fight Ye Wanru to such a level was all because of his strong physical body and unparalleled divine power. This kind of physical body could indeed stand out from the crowd in the same level, but Ye Wanru's level was after all much higher than Ji Chen's. .

"What Ye Wanru is good at is not the physical body, but Taoism. Ji Chen tried his best but could only draw with Ye Wanru's weakest point, so the ending cannot be changed."

After hearing Li Changzhi's analysis, the woman in red breathed a sigh of relief.

Otherwise, it would be horrible.

On the other side, King Kong also frowned, a little worried. Although Ji Chen had a draw now, his level was much lower after all. A long war would not be good for him. He was afraid that Ji Chen would be robbed.

He looked around. Everyone in this area was attracted by the battle, but he slowly approached the fruit.

Eighty percent of the fruit's area has turned purple-gold and is about to mature.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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