This familiar voice made Ji Chen stunned and couldn't believe it.

He was so shocked that he couldn't believe it was true. He thought he had heard it wrong!

The master is resurrected?

How can it be?

As if he knew what Ji Chen was thinking, that gentle voice sounded in his mind again.

"It's me. I haven't been resurrected yet. This is just a ray of spiritual thought. I feel that you are in danger!"

Really a master!

It's really her!

Ji Chen's nose felt sour. The master was already like that. After sensing that he was in danger, he even sent out a ray of spiritual thought to help him.

The next moment, the divine power in his body began to boil and run wildly. Tantai Xuan took control of his body, mobilized the divine power in his body, changed the direction of operation, gave up the original Taixuan Sutra path, and forced the operation of "He Transformed into Freedom" Law".

This feeling is very strange. Ji Chen can clearly feel his body, but he can't control it. Suddenly there are two consciousnesses in one body, which gives Ji Chen a magical feeling.

Tantai Xuan dominated his body, and he himself became a bystander, watching all of this quietly. He could feel everything and see what Tantai Xuan saw.

The two share all the body's organs, perceptions, sight, smell, and hearing.

Ji Chen felt that some wonderful changes had taken place in his body. He even felt as if he had become a woman and his movements had become softer.

Although it was just a ray of spiritual thought from Tantai Xuan, it was incredibly powerful and caused some changes in his body.

"There won't be any side effects, don't really turn into a woman." Ji Chen thought in his heart.


Laughter like silver bells rang in Ji Chen's sea of ​​consciousness.


Within his body, monstrous divine power surged, like a vast ocean sweeping into the sky.

Tantai Xuan is forcing him to transform into a free method.

Ji Chen's body began to swell, like a volcano about to erupt. It reached its limit and was about to be unable to hold on any longer. Tantai Xuan decisively stopped the operation of his Transformation Method and switched to the Mahayana Nirvana Technique.

This time the operation was finally successful, and Ji Chen's body withstood the operation of the Mahayana Nirvana Kung Fu.

His body was too fragile, so Tantai Xuan could only do the next best thing.

All this happened in an instant, Ji Chen watched silently.

At this moment, his and Tantai's consciousness seemed to be connected and shared. Everything was dominated by Tantai Xuan. He was just a spectator, and he had an immersive experience.

Tantai Xuan shared his current status with Ji Chen, and it was a very valuable experience for Ji Chen.

At this moment, Ji Chen's eyes were extremely deep, as if he could see through the world.

The black mist is no longer an obstacle to him. He can see through it at a glance and see the origin of the entire secret realm.

In the black mist in the distance, a huge shadow appeared, overlooking the entire ruins.

The phantom was bound by iron chains and was looking here in confusion.

Tantai Xuan raised his hand, waved Tianxuan, and struck the black figure with a sword.

A very ordinary sword, a casual stroke.

In an instant, a bright sword light bloomed, penetrating the heaven and earth, and the entire ruins were illuminated by this sword.

This sword seemed to open the gate of heaven, the whole world was divided into two, and the immeasurable gods cut through the sky, and the heaven and earth roared together.

The petals were flying all over the sky and scattered between the heaven and the earth. The petals were crystal clear and the fragrance was fragrant. Ji Chen's body was thought to be even more peerless and untainted by the mundane atmosphere.

At this moment, there was a rain of petals in this secret place.

Some petals fell, easily cutting off a mountain peak.

These are not real petals, but a manifestation of Tantai Xuan's sword intention that has become a manifestation of the infinite divine principles.

A single petal can destroy a sect and kill a god.

In the void, the sword light exploded with thousands of rays of light, filling the ruins and slashing towards the phantom.


The sword light flashed across the phantom, and the terrifying god's sword intent smashed the phantom into pieces.

All the black mist in this ruins turned into nothingness under the illumination of the infinite god of this sword, and all the weird auras disappeared.

Just one sword cleared away all the weirdness and ominousness.

Cold wind, bright red blood, ruined earth, withered bones everywhere, Ji Chen stood alone, not a trace of blood stained. At this moment, although he had the body of a young man, his temperament was more like a goddess, like Jiutian Xuan. When a woman comes, she will be unparalleled in the world of mortals.

King Kong and the others woke up the moment Tantai Xuan drew his sword, but they fainted again the next moment. The shocking power that Tantai Xuan unleashed was simply not something they could bear.

Lethargy is a kind of protection for them.

In the deepest part of the secret realm, there is a magnificent hall, and the powerful human beings who have come in are attacking this hall.

More than a dozen Holy Lord-level powerhouses joined forces, and dozens of Venerables assisted.

"We will forcefully open this hall and use our strength to retrieve the contents."

After the discussion, everyone took action at the same time, a tsunami-like vibration spread, the sky was shaking, and it had unparalleled pressure.


The earth-shaking loud noise made people's souls tremble, and the bright divine light broke through the sky and penetrated the heaven and earth, as if a volcano was erupting.

Endless divine power surged, and brilliant light swept across all directions like a tsunami.

At this moment, it suddenly rained petals from the sky.

The sudden appearance of the phenomenon surprised everyone. All the strong men who were attacking the temple stopped their movements and looked at the sudden rain of petals.

A petal fell and fell on a Holy Lord. The Holy Lord didn't pay attention. The next moment, his body was cut in half by the petals, and then decomposed silently and turned into nothingness.

In an instant, everyone was stunned and horrified.

A powerful Holy Lord just disappeared and turned into nothingness.

"Those are not flower petals, they are sword intentions, the gods' sword intentions." A Holy Lord roared in horror.

This kind of divine sword intent made his heart palpitate and his spine felt chilly.

Everyone was horrified. The sword intent of a god appeared, which meant that a god had descended on this secret realm.

It is also possible that the gods in the secret realm have revived.

At the thought of this, everyone was frightened and turned pale.

Living gods, they dare not imagine the resurrection of gods. If it is true, they are afraid that the whole world will tremble.

"There cannot be living gods. The rules of heaven and earth prohibit living gods from existing in this world. These petal rains may be the fragments of the fallen gods left in the hall."

Some holy masters analyzed and said that after reaching their realm, they already know some secrets of heaven and earth. It would be terrible if a living god really appeared in this realm.

"Yes, it may be that the remaining divine principles and principles in the main hall were activated when we attacked. There cannot be living gods in this world. Everyone, please continue to attack the main hall and don't touch those petals."

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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