I have a knife, I can kill monsters when I take it out of its sheath

Chapter 278 Turn around and transform into a peerless goddess

Everyone hidden in the black mist felt something was wrong, including those who were fighting on the battlefield.

Everyone felt uneasy, there was a kind of fear in their hearts, their souls were throbbing, and there was a sense of depression in their hearts.

Suddenly, everyone's expressions changed. They sensed danger, and the hairs all over their bodies stood up, as if they were being stared at by wild beasts. They shuddered and looked around hurriedly.

"Oh my god, what is that?"

Someone screamed, breaking the silence.

I saw countless green beams of light flying out of the black mist in the distance. They were flying at extremely fast speeds, like light rain, flying towards everyone, left and right, their trajectories floating uncertainly, and finally the light flashed and disappeared. It entered everyone's body and disappeared.

One of them came towards Ji Chen. Even if he hid his figure, it was useless. The green light seemed to lock on him and instantly disappeared into his body.

Ji Chen was shocked, his body was icy cold, as if he was about to be frozen, the cold breath invaded every part of his body, and his soul was about to be frozen.

He quickly visualized the sun rising in the east and at the same time activated the Heaven Swallowing Technique.

"Boom boom boom!"

A tsunami-like sound erupted from Ji Chen's body, and a field with a radius of one meter automatically formed. A big sun rose slowly, illuminating the surrounding area and dispersing all the black fog.

When the black mist encounters the bright sun, it seems as if it is frightened. Wherever the light reaches, the darkness retreats.

Ji Chen transformed into a furnace of heaven and earth, and a great sun also rose in his body, as if the sun was rising in the east, and the blazing true fire of the sun was burning, illuminating every inch of his body.


His body turned into a golden ocean, the true fire of the sun surged, and the divine power burned.

The green light that entered Ji Chen's body seemed to be frightened, running around, trying to escape from the body.

How could Ji Chen let him leave? The true fire of the sun turned into the divine sword of the sun and slew him towards the green light.

The green light panicked and fled inside Ji Chen's body.

Phantom Sword Dance!

Thousands of sword energy swept towards the green light like a blizzard, crushing it to pieces in an instant.

Then Ji Chen used the Heaven Swallowing Technique, and the furnace of heaven and earth burned fiercely, refining the annihilated green light.

After a while, all the green light turned into mysterious energy and was absorbed by Ji Chen.

At the same time, a mysterious secret technique appeared in Ji Chen's sea of ​​consciousness.

This appears after refining the mysterious energy. It is a secret breath-containing technique.

By performing this technique, all auras can be restrained, and the body enters a state of suspended animation, undetectable by anyone, as if it has disappeared from this world.

"Good thing, someone brought me a pillow when I was really sleepy!"

Ji Chen was very happy. This secret technique combined with his invisibility technique complemented each other and were invincible.

The requirements for practicing the breath gathering technique are not high, only 200,000 killing points are enough.

Two hundred thousand is just a drop in the bucket for Ji Chen now.

The King Kong next to him was covered in golden light, and he was trying his best to dispel the green light.

Ji Chen couldn't help him. Fortunately, Buddhist techniques had their own unique characteristics in restraining evil spirits. It was only a matter of time before the diamond was refined into green light.

All Ji Chen had to do was help him protect the law.

He glanced around, and there was a glowing glow everywhere. Some people let out painful roars, and some people's light had been extinguished, making roars that were not human.

Someone has been contaminated.

In the battlefield, the first few black men to be contaminated turned their attention to Ji Chen, their eyes flashing with green light.

The next moment, several people turned into black lightning and shot out.

Ji Chen took action decisively, Tianxuan turned into a beam of light, shot through the air, and unexpectedly pierced the head of the first person.

Immediately afterwards, Ji Chen took a step forward and punched out with a red light, like thunder and lightning, containing power beyond this level.

His entire body was glowing with light, his body was crystal clear, and the dormant potential of his divine body was fully released. The divine radiance covered his entire body, like holy light burning.


The void was trembling, the earth collapsed, and the blazing flames flooded the world.

Ji Chen's punch caused huge waves, shattering the bodies of two people and smashing them to pieces.


Immediately afterwards, Ji Chen swung his fist again and hit the remaining two people. One of them was blown up and the body of the other was penetrated.

Blood rain flew all over the sky, turning into endless bloody light, dyeing the ground red.

Two punches, destroying four demigods, this is the power of the divine body, unparalleled, it is all released at this moment, terrifying and shocking.

After defeating these four people, Ji Chen did not stop, recalled Tianxuan, picked up King Kong, held it under his arm, and ran into the black mist.

The feeling of light on the back became more and more obvious, and there seemed to be something terrifying and strange reviving in this black mist.

At this moment, Ji Chen felt that something seemed to be moving quickly towards this side in the black fog.

So he decisively raised his hand and waved it, and Tianxuan turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the black mist.


It seemed like something had been penetrated, and an inhuman roar came from the black mist, and he quickly ran away.

However, the feeling of being spied on did not disappear. The hair on Ji Chen's body stood up. He quickly recalled Tianxuan and continued to run forward, running for dozens of miles in one breath.

The feeling became stronger and stronger, making Ji Chen feel palpitations and unable to get rid of it.

Ji Chen realized that the thing was coming for him and he couldn't avoid it.

A huge crisis has arisen. Since we can't escape, we can only fight with our backs against the wall.

Ji Chen made up his mind, stopped, put down the King Kong, and held Tianxuan on guard. Waiting for something to appear in the black mist.

He wanted to see what it was.

Suddenly, a strange aura rushed over, like a cold wind, invisible and everywhere, filling the space in an instant and penetrating all pervasive.

Ji Chen felt like he couldn't move, his body seemed to be frozen, and that weird aura began to invade his body, trying to take over his body.

Seize the house!

Ji Chen was anxious, frantically running the sky-swallowing technique, and imagining the sun rising in the east, but there was no reaction at all.

In just a moment, Ji Chen's whole body became cold, as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, his meridians condensed, and even his soul was about to be frozen.

This weird aura was extremely terrifying, it was simply a dimensionality reduction attack, and Ji Chen couldn't resist it at all.

Just when Ji Chen was about to be completely eroded by the strange smell, he suddenly smelled a fragrance, like a woman's body fragrance, which smelled very good and comforting.

But the next moment he discovered that this body fragrance was actually emanating from his body.

Ji Chen:? ? ?

Have I become a woman?

Suddenly, Ji Chen felt his cold body begin to revive and regain consciousness. A warm atmosphere enveloped him.

This feeling is very comfortable and has a sense of security.

Suddenly, a gentle voice sounded in his sea of ​​consciousness.

"Relax and leave it to me!"

This voice is extremely familiar, gentle, and soft.

Ji Chen was extremely shocked!

This is... Tantai Xuan's voice.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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