"Someone is approaching us, don't let him ruin our big event." Su Qian showed murderous intent, "Once he gets close, kill him directly."

"It's Ji Chen, he came so fast!" Li Changzhi recognized the person and took a breath of cold air. This guy was so brave. He dared to fly directly across the void.

According to their estimates, it will take at least another day for this guy to get here.

"It came very quickly!" Su Qian's face was gloomy, and two fierce rays of light shot out from her eyes.

"He probably got the news that we were here, so he came over desperately to kill us. It's better to wait for him to come over and capture it directly!"

Ji Chen was very fast. He arrived in the blink of an eye and landed directly on the mountain. Before several people were about to take action, he approached them excitedly.

"Brother Li, what a fate! I didn't expect to meet you here again. It's like not seeing you for one day is like three autumns!"

Ji Chen's mood fluctuated greatly, with a mix of sadness and joy, as if he was seeing a relative he hadn't seen for a long time, which made Li Changzhi and others a little confused. They didn't know what kind of medicine this guy was selling.

Ji Chen turned to look at Su Qian and others, and said enthusiastically: "You must be the outstanding heroes of Tianshu Holy Land! They are really talented, handsome men and beautiful women. I finally met the heroes of Tianshu Holy Land, they are mine pleasure."

Ji Chen's face was filled with excitement, indescribable enthusiasm and familiarity, and he almost hugged several people and gave them a warm hug.

Li Changzhi and Su Qian were completely confused. They didn't know what kind of stimulation Ji Chen received. Could it be that they were scared out of their wits?

"Ji, please stop being too close!" Su Qian's expression was cold, and the murderous intent and ferocity in her eyes did not diminish.

"You killed people from my Tianshu Holy Land and challenged the majesty of my Tianshu Holy Land. You are my enemy of Tianshu Holy Land. No matter how close you are, you cannot escape punishment."

Su Qian stared at Ji Chen with cold eyes. The only thing she was worried about now was Ji Chen's conspiracy.

Although she did not conceal her murderous intention, Ji Chen seemed not to notice her, completely familiar with her, and had an apologetic look on her face.

"I know, I know. It was my fault before. I killed you people from Tianshu Holy Land. I feel deeply guilty. In order to express my apology, I brought you a big gift, a huge gift. I hope you can Don’t be polite, I’ll definitely accept it!”

Ji Chen was very enthusiastic. He put his arm around Li Changzhi's shoulders and was about to reach out to Su Qian. When he realized something was wrong, he put his arm around a young man with a mean look.

"Please look over there, the gifts I brought you will be here soon."

Everyone was completely confused by Ji Chen and didn't know what he was doing.

At this moment, a black spot appeared on the horizon in the distance. Soon, the black spot enlarged and a huge black dragon flew across the sky. The speed was extremely fast, like a black lightning, and the terrifying pressure was overwhelming and crushing it.

Ji Chen put his arms around Li Changzhi and the young man from Tianshu Holy Land, and raised two middle fingers on their shoulders towards the black dragon.

The faces of everyone in Tianshu Holy Land changed wildly. Ji Chen's so-called great gift attracted a black dragon to them.

"Damn it!"

Several people wanted to cut Ji Chen's body into thousands of pieces, but suddenly they found that Ji Chen had disappeared. He completely lost his trace and even his breath disappeared.

Ji Chen took advantage of the moment when they were distracted by the black dragon and relaxed their vigilance. He used the invisibility technique, sealed all the auras, escaped to the bottom of the cliff, and submerged silently into a pool.

Only in this way can the breath be completely isolated so that the black dragon cannot sense it.

On the top of the mountain, Li Changzhi and others had no time to escape.

The black dragon's speed has exceeded the speed of sound several times, and a huge fan-shaped white mist barrier has been pulled up behind it.

Suddenly losing all traces and aura of Ji Chen, the black dragon was instantly furious. His body hundreds of feet long swept across, like a huge iron whip, and hit the mountain where Li Changzhi and others were.

The scene where Ji Chen hugged several people just now was clearly seen by it, and it naturally regarded these people as Ji Chen's accomplices.

Now that Ji Chen's breath has been lost, the black dragon directly vented his resentment on these people.


The mountain peak exploded directly.

A huge mountain peak exploded directly under the flick of the black dragon's tail. Two disciples of Tianshu Holy Land were unable to dodge on the spot and were exploded. They turned into a mass of blood mist, which was mixed with the exploding soil. .

More than a dozen streams of light rose into the sky from the exploding mud and rocks, shooting in all directions.

Li Changzhi, Su Qian and others all crushed the life-saving charm immediately.

Everyone hated Ji Chen and wanted to eat him alive.

They couldn't figure out how Ji Chen escaped from the black dragon's pursuit and led the black dragon here.

Ji Chen was hiding under the pool at this moment, restraining all his aura. His vitality seemed to be extinct, and the fire of his soul seemed to be extinguished.

He was more relaxed than ever before. When he was being chased just now, he broke out at extreme speed. Although he escaped, the consumption was terrifying.

This kind of consumption comes from the consumption of spirit and soul. At this moment, I feel relaxed, my whole body feels comfortable, and my pores are relaxed.

The vibration of the mountain's collapse spread to the pool, and was felt by Ji Chen.

For safety, Ji Chen plunged directly into the mud and buried his whole body in Lili mud.

He didn't plan to go out until it calmed down completely.

"Ji Chen, you are looking for death, I will crush you to ashes."

Su Qian's expression was gloomy, her originally delicate face was cold and full of evil aura.

Li Changzhi was also very angry. This was simply an unreasonable disaster. They failed to rob and kill Ji Chen, but instead suffered a huge disaster from the other party.

"Ji Chen, just wait for me. When I escape, I will kill you without a burial place."


The black dragon breathed out, and black mist surged out, like a huge dark cloud, covering everyone.

Bright rays of light lit up, and everyone tried their best to save their lives. Only a few people rushed out of the poisonous mist, and the rest were corroded by the poisonous mist. Their flesh and blood melted into corpse water, and their bones were charred black, like burnt black. The charcoal fell to the ground and shattered into pieces.

The few people who escaped felt fear and ice in their hearts. This black dragon was too terrifying and they couldn't contend with it at all.

Su Qian, in particular, hated Ji Chen to the core. Except for two senior brothers from the inner sect who were summoned by her, all of them died.

She could no longer explain such a big thing, let alone bear it.

The black dragon flew across the sky, like black lightning, and suddenly caught up with a Tianshu Holy Land disciple, swallowing him in one bite.

Then the black dragon turned around and spit out a mouthful of black mist, turning into a black sword and killing another disciple.


The black flying sword slashed through the disciple's body, cutting him in half. The black poisonous gas eroded and instantly melted the corpse water.

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