Ji Chen, who was frantically escaping ahead, felt a huge crisis and turned around. A black sharp sword shot towards his body.


A mountain peak in front was pierced, and black mist enveloped the mountain. All the vegetation on the mountain withered and turned into mud in an instant.

Ji Chen was horrified, the poisonous mist of this black dragon was too overbearing. Just by just passing by, the poisonous mist eroded his body, making him a little dizzy.

This frightened Ji Chen, and he quickly used the Heaven Swallowing Technique to turn his body into a furnace and transform into the sun. The true sun fire in his body burned blazingly, refining the poisonous mist that entered his body.

His whole body seemed to be on fire, and his divine light was as bright as a dazzling sun, emitting astonishing heat.

If it weren't for his extraordinary physique and amazing power, he would have suffered disaster at this moment.

In just a moment's delay, the black dragon had already closed the distance with him.

This is the strength of the noble-level ferocious beast. It is too terrifying and cannot be dealt with by him now.

Ji Chen was a little anxious, and it was a bit reckless to snatch something from right under the eyes of a noble monster.

The eight-step ascending to the sky exploded to the extreme, and he used all his strength, but he still couldn't get rid of the black dragon.

Damn black dragon!

Ji Chen felt that this was not the way to go. Sooner or later, the black dragon would catch up. He was desperately trying to think of a solution while running for his life.

There is one way to do it, which is to lure the black dragon to the territory of other wild beasts and let them fight with each other.

But the consequences of doing so are likely to expose you to enemies from both sides.

"By the way, Tianshu Holy Land!"

Ji Chen suddenly thought that the person behind the attack on him would not give up and would probably continue to set up an ambush somewhere in the ruins.

Why not lure the black dragon over and give them a big gift.

Afterwards, Ji Chen changed direction and fled towards the depths of the ruins.

There are ruined buildings everywhere in this ruins. Such a huge building complex is probably left by some ancient force. If there is a chance, it is also deep in the ruins.

The black dragon roared behind him, chasing after him, and the distance gradually became closer.

Suddenly, a wisp of sword light flew from the front without any warning, and shot at the black dragon who was chasing madly. The speed was so fast that the black dragon could not dodge.

It was chasing Ji Chen at supersonic speed, and the sword light shot at it at several times supersonic speed, which gave it no time to dodge.

Disdain flashed in the eyes of the black dragon. It was attacked by a human monk in the Nirvana realm. It was not even qualified to tickle him. He directly waved his claws towards the flying sword, trying to smash it into pieces.

But the next moment, it froze, and the flying sword penetrated directly through its claws, like tofu, and then shot towards its head.

The dead souls of the black dragon were expelled, and its body suddenly twisted to avoid the frontal attack of the flying sword, allowing the flying sword to fly past its body.

Even so, the sword edge still cut through his scales, leaving a long wound on his body.

The black dragon was horrified. Its hard and terrifying aura scales were actually scratched by the sword edge.

How can this be?

The black dragon's speed dropped sharply, his mind was trembling, and a chill ran down his spine.

At that moment, it actually felt the breath of death, and the human monk in the Nirvana realm almost killed it.

There's something wrong with that flying sword!

Black Dragon reacted in an instant.

That flying sword was at least Saint-level or higher, but it lacked the Holy-level Shen Yun, which made it look like an ordinary flying sword, causing the demon king to almost fall over.

A monk in the Nirvana realm controls a holy flying sword. No wonder he dares to steal its holy medicine.

The black dragon's eyes are fiery, that flying sword is mine.

Shocked by this, the human monk had disappeared. The guy was too fast, and he ran far away with a little delay.

The black dragon exploded with all its strength and continued to chase. Its senses and smells were terrifying, and it was always locked on Ji Chen's aura.

In the primitive old forest, countless monks move forward cautiously. The closer they get to the hinterland of the ruins, the more cautious they must be.

Suddenly, a streak of light flew across the sky, and a monk flew across the sky, exceeding the speed of sound. The terrifying sonic boom was deafening, and a fan-shaped white mist formed behind the monk.

Countless monks looked up at the sky, their eyes full of surprise.

"It's him!"

Someone recognized Ji Chen.

When he was outside the ruins, Ji Chen publicly killed people in the Tianshu Holy Land. His cruelty and ruthlessness made many people remember him.

"What a terrifying speed!"

Everyone was shocked. Ji Chen's burst of speed surprised them. A demigod in the Nirvana realm could actually burst out with such terrifying speed.

In the mountain forest, an old man led several disciples covered in blood as they walked carefully through the mountains and forests. The sonic boom rolled over their heads.

Several people looked at the sky curiously.

"It's him!"

These people were the same group of people Ji Chen met at the entrance. They had obviously gone through a life-and-death battle. There were only a few left at the moment. They were all injured and exhausted.

Looking at the retreating figure in the sky, several people realized that the young man they looked down upon was so ferocious.

On another mountain, a group of monks lamented, "It's so damn high-profile. It's worthy of being a being that dares to challenge Tianshu Holy Land. It dares to fly across the sky in such a dangerous secret realm."

"How do I feel that he is running for his life?"

Some people wonder that those who dare to challenge Tianshu Holy Land should not be so ignorant and so high-profile in such a dangerous secret realm.

He was flying so fast, no matter how he looked, he was running for his life.

As soon as he finished speaking, a huge black dragon flew across the sky, its huge body rolled across the sky, the ferocious evil energy swept across like a tsunami, and the majestic pressure was overwhelming.

After the black dragon flew by, thunderous sonic booms rolled in, deafening.

Everyone looked at the direction where the black dragon disappeared in shock, and then realized that the guy was really running for his life.

"Damn it, what did he do to make this wild black dragon chase him regardless of the power of his territory?"

"What a great man! He dares to provoke such a black dragon. He is indeed a ruthless person who dares to challenge Tianshu Holy Land."

In the sky, Ji Chen was in a bad mood. He had felt the terrifying aura coming from the ground more than once. Each terrifying aura represented a powerful monster occupying the place.

But he did not dare to delay at all. The black dragon behind him was still chasing after him. Although he used Tianxuan to sneak attack once and temporarily got rid of the crisis, he still did not get rid of the black dragon completely.

Moreover, the sneak attack method can only be used once. Once the opponent is prepared, it will be useless. After all, the strength is too different.

At this moment, Ji Chen suddenly saw a figure shaking on the top of the mountain ahead.

"It's Li Changzhi!"

Ji Chen recognized one of them, and although he didn't recognize a dozen others, he recognized their clothes.

"People from Tianshu Holy Land."

Li Changzhi got involved with Tianshu Holy Land.

"Finally found you."

Ji Chen shot towards the mountain peak.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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