I have a knife, I can kill monsters when I take it out of its sheath

Chapter 264 A dead Taoist friend is not dead but a poor Taoist

Some small sects and sects are gloating about their misfortune. Tianshu Holy Land and the royal family are overbearing and domineering and do not allow anyone to approach the temple. Now, everyone is buried inside, which is called deserved.

Those who were gloating about the misfortune were also those casual cultivators, including Ji Chen and King Kong.

"Amitabha, if you do too much unrighteousness, you will die. The young monk said it before. If you have a big appetite, be careful of choking. It's better this time. You may choke to death. This is called karma."

Ji Chen glanced at King Kong. This guy was too resentful and didn't look like a monk at all. Except for his bright yellow robes, a bald head, and his chanting of Buddha's name, he didn't look like a monk at all.

His words and deeds are more like a man of the world with a straightforward and fiery personality.

"How could this happen? How could such a terrifying power erupt?"

The people of Tianshu Holy Land frowned, and the temple suddenly erupted. This was not a good sign and was not conducive to future exploration. What if there was a sudden eruption while they were exploring when they entered next time, wouldn't it mean that the whole group would be wiped out.

With such unstable factors, who dares to explore? This is a dead end.

"Could it be a back-up plan arranged by the master of the temple? A killer move to prevent someone from robbing and exploring the tomb in the future."

Everyone thought about it and felt that it made sense. After all, no one wanted to have peace after death. Even the tomb had to be dug up. It was understandable that some killing moves were arranged to prevent tomb robberies.

"Not necessarily. This temple is not like a big tomb. Why do I feel that this is a test from the god to everyone? If you really don't want to be dug up, the temple will not be exposed. With the god's Unless you take the initiative to expose your abilities, no one will be able to find the location of the tomb."

Everyone also felt that this explanation made sense. They were at a loss for a while and didn't know what to do.

After the temple erupted once, it calmed down, and the terrifying divine power disappeared, but no one dared to approach the temple. The scene was so scary right now, and many people still have lingering fears.

"Just wait! The powerful men from the major holy places are already on their way. In this case, we can only wait until they arrive before making a decision."

No one knew what was going on inside, and no one dared to approach or enter rashly. Everyone was frightened by the scene just now.

The most anxious people now are the Daxia royal family and Tianshu Holy Land.

The royal family and Tianshu Holy Land can jointly intimidate ordinary sects and forces, but if they really encounter the ancient forces and the great sect, they have no choice.

Those people don't have any scruples when they take action. They will get what they want even if they break through this world.

The Eastern Territory is vast and vast. It is really too big. There are so many divine kingdoms that it is difficult to count. No single divine kingdom can truly intimidate the entire Eastern Territory. Daxia and Tianshu Holy Land combined cannot do it.

The Northern Territory is even more vast, with boundless territory, countless holy places, and countless great sects. Any one of them is a powerful existence in the nine heavens and ten earths.

The location of the temple is right between the Eastern Territory and the Northern Territory. Although it is within the territory of Daxia, the ancient forces and the great sect will not care about it at all.

They are coming, and even the Daxia royal family and Tianshu Holy Land cannot stop them.

"Wait! Wait for the reinforcements to arrive and see if we can crack the secret of the temple."

The strong men from the Tianshu Holy Land and the royal family were standing on the top of the mountain, their expressions not very good. Such a terrible change had occurred in the temple, and they could only wait for reinforcements to arrive.

Now they just hope that nothing happened to the group of people who entered the temple before, so that they can still have a slight advantage.

After a long time, divine lights appeared in the sky, and the sound of piercing the sky was endless.

After the news spread, the first batch of monks arrived. They were all from nearby caves and sects. They were the first to arrive. Divine lights fell one after another and landed around the temple. Some people went directly into the temple, eager to explore.

At this moment, everyone who had witnessed the changes in the temple remained silent in a tacit understanding. This tacit understanding was so clear that no one spoke, and no one stopped them, allowing these people to enter.

At this moment, everyone tacitly chose to be the sixth one, even some casual cultivators. They kept silent and tried to deceive everyone.

A dead Taoist friend will not die a poor Taoist!

The more people die, the fewer competitors there are.

There are also some alert people with sharp minds who sense something is wrong.

The people around them were too calm. They stood on the top of the mountain and watched, but no one was in a hurry to enter the temple.

Especially the people from Tianshu Holy Land and Daxia Royal Family were also watching on the top of the mountain, calmly.

This is not like their character. With their peeing habits, really good things would have gone in long ago, and they would even send people to block the door domineeringly to prevent anyone from entering. Their current behavior is a bit abnormal.

This group of alert people also chose to wait and see, and even took the initiative to stay away from the temple and were not in a hurry to enter.

As time went by, more and more monks came.


The sound of piercing the sky is endless, and the sky is full of divine rainbows appearing in the sky, falling here like meteors.

The divine light was like a sky full of arrows, falling from the sky and falling in the valley.

Countless monks rushed to the temple in a feverish manner.

According to past experience, whoever takes action first gets the relics and treasures.

The people watching around still didn't speak, watching all this indifferently, waiting for the monks to help explore.

A moment later, someone ran out of the temple in panic and fled for their lives.


Some people yelled angrily, horrified.

A mysterious atmosphere filled the temple, and the runes on it began to glow. In an instant, terrifying divine power erupted, filling the entire valley in an instant. The brilliance was as bright as if it were burning.

Everyone in the entire valley burned up and were imprisoned in the field of divine power. Their clothes instantly burned to ashes, their bodies were transparent, their blood was burning, their bodies, organs, bones, and flesh were all burning, and they turned into ashes in an instant. .

The horrific scene flashed and disappeared quickly.

At this moment, the valley was silent, and the entire Qunxian Mountains were silent. Everyone's face was pale, especially those who had escaped from death and barely escaped from the edge of death. Their hearts were frightened, their whole people were full of fear, and their bodies were shaking. Sift chaff.

They were just one step away from escaping a little later, and like those people, they were wiped out in ashes.

This feeling of brushing against death and surviving a disaster made their minds tremble, and their bodies shook uncontrollably, as if they were swinging.

They finally understood the reason why those people stood on the cliff before, staring at the temple without saying a word. There was a great terror in the temple, and those people regarded the newcomers as cannon fodder and let them explore the way.

Those monks who did not rush into the temple because of their vigilance were frightened for a while, and their faces turned pale.

Some people even complained to Lao Liu next to them, "Fellow Taoist, you are a bit unkind. You knew there was danger inside, but you didn't warn me."

"Greed is the original sin. If you are not greedy, how can you be fooled?"

Lao Liu next to him was so confident that the group of people were so angry that they couldn't say anything.

Indeed, if it were not for greed, one would not be fooled.

At this moment, another monk arrived, and divine rainbows broke through the sky, flying from the sky and falling into the valley like meteors.

At this moment, everyone in the entire Qunxian Mountains remained silent again.

That damn tacit understanding is so unified.

Especially those who had narrowly escaped death before, in order to regain their inner balance, they quickly entered the state, calmed down, stood on the top of the mountain, and were silent with everyone.

The newcomers were as reckless and excited as ever, and rushed straight into the temple.

One after another.

Groups of people rushed in, but quickly rushed out. Those who survived chose to join the ranks of Old Six and continue to trick the next group of people.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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