No one wants to be cannon fodder and sacrifice themselves to achieve success for others.

"In that case, I won't force you!"

Seeing that everyone was not fooled, the strong men of Tianshu Holy Land could not forcefully capture the strong man, otherwise they would be blamed.

But Tianshu Holy Land has set its sights on the small forces that rely on them.

"Master Zhou, please bring your people in with us!"

Leader Zhou is the leader of the Qingling Sect, a medium-sized force. The strongest master in the sect is in the realm of Venerables and is attached to Tianshu Holy Land.

After hearing the instructions from Tianshu Holy Land, Master Zhou was very reluctant and felt bitter in his heart, but there was nothing he could do. They are affiliated with Tianshu Holy Land and are protected by Tianshu Holy Land. Similarly, when Tianshu Holy Land asks them to pay a price, they cannot refuse.

Although he knew that he would have a narrow escape from death this time, he still had no choice but to obey.

"We, the Qingling Sect, will go all out to help Tianshu Holy Land open the temple ruins."


The venerable Tianshu Holy Land nodded, "We at Tianshu Holy Land will not forget your efforts. When the time comes to deliver good things, we will definitely not forget your contribution, and the Qingling Sect will definitely be satisfied."

The Venerable Master of Tianshu Holy Land also knew the thoughts of Qingling Cult Master, and in order to appease him, he gave him a promise.

After all, the Qingling leader also has the cultivation level of the venerable realm, which is a powerful help at this moment.

Immediately, the leader of Qingling Cult began to arrange manpower. They could not all go in, but wanted to leave some fire and inheritance for Qingling Cult.

Some elders whose lifespan has reached the limit are arranged to enter the temple to help the Tianshu Holy Land open the miracles. Those who are in the prime of life and have very good qualifications are arranged to stay outside. If necessary, they can evacuate the temple to preserve their strength.

Tianshu Holy Land has no objections to this. They can't really use up all the fire of the Qingling Sect, so that no more sects will be attached to them in the future.

After the arrangements were made, everyone began to enter the main hall, preparing to open the treasure inside first.

It is estimated that many powerful people are on their way now. You must open the treasure before them to get enough benefits.

Some people entered the temple, and some people guarded the outside to prevent others from causing damage.

Li Changzhi was arranged to guard outside. Yang Zhenye did not let him go in to take risks, and asked him to lead his soldiers to form a battle formation and defend outside.

A powerful battle formation is not suitable for exploration, but for defense.

This kind of work of exploring miracles requires strong individual strength and quick reactions.

Tianshu Holy Land also left several powerful men at the feather level outside to complement the royal family.

"Amitabha, these holy places are really overbearing. Once they enter, they guard the entrance to prevent others from entering, and they are not afraid that the food will be too big and choke them to death."

King Kong complained, full of resentment.

Ji Chen didn't take it seriously, "These powerful forces have always been like this. Just wait, they won't be able to hold on until the stronger ones arrive. Then it's time for us to go in. It's not a good thing to go in now. There are many dangers. Let them explore first.”

"You have to go in!"

King Kong looked at Ji Chen in surprise. He was just joking and complaining. He didn't really want to go in. You must know that the people who entered there were all a group of venerables, and the lowest ones were all transformed into feathers. You, a demigod, went in to fight with them. If you grab food, isn't that asking for death?

Ji Chen nodded, he had to go in.

"Who wouldn't want to fight for such a miracle? We monks just want to compete with heaven, earth, and people! The opportunity is right in front of us. If we don't fight, we will miss it."


The temple suddenly shook, emitting dazzling rays of light that made the surrounding mountains tremble.

This sudden change surprised everyone.

"Something's wrong!" Ji Chen looked solemn.

"There seems to be runes flashing on the temple!"

Many runes appeared on the temple, and these runes were glowing, like some kind of divine runes coming to life.

The entire temple was filled with a strange and mysterious aura, which made people feel palpitated.

Powerful divine power gathered on the temple.

"Did they hit some kind of restriction?"

King Kong was also a little confused!

Everyone in the Immortal Mountains looked solemn, and the divine power gathered in the temple became more and more powerful, as if it was about to explode in the next second.

"Let's go!"

Ji Chen's eyelids were trembling, and he sensed the great danger. He made a prompt decision, used eight steps to ascend into the air, and quickly flew away.

He sensed a crisis. The people inside seemed to be breaking some kind of terror restriction, or possibly triggering some kind of restriction.

King Kong also left after him. Although his eight steps into the sky were not as far away as Ji Chen's, they were also very fast with the successive moves.

Xia Liyun, Zhao Qingcheng and others also sensed the danger and quickly retreated into the distance.

Some monks who sensed the danger also changed their faces and shouted loudly: "Back away, there is a change in the temple!"

In fact, there was no need for them to shout. People around the temple had already sensed the changes in the temple and quickly fled outside.

All the powerful men in Tianshu Holy Land, including Li Changzhi, turned into streams of light and pulsed towards the surrounding mountains.


The temple suddenly erupted, a terrifying aura filled the air, and invisible divine power instantly filled the entire canyon and surrounding peaks. It was as if time had stopped, and all those who had not had time to escape were imprisoned in place, unable to move.


An old man in Tianshu Holy Land roared, and the divine light spread too fast, covering the entire valley in the blink of an eye.

The next moment, the dazzling divine power burned, and all the imprisoned people were burned from the inside to the outside. Their flesh, bones, and blood were burned to ashes in an instant.

Only those with quick reflexes escaped.

Those who were lucky enough to escape were all terrified, and the fear of escaping from death made everyone tremble.

They were just one step away from dying inside, and just like those others, they were wiped out in ashes.

"how so?"

Li Changzhi was in shock, with the fear still on his face. All his soldiers were buried inside, and no one except him escaped.

Faced with death for the first time, his body was shaking and his face was pale, and he narrowly escaped death. And the battle formation of fifty people was buried inside, destroyed in ashes.

The Feather Powerful Man from Tianshu Holy Land also had a livid complexion, not much better than Li Changzhi, and his body was shaking. This feeling of escaping from death made his heart beat wildly, which could be heard from several meters around. His blood flow accelerated, and his complexion whitish.

This time they also suffered heavy losses. Except for a few feathered warriors and peak demigods who barely escaped, the rest were all buried inside.

"How could such a terrifying divine power burst out?"

No one knows what happened inside, no one dares to go in easily, and those who enter don't know if they are all doomed.

Everyone speculated that the people inside may have been in danger.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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