I have a knife, I can kill monsters when I take it out of its sheath

Chapter 257 Dragon slaying, the death of Lord Qingjiao

Messaging talismans are very expensive to make, and the further the distance, the higher the price. The speed is really fast, and it uses certain rules to communicate, but it is also easy to be detected and intercepted by strong people.

The old man in Tianshu Holy Land had no choice but to do this. The news of the miracle could not be concealed. It would definitely shake the entire Northern and Eastern Regions. It won’t be long before countless powerful men and sects came to attack Tianshu. The current power of the Holy Land is difficult to gain the upper hand.

The Demon Suppressing Division's chariot rolled over, and a middle-aged strong man walked out of it. When the royal family saw this, they immediately came forward to greet him.

Even Li Changzhi stepped forward to greet him. The Demon Suppressing Division was a peerless weapon in Emperor Xia's hands. Even the forces behind Li Changzhi did not dare to provoke him easily.

Only Xia Lijun did not move. She led people to a cliff. Since she said she would watch the battle, she would not take action.

At this moment, a dragon head appeared in the sky, looking down at the main hall below.

The middle-aged man from the Demon Suppression Department glanced at the sky and said coldly: "Animals also want to get a share of the pie. If you don't want to die, just stay away."


There was a cold snort in the sky, like thunder exploding.

"The Demon Suppressor is too overbearing! The birth of a miracle is an opportunity for everyone. If you, the Demon Suppressor, want to dominate, you may not be able to do it. You can drive away all the holy places and great religions."

A golden Dragon-Slaying Sword appeared in the middle-aged man's hand. He looked up at the sky, "But remember, with this Dragon-Slaying Sword, other holy places and great religions can participate, but not the Monster Clan. I cannot drive away other forces. But it’s still possible to kill a bunch of animals.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the middle-aged man stood up and raised his sword to slash at the clouds.

The royal family of Daxia and the demon clan are natural enemies. They once fought in this world to compete for the destiny of the world. In the end, the demon clan lost and Daxia was founded.

Otherwise, there will be one less Great Xia Kingdom and one more Ten Thousand Monsters Kingdom on this land.

This is also the reason why Daxia established the Demon Suppression Division, just to continue suppressing the demon clan.

At this moment, there are monsters who dare to enter the territory of Daxia openly and covet the miracles. As a strong person in the Demon Suppression Division, he naturally wants to kill the chickens to scare the monkeys.


The sword energy was canceled out, the sky seemed to collapse, the battle broke out, and the vast coercion filled the sky and covered the earth.

A huge dragon claw came out, exploded the whole world, and blasted towards the strong man from the Demon Suppression Division, hoping to blow him up with one blow.

The divine power was so vast that the clouds in the sky were broken open. A blue dragon crossed the sky and a battle broke out with the powerful royal family.

The bright light of blue sky flooded the sky, rendering the entire sky blue.

The powerful men in the entire Qunxian Mountains are paying attention to the battle in the sky.

The battle scene between one person and one dragon was so terrifying that no one could see it clearly except for a few strong men from Tianshu Holy Land.

The divine light engulfed the two of them, blazing to the extreme. It was like two ancient mountains were colliding inside, and a terrifying explosion erupted, shaking the bodies of many strong men around them, almost trembling.


The void was trembling, the divine light collapsed, like the sun exploding, dazzling beams of light shot out, and terrifying energy swept across.

In the void, the dragon trembled and roared furiously, as if it had encountered a terrible enemy.

Blood spattered out and fell to the ground.


Like an explosion, the blazing blood melted the ground into a huge pit, exuding astonishing pressure.

Everyone was horrified. This was the power of the Venerable. A drop of blood had endless power, and could even crush the innate strong ones.

"Is that dragon injured?"

Everyone was surprised because the dripping blood was actually accompanied by cyan scales.

The strong men of the Demon Suppression Department want to slay the dragon!

Everyone was shocked, that was a dragon, a dragon.

Among the clouds, a strong man from the Demon Suppression Department was holding a golden sword, exuding the breath of immortality, and looked at the blue dragon with indifference.

"The so-called Dragon Clan is nothing more than that!"

Not far away, the powerful green dragon transformed into a human form. His body spasmed slightly and was stained with blood. There was a sword wound on his chest, and the bones were deeply visible. The dragon's blood was flowing gurglingly.


The green dragon roared, full of anger and boundless murderous intent. The royal family was overbearing, and the Demon Suppressing Department was even more overbearing. He just glanced at it and was about to be killed by the commander of the Demon Suppressing Department.

That's right, the sword-wielding man in front of him is Beizhou Commander Yang Zhenye, the strongest person in Beizhou Town Demon Division.

"Yang Zhenye!"

The green dragon roared, and the wound on his chest was recovering quickly. There were green runes flashing in that place, and the sword wound that was originally two feet long was quickly repaired.

The cyan light on its body seemed to be burning, emitting terrifying energy fluctuations.

Qing Jiao Long has already decided to retreat. Yang Zhenye is too powerful and he will die if he continues to fight.

But it also knows the character of Zhenyao Si very well. Once it takes action, it will never let him go. It can only fight to the death and find an opportunity to leave.

It burned with divine power, forming a flame, and traces of blood flowed from its pores.

The green dragon used the forbidden secret technique to not only recover from his injuries, but also to restore his strength to its peak.


The dragon's roar shook the sky. He took the initiative and swooped over, piercing the sky like a blue meteor, carrying a terrifying aura, intending to destroy the world.

The crystal claws erupted with brilliant light, as powerful and majestic as a sun, and smashed towards Yang Zhenye, trying to destroy him.

"You have been defeated. If I can kill you once, I can kill you a second time."

Yang Zhenye said coldly, with a powerful sword intent erupting from his body, majestic and accompanied by a vision, like a divine sword standing between heaven and earth.

The dragon-slaying sword erupted with bright sword light, as if it was about to cut through the starry sky.


The most intense collision broke out, and immeasurable light erupted from the two of them.


Blood spattered and a dragon head fell.

The green dragon was beheaded by Yang Zhenye's sword.

Its true body was also revealed, and the corpse of the dragon that was hundreds of meters long fell down and hit the valley, stirring up smoke and dust all over the sky.

All the powerful men in the Immortal Mountains were turned to stone and then boiled.

"Oh my god, what did I see? Someone slayed the dragon."

"It's too powerful. The Demon Suppression Division is worthy of being the number one terrorist organization in Great Xia. A dragon can be killed as soon as it's said to be killed."

Compared with the anger of ordinary monks, Tianshu Holy Land's face was a little ugly.

The stronger Yang Zhenye is, it means that they will be at a disadvantage in the next battle.

The demons of the demon clan were even more frightened and in a terrible mood.

"Oh God, Lord Qingjiao was actually killed."

A strong demon clan man screamed, feeling guilty, and turned around and ran away.

There were also many powerful demon clan men who rushed towards the place where Lord Qingjiao fell, trying to take away the body of Lord Qingjiao.

It's not just the demon clan who have this idea, human monks also have this idea. If they can get the body of Lord Qingjiao and refine it, they might be able to break through and even cultivate the body of a true dragon.

In short, for the demigods in the Nirvana realm, the body of a powerful person is a treasure, not to mention the dragon of the demon clan.

Ji Chen, who was originally watching on the cliff, had long since lost his trace. He rushed over to Master Qingjiao as soon as he fell, like a bolt of lightning, shuttling through the mountains and forests.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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