"I thought this was just the ruins of some ancient holy land, or the ruins of an ancient great religion, but I didn't expect that divine blood was actually dispensed. A god may have fallen in this hall. This is really unexpected. Such a discovery It’s enough to shake the northern and eastern regions.”

The powerful men in Tianshu Holy Land kept sighing. It was precisely because of their misjudgments that they were in this passive situation.

The main hall has been surrounded and no one is allowed to approach. Since a god may have died inside, there may be the remains of the god inside, and that is the real treasure.

The remains of a god, whether it is a strand of hair or a drop of blood, are supreme treasures.

A hair can cut off mountains and rivers, and a drop of blood can crush the world.

Even if you can get a hair, that's enough.

On the cliff in the distance, Ji Chen looked at this scene in horror. There was actually a drop of divine blood in the small tower.

Whose is that drop of divine blood?

The master's, or the master's enemy?

Ji Chen really wanted to participate in snatching that drop of divine blood. He was very greedy. If he could refine that drop of divine blood, maybe his divine body would become a powerful one.

He didn't know how powerful Dacheng's divine body was. Even if it wasn't as powerful as the gods, it wouldn't be much different.

But with his current strength, he would only become cannon fodder.

The entrance to the main hall is still under the control of Tianshu Holy Land and the royal family. It is impossible to enter at all and can only continue to wait for the opportunity.

Tianshu Holy Land and the royal family are also beginning to plan the time to enter the hall again, and both sides have sent back news.

Things here cannot be hidden at all, and other forces who get the news will also come after hearing the news.

That drop of divine blood has already broken through the air, and whether it can be pursued or not is still a matter of debate. The remains of the gods in the main hall are the real treasures, and both the royal family and the Tianshu Holy Land are determined to get it.

Ji Chen sat on the cliff, looking at the Immortal Mountains from a distance, waiting for the opportunity, and thinking about how to enter the temple.

Tantai Xuan said that there was something left for him inside, so he had to go in.

At this moment, there were roars from the sky in the distance, and dozens of chariots rolled in.

In front of those dozens of chariots were dozens of soldiers riding dragons and horses.

The leader was a young man, riding a dragon horse, wearing armor, and holding a spear. This man was Li Changzhi, who had met Ji Chen once and made a bet.

He actually showed up here with an army.

In the other direction, dozens of divine rainbows pierced the sky, all of them women, like gods, coming gracefully.

The leader was none other than Xia Liyun, who was surrounded by dozens of women.

All the women are dressed in white, which is better than snow. They are pure and beautiful, free from the breath of the world. They are extremely light, floating like immortals, not eating the fireworks of the world, and are transcendent and refined.

All the girls were walking with their swords, ethereal and elegant, carefree between heaven and earth, flying over Ji Chen's head.

Ji Chen finally saw someone wielding a sword and felt like a legendary cultivator.

Seeing Li Changzhi appear here, everyone in Tianshu Holy Land looked a little unhappy, especially since he also brought troops.

Although the strength of the army itself is not strong, once it forms a battle formation, it is very powerful and can leapfrog the ranks and trap and kill the strong.

"Ha! All the leaders who fought in the border areas are here. Did you lead the troops without permission and leave without permission, or did it because of General Xu's wishes, or because of the selfish interests of the Li family?"

An old man from Tianshu Holy Land greeted him, but his words had the meaning of interrogation.

It would be interesting if Li Changzhi came privately with his troops.

After all, it is not impossible for young people to take charge of the army and be impulsive.

Li Changzhi is from the imperial court, and his arrival is naturally on the side of the royal family.

"The general will act, why do you need to say more!"

Li Changzhi said coldly, without giving Tianshu Holy Land any dignity. He now not only represents the military, but also represents the Li family and the royal family, and there is no need to give Tianshu Holy Land face.

The face of Tianshu Holy Land's strong man Li suddenly darkened.

The Li family of Daxia is really not enough in front of Tianshu Holy Land, let alone Li Changzhi, but Li Changzhi has a special status now, and Tianshu Holy Land really can't do anything to him.

Moreover, as the direct descendant of the Li family, Li Changzhi was secretly followed by guardians, and the strength of the guardians was at least at the level of venerables.

The strong men of Tianshu Holy Land lost face with Li Changzhi, and then set their sights on Xia Liyun.

"Unexpectedly, His Highness Lian Jiu has been alarmed. His Highness Ninth Prince has always kept aloof from the world. Are you planning to participate in the fight for the relic treasure?"

When the old man from Tianshu Holy Land said hello, it was also a kind of test.

The Daxia royal family is very strong, but there are many factions. Xia Liyun has always been neutral and does not participate in any battles. She is not strong, but the forces behind her and the people who protect her cannot be ignored. If she stands with Li Changzhi at this time , which is naturally very detrimental to Tianshu Holy Land.

Xia Lijun smiled and said: "I have been traveling in the Northern Territory during this time. Seeing the vast divine power here, I stopped by to find out. I never expected to encounter a miracle. I expected that in the next few days, this news would shake the Northern Territory and the I will not participate in the fight for the Eastern Territory, I just want to admire the vast scene of a miracle."

Seeing that Xia Liyun had no intention of participating, the strong men of Tianshu Holy Land breathed a sigh of relief.

The Northern Wilderness border was originally a desolate land. Now that the temple has emerged, there are even ancient gods who have died in it. The news has spread, and I believe that a peerless powerhouse will come soon.

By then, this place will be flooded by a large number of monks, and when countless strong men arrive, it will definitely be a scene of fighting between dragons and tigers.

The most tense thing at the moment is Tianshu Holy Land. They were the first to discover the miracle here, but because they did not cover it up in time, the news leaked out and attracted the attention of all parties.

I thought that this place was within the territory of Daxia, and even if there was a dispute, it would be a dispute with the royal family, but divine blood appeared unexpectedly. There were various signs that a god might have died in the hall.

This kind of news cannot be concealed at all, even if the royal family forcibly intervenes on the grounds that this is within Daxia, unless the royal family wants to be enemies of all major holy places and all great religions at the same time.

This is obviously not a situation that the royal family is willing to face. In the end, everyone can only rely on their own abilities.

Not long after, a chariot rolled over in the sky, making the entire sky tremble.

Everyone in Tianshu Holy Land changed their expressions. That chariot was the chariot of the Demon Suppression Division.

Seeing this, an old man quickly took out a communication rune.

This is a 100,000-mile communication talisman. The old man deposited a thought and then inspired the communication talisman.

The next moment, the communication talisman turned into a stream of light and disappeared out of thin air.

The communication talisman is a means of communication, including the 10,000-mile communication talisman, the 100,000-mile communication talisman, and the million-mile communication talisman. Generally, it will not be used easily unless there is an emergency.

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