The fierce battle caused the earth to collapse and a majestic hall appeared in the center of the Immortal Mountains. Countless people wanted to rush into the hall.

The dull sound of the confrontation shook the whole world, and the heaven and earth trembled. Even from a distance, people felt trembling and dared not come near.

Even Ji Chen didn't dare to get close. The aftermath of a confrontation of this level could kill him.

The Qunxian Mountain Range was originally the terrain guarded by the Nine Dragons. A huge pit appeared in the middle of the sky. Part of a main hall was exposed on the surface and part was buried underground. The horrific aftermath of the battle failed to shake the main hall in the slightest.

After the people from Tianshu Holy Land arrived, they directly surrounded the main hall. A group of terrifying strong men walked out, stepped in the void, and with a flash of light, disappeared at the entrance of the hall and rushed in forcefully.

The royal family was not to be outdone. Dozens of chariots rolled in. Dozens of strong men came out of the chariots, took one step forward, and disappeared directly at the entrance of the hall.


A violent conflict seemed to have broken out inside the hall, and fairy light flew out, causing everyone outside the hall who had not had time to enter to be illuminated by the fairy light and turned into nothingness.

This scene frightened countless people, who quickly retreated far away from the main hall.

A battle of this level is shocking.

The whole hall seemed to be trembling. The battle inside was very fierce. From time to time, fairy light flew out and divine power gushed out.

A ray of purple cloud shot out, flew dozens of miles away, and penetrated a mountain peak.

That purple cloud is a fragment of a weapon.

The people guarding outside also took action, turning into streams of light and rushing towards the fragment of the weapon.

It was a fragment of a weapon that was almost at the holy level. Even if it was broken into pieces, it was still an extraordinary weapon refining material.


Suddenly, there was a violent vibration, and a vast and unpredictable pressure rushed out of the hall like a tsunami. The people around the hall were instantly annihilated, the chariot was destroyed, and the monsters turned into blood mist.

This scene frightened everyone, and countless people retreated.

There were people everywhere around the Immortal Mountains. The people who were still watching after the pressure dissipated all turned into streams of light, shooting towards the main hall, and the rays of light disappeared into the main hall.

An even more terrifying battle broke out, with a 'boom' and mysterious ripples spreading, as if some kind of restriction inside was broken.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

Countless strong men swarmed in.

Ji Chen took advantage of the fact that everyone was attracted by the hall and slipped towards the lake.

His main purpose of coming here this time was to take back Tantai Xuan's physical body, but he accidentally encountered the ancient ruins.

Perhaps it was the war in the Northern Wasteland that attracted many strong men, who accidentally discovered this place and opened the ancient ruins by mistake.

Soon, Ji Chen came to the edge of the lake, only to find that there were many people wandering around the lake, and some people had even entered the water.

Maybe someone discovered something strange under the lake, or maybe they just wanted to go down and investigate, just like I did back then.

The appearance of these people gave Ji Chen a sense of urgency and some anxiety.

He quickly used his invisibility technique and dived into the lake. Even when he entered the water, he was still invisible and dived towards the location of Tantai Xuan.

After a while, Ji Chen approached Tantai Xuan's position and saw someone there from a distance.

Someone discovered Tantai Xuan's body and was shocked, but did not dare to get close.

Ji Chen sneaked over.

The bottom of the lake is dark and there is no light, but it has little impact on monks above the innate realm.

A dozen demigod monks appeared here, looking at Tantai Xuan's immortal body in shock. The terrifying pressure made their bodies burst, and the fire of the soul was almost extinguished.

There is an immortal body at the bottom of the lake. This is definitely an astonishing discovery.

They went to the bottom of the lake just to try their luck, but unexpectedly they encountered an ancient immortal body. Even though they were dead, the pressure still extinguished the fire of their souls.

Could it be some ancient god?

That immortal body was pierced by a spear, but the body was immortal. After so many years, it still had a peerless appearance, stunning the country and the city. It was perfect to the extreme, like the mysterious goddess who had descended from the Nine Heavens.

The group of people moved closer and closer despite the pressure. The terrifying pressure made them tremble with fear, and their blood seemed to burst out.

They suspected that this woman might have been a real god during her lifetime, or at worst an emperor or a human emperor.

Such a terrifying person has been killed, and his body was pierced with a spear, and he was nailed here. How terrifying her opponent must be.

It's a bit shocking to think about it.

In the silent darkness, a ray of moonlight suddenly lit up.

At the bottom of this silent lake, in the dark water, a ray of light suddenly lit up, startling everyone.

Everyone was already frightened and faced the pressure of the immortal body, and their hearts were at their limit. The sudden light of the moon almost made them break their guard, thinking that the immortal body was a fake corpse.

However, the next moment, they felt the stinging pain in their souls. The bright light was like a sword light, shining into their eyes but piercing into their hearts and striking at their souls.

The pain was like tearing their souls apart, as if they had been split open by a knife. The tearing pain made them lose all sense.

Even though everyone was a demigod, they lost their perception and vision at this moment.

What Ji Chen was fighting for was this moment.

The sword light lit up and turned into rays of light.

"Puff puff puff puff!"

In an instant, everyone's eyebrows were pierced by the light of the sword, and their bodies lost control and floated in the water.

Ji Chen quickly used the Heaven-Swallowing Technique, swallowing everyone's origins and taking off their stored magic weapons.

Taking a look at the killing point, just this one step increased by half a million.

A dozen demigods, half a million killing points.

Not a loss!

Afterwards, Ji Chen came directly in front of Tantai Xuan. For others, the pressure that was so terrifying that their bodies would explode did not exist for Ji Chen.

He didn't feel the presence of coercion, maybe it was the relationship between master and disciple, and the master's preference for his beloved disciple.

When Ji Chen came down to the bottom of the lake half a year ago, it was still in the foundation building stage, and he didn't feel any pressure at all.

He saluted Tantai Xuan's body.

"Master, I'm here to pick you up."

Then, Ji Chen picked up Tantai Xuan's body and put it into the ring.

He found a towering tree inside the ring, made a soft nest in the tree, and placed Tantai Xuan on it.

As for the spear that pierced her body, Ji Chen did not dare to pull it out easily. He put it in the ring first and then tried to revive her later.

Just when Ji Chen was about to leave, he found a line of beautiful small characters where Tantai Xuan was sitting cross-legged.

There are things I left for you in the main hall.

When he saw this sentence, Ji Chen was stunned. He originally didn't want to get involved in the affairs of the main hall. There were too many terrifying and powerful people. He, a little shrimp, would be cannon fodder, and the aftermath would kill him.

Now it seems that I have to go.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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