But Guo Youde laughed and said: "Sit down, there are only a few of us in the room, and behind closed doors we are all our own people."

Ding Gongbo then sat down, feeling very grateful to Ji Chen. He knew very well that Ji Chen's move was to support him. From now on, he would be at ease in this place, at least not many people would dare to make things difficult for him.

Ji Chen and the other three were chatting about the current situation. Ding Gongbo didn't quite understand, so he could only listen carefully.

"The war has begun in Beihuang!" Guo Youde said.

The biggest thing in Daxia right now is the war in the Northern Wilderness, and basically everyone is paying attention to it.

The success or failure of the Beihuang War is even related to the situation in the court.

Xie Anbing looked at Ji Chen, "Brother Beigui, what are your next plans? Should you go to Beihuang to practice, or continue to stay in Fangtian City."

He had heard Ji Chen say that he was going to the Northern Wilderness battlefield to practice, so he asked.

Ji Chen said: "When the matter here is settled, I will go to Beihuang for a walk. I have an agreement with someone and I must fulfill it."

Beihuang is his hometown. Although his hometown in this life is not that rich, at least he had a complete childhood when he was a child. The cheap dad was very kind to him.

Moreover, he and Li Changzhi also had an agreement to be fulfilled in Beihuang.

Several people chatted about Fang Tiancheng's next plan. Most of them were Xie Anbing and Guo Youde asking Ji Chen's opinion.

Ji Chen also put forward some ideas of his own. He originally wanted to move the Tiandao Alliance, but Xie Anbing gave him a suggestion.

When Fangtian City was first built, whether it was the Demon Suppression Department, the Patrol and Apprehension Department, or even the government offices, they needed manpower. Xie Anbing suggested that letting the Tiandao Alliance stay in Fangtian City would be of great help, and even after review, some people could be allowed Join Sansi.

After all, the people of the Tiandao Alliance were originally gang members. The worldly power, market life, materialistic pride and luxury are the lives they like.

These people may like power, but if they are allowed to completely cut off the mortal world and go to the mountains to practice, it will be difficult to simply pursue power. It would be a good thing to let them stay in the mortal world.

Ji Chen thought about it for a while. The purpose of establishing the Tiandao Alliance was to control the chaos. Now the chaos has been divided into Hejian Mansion. With more regular management, the existence of the Tiandao Alliance is a bit embarrassing.

Although he has now found a secret realm, these people are obviously not suitable for the closed life of the secret realm.

In some great sects, disciples in the foundation-building stage are not qualified to go down the mountain to practice, and they can only stay in the sect before they are born.

The members of the Tiandao Alliance who were accustomed to life in the city suddenly asked him to live a closed life in a secret realm. I'm afraid it would be difficult to adapt.

This was something Ji Chen had not considered before.

In the end, Ji Chen agreed with Xie Anbing's suggestion.

As night fell, Ji Chen returned to the Tiandao Alliance and discussed the future direction of the Tiandao Alliance. He gave Xie Anbing's suggestion.

To Ji Chen's surprise, except for Mo Feifei, everyone else was willing to choose to stay in Fangtian City.

Ji Chen respected their opinions.

Mo Feifei is going to the Northern Territory to see the magnificent world.

Qian Ping and Lin Junfeng, on the other hand, chose to stay in Fangtian City and guard the brand name of the Tiandao Alliance.

The chaos was finally over.

Three days later, Ji Chen embarked on his journey again with the goal of Beihuang.

After half a year, he wanted to return to that place again.

A black horse, pulling a luxurious carriage, flew across the sky like a bolt of lightning.

A few days later, the Northern Wilderness was in sight. Ji Chen was not in a hurry to go to the battlefield. He wanted to go to the Immortal Mountains first to bring back his master's physical body.

He sat in the carriage, and the black dragon pulled the carriage all the way across the sky, flying through the air.

Ji Chen thought he was already very low-key, but when he was approaching the Nine Immortals Mountains, he realized that he was still low-key.

There was a huge noise behind him, like thousands of troops galloping, and dozens of divine rainbows flew across the sky.

Monster beasts roared, the mist rolled, clouds covered the sky, and dozens of monster beasts came in the clouds and fog. Each monster beast carried a monk on its back, walking through the air, like thunder and explosions, and there seemed to be thousands of troops. In charge.

Those monsters are all alien monsters, rare species, like bloodline left over from ancient times, with thick scales and ferocious ferociousness.

The leader, a monk riding a monster beast, carried a large flag with the words Tianshu Holy Land on it.

Tianshu Holy Land, one of the Seven Holy Lands, is also the only Holy Land in Daxia.

When Emperor Xia founded his country, it was said that he had the support of Tianshu Holy Land.

Tianshu Holy Land's status in Daxia is like a holy religion.

Seventy-two divine rainbows were in front, and thirty-six monster beasts were behind, carrying thirty-six strong men. There were only more than a hundred people, but they rushed over like thousands of troops, and the sky was trembling.

The monster roared, its murderous intent surged into the sky, and even Ji Chen was frightened. It was such a grand scene.

At this moment, thunder rolled in front, and more than thirty chariots rolled in the sky, with murderous intent soaring into the sky, and the crushing sky trembled.

A big flag on the chariot, summer!


Ji Chen looked at this word and was surprised. It was so arrayed and pompous. There was only one family in the whole of Daxia, the royal family.

Something happened, Tianshu Holy Land and the royal family appeared here at the same time.

"Tianshu Holy Land, what a grand ceremony!"

A cold voice came from the direction of the chariot.

The two sides met in the sky, each occupying a part of the sky, and faced each other from a distance.

Ji Chen saw some clues. Tianshu Holy Land and the royal family seemed to be at odds.

Both sides are fierce and murderous, and the war seems to be about to break out.

Ji Chen put away the carriage and black dragon, landed on the ground, and waited for the two sides to start fighting.

But the two sides did not fight. After a moment of confrontation, they each headed towards the Immortal Mountains.

Looking at the direction in which the two forces were retreating, Ji Chen instantly understood that something had happened in the Qunxian Mountains!

Tianshu Holy Land and the royal family appeared at the same time and headed towards the Immortal Mountains. Something extraordinary must have appeared there.

When he passed by the Qunxian Mountains last year, he noticed that there was something extraordinary there. It might be the ruins of a great religion or a holy land. However, his cultivation level was too low at the time to discover the mystery.

Ji Chen put the hat of his big cloak on his head to cover his face, restrained his breath, and ran towards the Immortal Mountains at full speed. He just hoped that the master's physical body had not been discovered yet.

Once someone discovers the immortal body of more than 100,000 years ago, it will probably be robbed by all parties.

A fierce battle is breaking out in the Immortal Mountains at this moment. It is said that someone has discovered the fallen ancient god. Countless great religions and forces have arrived.

Gods are truly immortal beings. They are not the false gods pardoned by the imperial court, but real gods who have understood the great ways of heaven and earth. They are immortal and immortal.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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