This piece of land seems to have some magical ability to quickly decompose decayed matter and form nutrients. Dense flowers and plants grow on each corpse.

Finally on the tenth day, Ji Chen opened his eyes. He did not expect that this practice would take such a long time. Fortunately, he had finally reached a small level of cultivation in the Heaven Burial Technique.

Even though it was only a small success, Ji Chen had reached a height in Feng Shui that was difficult for others to achieve. He could also perform various mysterious Feng Shui techniques, such as calling wind and rain, and turning stones into gold.

After calming down for a while, he began to practice the Sword Sutra, the Spiritual Sword.

This is the technique that Ji Chen is most looking forward to.

This Sword Sutra has a total of nine parts, divided into nine levels. The first level is the spirit as the sword.

The so-called spirit is a sword, which means that everything can become a sword with a thought, including the air and the breeze. In the end, even other people's eyes can become swords, and even a wisp of other people's thoughts can become one's own sword.

This is a domineering swordsmanship.

As one million killing points were consumed, Ji Chen once again entered that mysterious realm.

It's just that this time he entered the sea of ​​​​consciousness. The main purpose of cultivating spiritual thoughts is the spirit, so this technique also cultivates the spirit and the soul.

The stronger the soul, the stronger the spiritual power.

The technique of the Spiritual Sword circulated in the sea of ​​consciousness, and all of Ji Chen's mental power became active.

In the Wen Palace, the golden villain is entrenched, and the spiritual thoughts and swordsmanship are running in the golden villain's body. The golden villain's body begins to emit white light, like holy light, rendering the entire golden villain white, crystal clear, clear and immortal. .

Ji Chen's mental power was growing rapidly. Every ray of mental power turned into a sharp sword, and the entire sea of ​​​​consciousness became a sword field.

This Sword Sutra is unparalleled in its ability to increase spiritual power. So much so that Ji Chen was worried that at this level of growth, the sea of ​​consciousness would be filled sooner or later.

Time flashed forward for five days, and Ji Chen still showed no sign of waking up. The mountain peak he was entrenched was shrouded in sword intent. The sword intent flowed down from the mountain peak like mist. The grass and trees turned into powder, and the mountain peak was annihilated silently, inch by inch. disappear.

On the tenth day, Ji Chen still didn't wake up, but the news that the Thirteen Bandits were destroyed spread throughout the borders of the Northern Territory.

Countless people clapped their hands and applauded, especially those small sects and sects. They all cried with joy. This evil cancer was finally removed.

Some people began to inquire about who killed the Thirteen Bandits.

There are rumors that he is a young man from a great religion, and some people say that he is from an ancient holy land.

Many people appeared outside the secret realm where Ji Chen was, looking for the entrance to the secret realm.

These people originally knew the secret location of the Thirteen Bandits, but they did not dare to have any unnecessary thoughts due to the power of the Thirteen Bandits.

Now that the Thirteen Bandits have been eliminated, these people have jumped out, trying to find the entrance to the secret realm and occupy it.

They only knew the approximate location of the secret realm, but they didn't know where the specific entrance was, so they could only wander around.

After all, the hidden formation in the secret realm is indeed very powerful. If Ji Chen hadn't followed Qiu Peihuang, he wouldn't have been able to find it.

In the secret realm, Ji Chen finally woke up on the twentieth day. When he opened his eyes, two sword lights burst out from his eyes for several seconds.

Around him, the air with a radius of one kilometer suddenly burst. It was the spiritual power that spread out unknowingly. At this moment, it turned into sword intent, forming a sword intent storm.

I finally succeeded in cultivating the first level of the Spirit Sword.

As he stood up, the surrounding space fluctuated, and a realm appeared, covering a one-meter radius. This was the realm of the sword, and it was also Ji Chen's world. Every wisp of air or even the breeze here was the sword. This was an area of ​​absolute In the forbidden area, in the forbidden area, I am God.

After a moment, Ji Chen closed his eyes. When he opened them again, the surrounding area suddenly changed and turned into a sword area. Endless sharp edges filled the air, and the intent to kill permeated the air. The air inside was filled with killing intent.

Two skills gave birth to two realms. Ji Chen suddenly came up with an idea, whether it would be more powerful if the two realms were integrated.

Just like when he was in the innate realm, he cultivated nine starry skies, and after breaking through Nirvana, they merged and became a cave sky.

As soon as he said it, Ji Chen began to try fusion.

One day passed, and he tried countless times to no avail. He could only convert each other but could not integrate, and finally had to give up.

"Maybe it's because your cultivation and realm are not enough. Let's try slowly in the future!"

Ji Chen always had a feeling that maybe they could merge.

Just when Ji Chen was about to leave the secret realm and find a place to escape the tribulation, he discovered that many people had gathered outside the secret realm, including innate powerful men and nirvana demigods.

After careful sensing, I discovered that these people were trying to crack the secret formation and occupy this place.

A coldness flashed in Ji Chen's eyes. When the Thirteen Bandits were still there, they didn't dare to come and occupy it. Now that the Thirteen Bandits were dead, they all jumped out and wanted to occupy this place.

He took one step forward and reached the edge of the formation, then took another step and appeared outside the formation.

His appearance out of thin air naturally attracted the attention of many people, and some people yelled: "Where did you come from, young man, stay away, this place is not yours to touch."

Some people thought that the boy looked familiar. When Ji Chen was chasing Cao Chengqing that day, he was seen by many people, mainly because of his hair, which left a deep impression on people. Just reaching the neck, a ponytail is tied behind, and the short hair in the front covers the forehead and eyes.

"He seems to be the young man who chased Ancestor Cao." Someone reminded him.

"Young Demon King, it's really him!" someone exclaimed, confirming that he was the one chasing Cao Chengqing.

During this time, the news that a young demon king had killed the Thirteen Bandits was spreading all over the Northern Territory, and everyone, large and small, knew about it.

Many sects and forces that had been robbed of mineral veins by the Thirteen Bandits began to move out to regain their own mineral veins.

But the other part has the idea of ​​​​a secret realm.

Everyone thought that the young demon king who destroyed the Thirteen Bandits had left, but they never thought that he was still in the secret realm.

Does he also want to occupy the secret realm?

"So what if it's him? This secret realm was originally stolen by the Thirteen Bandits. Now that it is returned to us, it can be regarded as returning it to its original owner. Even if he is the successor of a great religion, he has to be reasonable!"

Someone said, relying on the large number of people, they wanted to force Ji Chen to give in.

Ji Chen didn't waste any time. Tianxuan took out her sheath and turned into a stream of light and shot out, instantly penetrating the heads of more than a dozen people.

For these people, he didn't bother to waste his words, he just killed them.

Things that can be solved with force should never be solved with words.

After successfully practicing the mental sword, Ji Chen's control over the flying sword reached an unparalleled level. When he thought about the sword, it was as light as an arm. Compared with his previous control of the flying sword purely with mental power and divine power, it was incomparable. And the power is countless times more powerful than before.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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