The behavior of these bandits was no different from the bandits who massacred their village when Ji Chen was in Jijia Village, even worse.

Ji Chen didn't have the slightest burden to kill these people, and he didn't show any mercy at all.

Tianxuan turned into a white light and shuttled through the secret realm, taking away lives one by one.

The entire secret realm looked like a doomsday scene, with screams everywhere.

Since the distance that Ji Chen could use his flying sword was limited, he could only clear one mountain after another.

He does not have a systematic sword-handling technique, and relies entirely on his full spiritual power and the speed of flying swords that he has realized, and can be used by combining spiritual power and divine power.

The result is that it consumes a lot of energy. Although the power is terrifying, it cannot be used for a long time.

Ji Chen urgently felt that it was time to practice the "Spiritual Sword".

His current training plan is that "Tai Xuan Jing" is still ranked first, and "Idea Spiritual Sword" is ranked second.

In one hour, all nine peaks were cleared.

The secret realm that was originally like a fairyland was now like purgatory, with corpses strewn everywhere, rivers of blood, and blood filling the air.

Ji Chen glanced at the killing point, 4.29 million

The nineteen demigods provided 570,000, the three ancestors provided 170,000, and all the evil bandit disciples in the secret realm combined provided 2.7 million, and they had accumulated 850,000 before.

At this moment, his killing points reached a terrifying 4.29 million.

However, now was not the time to improve his strength. He found the demigods he had killed, collected all their stored magic weapons, and devoured their origins.

After thinking about it, I might as well touch all the corpses and devour them together with their origins.

There is no way to kill someone without touching the corpse. It would be a waste to leave it alone anyway. Frugality is a good moral character.

So, Ji Chen took action and used the Sky Swallowing Technique. He spent a whole day swallowing everyone's origins and searching all the corpses.

He found more than sixty storage instruments alone, including spirit stones, weapons, and a lot of other random things. He put them all into the ring, and he also put all the storage instruments into the ring.

In the ring, spiritual stones piled up into a mountain, weighing more than eight thousand kilograms.

Sure enough, looting is the fastest way to make money. If you make money from mining honestly, you will probably not earn 8,000 kilograms of spiritual stones in ten lifetimes.

He finally understood why there were so many big bandits in the Northern Territory.

After devouring everyone's origins, Ji Chen was in a bad state. Demonic energy was lingering around his body, the innocent souls were roaring, and the innocent souls were entangled around him.

This is the sequelae of devouring a large amount of origin without having time to refine it.

After all, these origins all carry memory fragments, and the memory fragments contain their soul power fragments. If they are not refined in time, they will be affected by these memory fragments, become possessed, and become truly crazy.

Ji Chen was surrounded by dozens of feet of innocent souls, enveloping him as if they wanted to devour him.

From a distance, he looks like a peerless demon walking in a secret realm.

"It needs to be refined. Don't really be swallowed up by these obsessions and grievances."

Ji Chen felt the malice from wronged souls and obsessions all the time, wanting to invade his sea of ​​consciousness and devour him.

This is a sign of going crazy, which is mainly due to swallowing too much of the source at once, causing some indigestion, and is about to be eaten back.

On the top of the green mountain, with steaming clouds, mist, and rays of light, Ji Chen sat cross-legged among the rays of light, refining his origin. The origins and wronged souls surrounding him seemed unwilling to be refined, and let out silent roars. The demonic energy in that place was overwhelming, The entire mountain is occupied by ghosts.

The Heaven-Swallowing Technique is originally a demonic skill that can harm the harmony of heaven and earth. It swallows the origin of others and contains one's own divine fetus.

Fortunately, this is a secret realm. If he were outside, Ji Chen would definitely be regarded as a peerless demon and be hunted down by countless righteous people.

There was silence in the secret realm, except for the countless demonic shadows that seemed to be dancing on the mountain peak where Ji Chen was.

Time passed, and in the blink of an eye, for three days, the dancing demonic shadows around Ji Chen completely disappeared. He was exuding divine light, his body was clear, flowing holy light, his eyes evolved into the sun and moon, the left eye was blazing sun, the right eye was bright moon, and a terrifying aura emanated. The power is astonishing.

After three full days, Ji Chen finally refined all the sources and re-cultivated a god in his body.

His body exudes divine brilliance, like a god,

After refining all the sources, Ji Chen also received news about this secret realm.

This is an ancient religious site, and the bronze weapons used by the Thirteen Bandits were found from this secret realm.

Ji Chen also discovered many skills from the stored magic tools of several ancestors, such as "Shangqing Wuji Kung Fu", "Lihuo Shen Kung", "Pure Yang Kung", "Tian Mo Ce", "Nine Palace Sword Technique", "Phantom Spear Technique", Lost Soul Knife》

Although these techniques cannot be used by oneself, they can be used to strengthen the foundation of the Tiandao Alliance.

For a sect to develop, it cannot do without the foundation of its skills, followed by resources.

Ji Chen stood up and looked at the exercises in the attributes. Except for the "Other Transformation Method" and "Mahayana Nirvana Technique", all other exercises can be practiced.

The Tai Xuan Jing requires two million to break through, and the second sword of the Nine Demon Tribulation Swords also requires one million. The fifth step of eight steps to the sky requires one million, the completion of the Sky Burial Technique requires one million, and the first level of the Spiritual Sword requires one million.

As the cultivation level gets higher and higher, the killing points required become more and more terrifying, reaching the point of being insane.

Ji Chen made a total calculation and found that the Taixuan Jing still ranked first. This was an eternal cultivation plan, and his own strength would always be the first.

Then there is the mental sword. This technique has reached the point where it must be practiced. The first level requires one million killing points.

In this way, there are still 1.29 million killing points left, which can push the Sky Burial Technique to the level of small success.

Only the Sky Burial Technique at Xiaocheng level can transform the Feng Shui formation in the secret realm, strengthen the formation, and make it more stable.

After all, this will be the base camp from now on. If the base camp is not strong enough and someone steals the house, then the gain outweighs the loss.

After planning the training plan, the next step is to start executing it. As for the order of training, Ji Chen still puts the Taixuan Sutra at the end.

First practice the Heavenly Burial Technique, then the Spiritual Mind Sword, and finally the Taixuan Sutra.

After all, the mental sword is a technique that can directly increase combat power. If someone is disadvantageous to you during the tribulation, the mental sword can also be used as a powerful defensive method.

On the top of the mountain, Ji Chen sat cross-legged and began to practice the Heaven Burial Technique.

As one million killing points were consumed, Ji Chen seemed to have entered a mysterious world. Everything in front of me changed and turned into black and white.

The world seems to be frozen, with countless lines moving irregularly.

Ji Chen carefully realized that as time went by, the world was no longer black and white, but gradually began to have other colors.

The secret realm was silent. Ji Chen was the only one sitting on the top of the mountain, motionless. The bloody atmosphere in the secret realm had disappeared, replaced by peace and tranquility. The corpses whose origins had been extracted by Ji Chen also quickly rotted and were fused and swallowed by the land.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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