He couldn't help but be careless. The pressure Ji Chen gave him was too terrifying, and he was also afraid that the other party would follow him behind.

Although the other party may not really dare to follow, they still want to be just in case.

The Secret Land of Lieyang Sect is located in an oasis, which is already within the scope of the Northern Territory. Going further north is the desolate Northern Territory.

Ji Chen followed Qiu Peihuang all the way and saw Qiu Peihuang step into a barrier and then disappear.

He instantly understood that this place should be the secret realm of Lieyang Sect, surrounded by a great Feng Shui formation.

Ji Chen landed here, using the Heaven Burial Technique, imagining the sun and moon before his eyes. The color of heaven and earth changed in his eyes, and the originally colorful world turned into black and white in his eyes.

He saw an extremely large Feng Shui formation, slowly moving.

Ji Chen was shocked by this formation. Such a huge formation cannot be built in a day, two days, a year or two.

"This is an ancient formation. It turns out that this is a paradise in heaven!"

Ji Chenshun understood why no one could find the Lieyang Sect's lair. It turned out that this guy was lucky enough to find an ancient secret realm in the cave where a large formation still existed.

Such a large formation may not be able to stop those ancient great religions and ancient holy places, but it is absolutely difficult for ordinary small and medium-sized forces to detect them.

The Lieyang Sect is also self-aware and will never rob the mineral veins of those great religions and holy places, nor take the initiative to provoke them.

It is also difficult to break such a Feng Shui formation, and it cannot be broken in a short time.

But just getting in is very simple, at least it is not difficult for Ji Chen. After all, most of the formation has stopped running, and only part of the concealment function is still running.

Ji Chen began to look for a flaw. In less than a stick of incense, he found a way to enter. He took a step forward and disappeared out of thin air.

The scenery in front of us changes drastically, with ravines and ravines, towering mountains reaching into the clouds, long streams, ancient trees blocking out the sun, fairy vines forming bridges, and hanging cliffs forming passages.

"What a fairyland on earth, it is worthy of being an ancient secret land."

The so-called secret realm may actually have been a holy land or the residence of a great religion in ancient times. Due to some reasons, it disappeared or was relocated, leaving behind the ruins of the secret realm.

There are countless secret realms like this on this land, it depends on your luck whether you can find them or not.

Ji Chen's powerful mental power swept across the cliff, passed through the fairy vines, and saw something that surprised him.

In this secret realm, there are many monuments and monuments carved on cliffs. There is a faint mist lingering between the cliffs. When the spiritual power is swept through, you will find that the mist looks like a dragon.

"Dragon Qi is formed and contains veins of minerals. Sages once appeared here, or sages lived here."

Ji Chen came to such a conclusion, which shocked him. Ji Chen

This place is so extraordinary and contains mineral dragon veins, it is simply a treasure trove.

"This is a really good place. I like it. From now on, this is my place."

He appeared in the secret realm with great fanfare and used his mental power to explore unscrupulously, which naturally attracted the attention of the Lieyang Sect disciples.

"That young man, who are you and why do you appear in the secret realm?"

Ji Chen walked forward and said, "I am the owner of this place. You have occupied this place for so long. You should pay the dues. The total with interest is 10,000 kilograms of spiritual stones."

When several disciples heard this, their expressions suddenly changed. This was someone looking for trouble. One of them directly scolded: "Where did you come from, you dirt-legged brat, you actually came to my Lieyang Sect to cause trouble. I think you are looking for death."

"It's you who are looking for death. You bandits are not satisfied just sitting in the holy land, but you still want to plunder everywhere."

Ji Chen was not polite, pointed out, and the condensed sword energy shot out, piercing the brow of the scolding person.

The disciples guarding the mountain gate were all shocked and shouted quickly: "How dare you break into the Lieyang Sect without permission? How dare you eat a bear's heart and a leopard?"

A group of disciples directly raised their weapons and blasted towards Ji Chen.

Ji Chen raised his left hand and pressed it down.


All the weapons exploded, and all the disciples who took action also exploded and died.


The disciples further away collectively took a deep breath.

"Hurry and report to the elders that someone is attacking Lieyang Sect."

Ji Chen went up the spacious stairs. At this moment, a monster suddenly rushed out from the jungle next to it, rushed towards Ji Chen, and bit Ji Chen's head with a bloody mouth.

This is a demonic beast that is about to transform. It is more than three meters long, its hair is exploding from root to root, and it exudes a sinister aura.

Ji Chen turned his hand and made a palm strike in the air.


The monster exploded and turned into a ball of blood mist.

Immediately afterwards, more monsters rushed out and pounced on Ji Chen.

Ji Chen sacrificed the Tianxuan Sword. Under the control of his mental power and the intention of the sword, the Tianxuan Sword turned into a flying sword and shuttled away.

"Puff puff puff puff!"

The blood flowers bloom like fireworks, bright red and beautiful.

The heads of dozens of monster beasts were all opened and fell to the ground.

The Tianxuan Sword flew back and hovered next to Ji Chen.

Ji Chen felt that the practice of "Idea Spiritual Sword" should be put on the agenda.

That kind of swordsmanship is perfect for dealing with this kind of battle.

On the stairs, the people guarding the mountain gate were all frightened and couldn't help but retreat.

"You, who exactly are you?"

"I said I am the owner of this place. Since you are not willing to pay, then free up the place!"

Ji Chen climbed up the steps. The steps were paved with white jade. These white jade were once spiritual stones that had been drained of their spiritual energy and were used to pave roads and build mountain gates.

What a grand gesture!

Even Ji Chen couldn't help but be speechless. After absorbing the spirit energy of the spirit stone, he put the jade away and treated it as a treasure. It was directly used as building materials. This shows that this holy land was once glorious.


Everyone in the Lieyang Sect was angry. They had never seen such arrogant people. They dared to make room for them. They had always been the only ones who robbed others, but today they were robbed by others.

It is really a good reincarnation.

Ji Chen controlled Tianxuan and turned it into a stream of light that flew out and penetrated every head.

Blood splashed and corpses rolled down.

Ji Chen's eyes were cold, and he felt no psychological burden when killing these bandits who committed all kinds of evil.

He has already learned from Xie Anbing what these bandits are doing. These people do all kinds of evil for the sake of spiritual stones. In order to mine, they have captured many ordinary laborers and killed them one by one. There are so many gangsters in the chaos, and They are closely related, and if they can no longer survive, they will naturally become bandits.

So these people deserved their death.

The Northern Territory is rich in spiritual stones and there are many bandits. Some of these bandits can even compete with the great sects. However, these bandits also have a bottom line. They specialize in plundering the great sects and holy places and will not embarrass small forces and ordinary people.

Only bandits like the Lieyang Sect would prey on the weak.

The strong draw their swords against the stronger, and the weak draw their swords against the weaker.

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