At this point, Qiu Peihuang's purpose has become obvious, he wants to annex the Tiandao Alliance and the two mineral veins.

The reason why they didn't send anyone who surpassed the innate strength was because they were worried about Daxia. After all, the chaotic land was still Daxia's power in name only, and the former Mo clan was inextricably linked to Daxia's Demon Suppression Division.

If a strong man in the demigod realm came to take advantage of him, he would lose more than he gained if he angered Da Xia.

Qiu Peihuang came here. On the one hand, he wanted to occupy the two mineral veins and annex the Tiandao Alliance. On the other hand, he also wanted to test the reaction of Daxia and the Demon Suppression Division.

If the reaction of Daxia and the Demon Suppression Division is not very strong, the next step can be to gradually control the entire chaotic land.

After all, the chaotic land is also the territory that belongs to Daxia in name, and the Northern Territory Sect and Holy Land do not dare to invade easily.

The bandits in the Northern Territory are difficult to deal with and there are many enemies. The chaos can be used as a retreat and a means to confuse everyone.

Three cunning rabbit holes!

Mo Feifei's face was ugly. Qiu Peihuang's purpose was already obvious, which was to invade the Tiandao Alliance and the mines. The first two times they were subtle, but this time they were outright unscrupulous.

At this moment, Ji Chen came out from behind and said, "It's okay to unite the two factions into one. Go back and prepare 10,000 kilograms of spiritual stones, and then send the greetings. I can merge the Lieyang Sect into the Heavenly Sword Alliance." , that old bastard of yours, I can make him a deacon."

Qiu Peihuang's face instantly darkened and her smile faded.

"Who do you think you are? I'm talking to the deputy leader of your family. You have no business to interrupt. Get out of here."

Qiu Peihuang was very angry. Ji Chen not only interrupted his conversation with Mo Feifei, but also dared to humiliate Patriarch Lieyang. He simply did not know how to live or die.

"Miss Feifei, your subordinates really don't understand the rules. Don't mind if I teach you a lesson. Anyway, our two factions want to be one, so I will discipline this reckless servant in advance so that he knows that when the master talks, the servant People just have to listen and listen."

As he said that, he raised his hand and slapped Ji Chen in the face.


Crisp sound!

It was not Ji Chen who flew out, but Qiu Peihuang himself.

Half of his cheek was smashed, all his teeth fell out, and blood flowed everywhere.

The scene was completely silent. Everyone in the Tiandao Alliance was not surprised. None of the people brought by Qiu Peihuang could believe it.

Qiu Peihuang, who was on the eighth level, was slapped away.

How can this be?

Qiu Peihuang was furious, "Who are you? How dare you attack me!"

Ji Chen raised his hand and waved again.


Qiu Peihuang's other cheek was also beaten to pieces. He flew up again and landed further away.

The entire scene was silent. Ji Chen stood there with an indifferent expression, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

At this time, Mo Feifei finally spoke, "Don't you want to see our leader? We are the leader who will beat you now."

"You are the leader of the Heavenly Sword Alliance!" Qiu Peihuang's eyes flashed with shock.

Is this the Supreme Demon King?

Although he was shocked that the Supreme Demon King had appeared, he was still fearless. He was a disciple of Ancestor Lieyang, and Ancestor Lieyang was one of the great bandits in the Northern Territory, with a reputation far and wide.

"Since you are the leader of the Heavenly Sword Alliance, you must think clearly about the consequences of being an enemy of our Lieyang Sect. Do you want the Heavenly Sword Alliance to be destroyed?"

He endured the pain and stood up, even speaking a little awkwardly.


Ji Chen slapped Qiu Peihuang with his backhand again.

He was also whipped away again, flipped several somersaults in the air, and fell to the ground with his arms stretched out.

Ji Chen was filled with murderous intent and his eyes were cold.

"You are so shameless and dare to bark in front of me. Go back and tell that old ghost of yours, Lie Yang, to prepare 10,000 kilograms of spiritual stones and send them to my Tiandao Alliance to make amends. Otherwise, your ghost Lie Yang Sect will be destroyed."

Qiu Peihuang also stood up again. She wanted to say a few harsh words, but when she saw Ji Chen's eyes, she held back.

"Okay! Okay! I will tell my ancestor every word of your words."

"let's go!"

Qiu Peihuang waved his hand and prepared to lead people away.

"You can leave, but these bastards of yours have to stay."

Ji Chen pressed down with a palm, and except for Qiu Peihuang, everyone he brought exploded and died.

Qiu Peihuang was immediately frightened. He was frightened and used his steps to quickly escape from the Sky-Fleeing Sword Alliance.

Ji Chen also turned around and returned to the Tiandao Alliance.

"Clean the door!"

Mo Feifei gave instructions and entered the gate.

In the hall, Ji Chen sat in the main seat, with the backbone of the Tiandao Alliance sitting on the lower left, and Xie Anbing and other people from the Demon Suppression Division sitting on the right.

"Leader, you should not let Qiu Peihuang go back. Now that you have taken action, you should kill them all."

Qian Ping was a little worried. After Qiu Peihuang returned, he would definitely bring some masters to take revenge.

"It's indeed a trouble." Ji Chen leaned on the chair and tapped the armrest gently.

"Since it is a problem, we must find a way to solve it. There is no need to wait for them to come to me. I will go to them first. I have left a trace of telepathy in Qiu Peihuang. Through him, I can find the hiding place of Patriarch Lieyang and solve it from the root. This trouble."

After Ji Chen told him his plan, Qian Pingping felt relieved a little.

But Xie Anbing was still a little worried.

He had not wasted his time these days. He had investigated the bandits.

Ancestor Lieyang has been a powerful demigod for thousands of years. The last time he took action was four hundred years ago. In order to snatch a mine vein, he broke out a war with the leader of a force. The leader was in the fifth realm of Nirvana at the time and was still being held hostage. Ancestor Lieyang killed him.

More than four hundred years have passed, and Patriarch Lieyang must have become stronger.

Xie Anbing already knew that Ji Chen had survived the catastrophe and became a demigod. Even so, it is only the first state of Nirvana, the weakest existence among demigods.

The realm of Nirvana is different from other realms. One more Nirvana means one more tribulation, and the difference in strength is also huge. Just like climbing a ladder to heaven, one step further becomes a god and one step back becomes a mortal. The upper realm has absolute suppression on the next realm.

Even if Ji Chen has amazing talent, unparalleled physique, and can fight against the odds, it is impossible for him to cross five or six realms.

Seeing the worried look on Xie An Bing's face, Ji Chen smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, I just have to go for a walk. If possible, I can kill the old ghost of Lieyang. If it doesn't work, I can escape unscathed."

But Ji Chen wanted to touch Patriarch Lieyang's strength and test his own combat prowess.

His most glorious achievement was to kill Xu Yuanzhen who was in the second realm of Nirvana when he was in the eighth heaven. He crossed four realms, including one major realm.

That's why he had the confidence to dare to kill Patriarch Lieyang.

Lieyang Sect is one thousand two hundred kilometers away from Chaos.

Qiu Peihuang was also smart. He was afraid of being followed, so he did not return directly to Lieyang Sect. He spared a lot of space, entered many secret realms, and even changed his identity several times. After confirming that there were no doubts, he returned to the secret realm of Lieyang Sect.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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