I have a knife, I can kill monsters when I take it out of its sheath

Chapter 235 If you can’t solve the problem, solve the problem.

The disappearance of Huangquan River means that the ending of Tianxuan Holy Land has been changed by himself, and the entire Holy Land has been put into the ring by Tantai Xuan.

Ji Chen penetrated the ring with his spiritual energy, trying to find traces of Tianxuan Holy Land, but found nothing.

Maybe it’s because my cultivation level is not enough. I’ll study it slowly in the future.

After Ji Chen leaves here, he plans to go to the Qunxian Mountains to at least take Tantai Xuan's body back and put the ring in it. After all, he is his master and cannot be soaked in water anymore.

He even had a guess that if Tantai Xuan put Tianxuan Holy Land into the ring and then put her body in it, she might be able to survive.

This is just Ji Chen's guess.

Ding Zhao and the others stood still, motionless, as if they were in trance.

"Master Ding!"

Ji Chen tried shouting, but there was no response.

He had some suspicion that several people were trapped in an illusion or a dream and needed external force to break it.

So, Ji Chen clenched his fist and punched out. With a 'boom' sound, all the air in the entire mine exploded, and a huge concussive force surged back and forth in the mine.

Ding Zhao and the others suddenly woke up and looked around with vigilant faces. When they saw Ji Chen, they breathed a sigh of relief and began to look at the surrounding environment.

The three general flags also looked around in shock.

"Master Ding, what on earth is going on? Aren't we fighting a dark monster?"

"What happened, Master Ding?" Ji Chen asked curiously. Judging from the expressions of these people, they seemed to have encountered something terrible.

Ding Zhao was sure that he was safe now, and then he said with lingering fear: "It turns out to be an illusion. There is a powerful illusion here. If you hadn't awakened us from the outside, I'm afraid we would have completely fallen into it."

He understood that it was Ji Chen who saved them. If he died in the illusion, he would die for real, so Ding Zhao was afraid for a while.

Looking at the withered bones and bone powder on the ground, you can see how many people have broken into it over thousands of years, fell into the illusion, and never came out again until their life potential was exhausted or they died in the illusion.

"How did you fall into the illusion?"

Ji Chen was a little curious. He felt that Ding Zhao's experience was different from his own.

Ding Zhao said: "We were chased by a strange creature, and then fled all the way to a Huangquan River. The river was full of corpses. We didn't dare to cross the river rashly. Then we walked along the river, found a dock, and lit it. A corpse-oil lamp on a dock, and then a boat and a weird boatman appear.”

"If you want to cross the river by boat, you have to pay with longevity yuan. Each of us paid a hundred yuan of longevity. After we crossed the river and landed on the shore, the river disappeared and what we saw were endless dark creatures and zombies. , Skeleton, we were in a hard fight, fighting and running away, and sent out a distress signal."

"Just now, we were surrounded by endless dark monsters. If you hadn't broken the illusion from the outside, we would have fallen into it."

"So that's it!" Ji Chen understood somewhat. What Ding Zhao and others experienced was not an illusion, but a reality. When they crossed the river, they did not trigger the memory of Ziyan, but entered another time and space. If you guessed If it's true, that was the real scene after the destruction of Tianxuan Holy Land, a scene like Shura hell.

Because her appearance triggered Ziyan's memory and changed the future, the entire Tianxuan Holy Land disappeared. According to Tantai Xuan, she should have put Tianxuan Holy Land into the ring, so Tianxuan Holy Land was destroyed. The final horrific scene turned from reality into fantasy.

"What about you? How did you break the illusion?"

Ding Zhao asked, since Ji Chen came in, he must have triggered the illusion. He was curious about how Ji Chen broke it?

"Me!" Ji Chen smiled and said, "I killed the boatman, and then the illusion was shattered. Then I appeared here and saw you."

Ding Zhao and others were stunned.

Kill the boatman?

Is this the way to break the illusion?

They never expected that Ji Chen would kill the boatman.

It is simply a mudslide in the clear stream, and the brain circuit is different.

They are careful every step they take, and they try their best to solve problems when they encounter them. And when this guy encounters a problem, his first thought is to solve the problem instead of solving the problem.

But if this were not the case, the illusion would not be broken, let alone save them.

"Thank you for saving me!"

The three general banners clasped their fists at Ji Chen to thank him.

Ji Chen said: "We are all colleagues, as we should!"

Ding Zhao took a look at the mine. Now that the illusion was shattered, should there be an adventure next?

Since it is a mine, there is no guarantee that raw ore can be found.

"Do you want to continue exploring?" He asked several people. In fact, the real person he asked was Ji Chen. Only Ji Chen here had the same strength as him.

Ji Chen also looked at the mine. This mine had existed for at least tens of thousands of years, and there might be unexploited spiritual minerals.

Although Ding Zhao was asking, he obviously wanted to continue exploring.

The other three people said that they all listened to Ding Zhao, but Ding Zhao looked at Ji Chen.

"Then explore for one more day. If you don't gain anything, quit."

Ji Chen made a decision. At most, things in Chaos cannot be delayed for one more day. If we delay here for one more day, things in Chaos will change more.

Ding Zhao nodded and agreed with Ji Chen's opinion.

So, the group continued to explore forward.

The mine was winding and twisting. This time Ji Chen walked in front to open the way, Ding Zhao was at the back, and the general flags of the three innate realms were walking in the middle.

The mine tunnel selected by Ji Chen was also very particular, and there were no traces of anyone exploring it.

There are traces of mine tunnels, which means that someone has been there. Even if there are unexploited veins, or newly grown veins, they have all been mined. Only if no one has visited the mine tunnels can there be hope.

Ji Chen chose a relatively large mine tunnel and led a few people forward for about thirty miles when he suddenly felt a trace of abnormal spiritual energy. It was very weak, but he could still feel it.

There is only one possibility for abnormal spiritual energy to appear in the mine tunnel.

Is there really a vein of spirit stone?

Ji Chen was surprised. If there was such a thing, there must be a lot of spiritual stones in it.

He quickened his pace, and several people behind him also noticed Ji Chen's abnormality and hurriedly followed him.

The aura in front became thicker and thicker, and finally, after turning around a deep mine tunnel, a little light appeared in front.

"It's the light of the spiritual stone!"

Several general banners showed excited expressions, and they finally found the spirit stone vein.

At this moment, Ji Chen's eyes narrowed and he warned: "Be careful!"

Deep in the mine, a group of black dots flew over.

As the black spots approached, everyone realized that they were actually a group of giant magic bats.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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