I have a knife, I can kill monsters when I take it out of its sheath

Chapter 234 One hundred thousand years fleeting

In the past, if any peak master dared to steal the information of each peak like this, he would be jointly opposed by other peak masters, but at this moment, all the peak masters chose to remain silent.

Eight kinds of ancient divine gold fell into Tantai Xuan's hands, and she began to refine these eight kinds of metals.

The bright light enveloped him, the aura of chaos surged, the eight kinds of divine gold shone with eight kinds of light, the Tao Yun filled the air, the fairy light shone, and the sound of the Tao lingered.

The whole world was silent.

The eight kinds of ancient gods' gold-refining weapons are definitely a huge project and extremely luxurious.

While Ji Chen was receiving the vast information in his mind, he was watching Tantai Xuan refining his weapons.

This magnificent scene shocked him.

The disciples on both sides of the Taiwan Strait also widened their eyes. It was their first time to see Tantai Xuan refining weapons, and they did not want to miss this scene.

Time passed, and in the blink of an eye, it was dawn, and Ji Chen completely accepted and sorted out the information in his mind.

This information includes the origin and history of Tianxuan Holy Land, the most important of which are the nine inherited techniques.

The nine methods represent the nine peaks.

Nine ancient scriptures were all recorded by the system. Ji Chen kept the three that were most suitable for him, and the rest were hidden and sealed.

He understood what Tantai Xuan meant. If the outcome of Tianxuan Holy Land could not be reversed, he had the responsibility and obligation to pass on these nine ancient scriptures or choose to rebuild Tianxuan Holy Land.

And these ancient scriptures are the foundation for rebuilding Tianxuan Holy Land.

Ji Chen took a look at the attributes and paid special attention to the three ancient scriptures he kept.

The Ninth Peak's "The Law of Self-Transformation", the Fifth Peak's "Mahayana Nirvana Gong", and the First Peak's "Ideology Spiritual Sword"

Especially the mental sword, Ji Chen attaches great importance to this ancient scripture. This is the supreme sword scripture of Tianxuan Holy Land, and it is more powerful than the Nine Demon Tribulation Swords.

Tantai Xuan's weapon training is also coming to an end. The endless bright light dissipates, the Tao Yun is restrained, and the chaotic aura no longer surges, but is completely restrained.

A horizontal sword appeared in her hand, the shape was exactly the same as Ji Chen's horizontal sword, with the divine brilliance of eight ancient metals flowing on it.

At this moment, Tantai Xuan waved his hand, and a ball of black and yellow air flew down from the first peak and fell into the knife.

In the last step, the Xuanhuang Qi is quenched, and the sword is truly completed.

At the moment when the black and yellow energy was completely integrated into the blade, dark clouds gathered in the sky, and a terrifying aura descended from the sky.

Ji's expression changed drastically. He was no longer familiar with this scene. This was the aura of heavenly calamity.

This knife was used to overcome the tribulation. This level of lightning tribulation was more than tens of thousands of times more terrifying than the tribulation he had originally overcome. It is estimated that even a trace of residual power could wipe him out.

At this moment, the chaotic atmosphere surged on the nine peaks of Tianxuan Holy Land, and nine kinds of rays of light suddenly burst out and submerged into the sky, forming a huge Tai Chi diagram, covering the calamity clouds in Taitian, and also covering the entire Tianxuan Holy Land. .

The terrifying aura of heavenly tribulation gradually dissipated.

Tantai Xuan raised his head and glanced at the sky, then at the weapon in his hand, and sighed: "You can't survive the tribulation now. If you advance to become a Ji Dao Immortal Weapon, how can I, a disciple, use it? You can advance slowly in the future, follow As you grow together with him, your future achievements will exceed your present.”

It sounded like the sound of nature, very beautiful.

She wiped away the newly born spiritual wisdom in the knife, injected Ji Chen's sword intention into it, and then gently stroked the blade with her bare hands. Tao Yun flowed in her hands, and the originally colorful blade became dull. Like an ordinary knife.

With a slight wave of his hand, the sword flew towards Ji Chen and was held in Ji Chen's hand.

At just one glance, Ji Chen fell in love with this knife. It felt like it was connected with blood, as if it was part of his own body.

Tantai Xuan looked at Ji Chen, with a light in his eyes that Ji Chen couldn't understand.

"This weapon is made from nine ancient materials. The Jidao Immortal Weapon is not her end. I didn't let her survive the tribulation because I was afraid that you wouldn't be able to control it. I was also afraid of being coveted by others. Let's call her Tianxuan. On behalf of Tianxuan Holy Land, let her accompany you through the calamity and grow up. Only in this way can it truly belong to you."

"If the fate of Tianxuan Holy Land cannot be changed, I will put the Holy Land into the ring. If you have the ability in the future, I hope you can rebuild the Holy Land."

The picture in front of Ji Chen's eyes began to blur, and time seemed to be speeding up around him. He saw Tianxuan Holy Land going from prosperity to decline, and saw a huge palm sticking out from the first peak of Tianxuan Holy Land.

The palm of the hand covered the sky and the sun, the sky was terrifying, the aura of chaos filled the air, the sky and the earth were dim, the sun and the moon had no light, covered it, and the Tianxuan Holy Land was instantly destroyed.

"I saw it!" Ji Chen was shocked. He saw the reason for the destruction of Tianxuan Holy Land. There was a huge terror hidden in the first peak.

"I saw it too!"

The heavenly voice sounded, making Ji Chen's hair stand on end. It was Tantai Xuan's voice coming from him.

She actually followed him, possessed him, and followed him into the river of time.

"I borrowed the causal relationship from our master and attached a ray of mind power to you. I can't calculate the missing fate of Tianxuan Holy Land, so I want to take a look with my own eyes to see how Tianxuan Holy Land was destroyed. I I saw it, but my ray of telepathy is almost exhausted."

A ray of light flew out from Ji Chen's body and transformed into Tantai Xuan. She looked at Ji Chen and said softly: "I have accepted you as a disciple in my life. Please forgive me for not being able to protect your way."

One sentence expressed his concern for Ji Chen, which made Ji Chen feel sad about leaving. He stretched out his hand to touch Tantai Xuan, but his touch was empty.

Tantai Xuan's body began to fade.

At this moment, Ji Chen recognized Tantai Xuan and Tianxuan Holy Land from the bottom of his heart, not only in the name of master and disciple, but also in his heart.


he shouted.

Tantai Xuan has done so much for him, including teaching skills and refining swords, and did not force him to help rebuild Tianxuan Holy Land, so this master shouted from the bottom of his heart.

Tantai Xuan smiled slightly, and his body turned into rain light and disappeared into the long river of time.

The time and space around him was passing rapidly, and many major events were happening, which Ji Chen couldn't see clearly.

One hundred thousand years passed in a blink of an eye, and the dazzling light made Ji Chen unable to open his eyes.

When he adapted to the light again, he found himself in a dark mine, with Ding Zhao and others nearby.

Everything has disappeared, Huangquan River and Tianxuan Holy Land are gone.

This is a huge mine, filled with dead bones and bone meal, and it is completely white.

All this seemed like a dream, but the ancient scriptures on the system and the Tianxuan Sword in his hand told him that it was all true.

Ji Chen remembered what Tantai Xuan once said. If the fate of Tianxuan Holy Land could not be changed, she would put Tianxuan Holy Land into the ring.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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