I have a knife, I can kill monsters when I take it out of its sheath

Chapter 222: The Nine Demon-Robbing Swords and the Dance of Demons

Seeing that these techniques could be practiced, Ji Chen fell into deep thought.

Regardless of the fact that there are more than two million killing points now, it would not be enough if they were all repaired. This requires making choices and plans.

The first is Taixuan Jing, which will always rank first, no doubt.

Strength is always supreme, and the Taixuan Jing will reach the Nirvana realm once again, requiring a full million killing points.

From innate to nirvana, one needs to go through tribulations. This is a qualitative change. Innate is still a mortal, and after nirvana, one can be called a god. Nine times of nirvana is the transformation from mortal to god, so the state of nirvana is also called a demigod.

After nine nirvanas, you can turn into a feather.

Tai Xuan Jing requires one million killing points.

The first of the nine swords to rob the devil requires 500,000 killing points.

Completing the Heaven Burying Technique requires half a million killing points.

The Sky Swallowing Technique requires 500,000 killing points.

The fourth step of eight steps into the air requires 100,000 killing points.

Looking at these exercises and secret techniques, Ji Chen already had a plan.

In addition to the Tai Xuan Jing, which is the first required skill, the second is the sword skill.

The Nine Demon-Tribbing Swords, this is an extremely terrifying supreme magic sword, which greatly improves and helps combat effectiveness. This is the second compulsory method.

The Heaven Burial Technique can be put aside temporarily, it is not something that is urgently needed.

Then there is the Heaven Swallowing Technique, which can swallow the origin of others, refine one's own body, nourish the divine fetus, and create the supreme divine body.

This technique has an extremely powerful auxiliary effect on the state of Nirvana. If enough origins are swallowed, a supreme divine body can be formed after nine nirvanas.

Therefore, the Sky Swallowing Technique is also a secret technique that must be practiced, ranking third.

The Taixuan Jing, the Nine Demon-Destroying Swords, and the Heaven-Swallowing Technique together require two million killing points.

There are still 100,000 left, just enough to take the fourth step into the air in eight steps.

After having a plan, Ji Chen prepared to practice.

Tonight's battle has already provided enough deterrence. All the demons and evil cultivators in this mountain range have been killed by him. There should be no more blind people to provoke him, so there is no need to look for another place.

After thinking about it for a while, Ji Chen decided to practice the first of the nine swords to rob the devil first, and then the sky-swallowing technique. These two techniques can directly improve his combat power and put him in a better condition to deal with the coming thunder tribulation.

With a thought, as the five hundred thousand killing points were consumed, Ji Chen entered a wonderful state of trance, and began to understand the first of the nine swords to rob the devil...the demons were dancing wildly.

The evil aura and murderous intent that originally surrounded him were slowly swallowed up by him, and his whole figure seemed to be frozen.

After a moment, demonic thoughts emanated from his body, and his whole figure seemed to be about to become possessed.

As time passed, wisps of knife intent filled the air around him, and the surrounding ground and rocks were cut with knife marks.

The sword intention gradually spread, covering a radius of dozens of meters. The surrounding trees began to decompose and become fragments under the influence of the sword intention.

There were more and more knife marks on the ground, and the rocks turned into debris and slid down the hillside.

The knife intent is getting more and more powerful, spreading out layer by layer, and the scope of the impact is getting wider and wider. The rolling knife intent spreads along the mountain peaks, the trees are shattered silently, the rocks are broken down, and they fall off layer by layer. .

In just a moment, the mountain peak became bare within a hundred feet, and dense knife marks covered the hillside.

As time goes by, the sword intention becomes stronger and stronger, almost reaching the essence, like a wave, rolling down the mountain peak. Under the sweep of the sword intention, the mountain peak is silently annihilated and continues to fall.

A trace of demonic nature emanated from Ji Chen's body, and a terrifying aura revived on him, as if a peerless evil demon was about to awaken.

After a long time, Ji Chen opened his eyes, and two rays of magic light shot out from his eyes, penetrating the world in front of him.

The broken army sword inserted next to him rose into the sky and fell into his hand.

"The demons are dancing wildly!"

Ji Chen roared and slashed out with one strike!


Black lightning fell from the sky one after another, the demonic energy was everywhere, the terrifying black sword energy flooded the mountain peaks, the magic light shone, the thunder light was horizontal, ripples spread, the terrifying sword intent filled the air, as if the void was split, and the vast demonic power was overwhelming.

A moment later, when the magic light dissipated, Ji Chen stood in the void. The mountain peak at his feet was more than ten meters shorter. It was annihilated by the sword energy of the demons dancing in this move.

At Qingfeng View, Su Muxue looked at the distant mountain top in shock. She felt that a peerless evil demon was born there, with unparalleled power and overwhelming power, destroying the heaven and earth.


Is that Ji Chen?

He is practicing magic!

On the mountain peak, Ji Chen looked at the destructive power caused by this knife and was very satisfied.

The power of this sword is absolutely undeniable, but the consumption is a bit terrifying. Just one sword consumes one-third of the innate true energy in his body. Before this, he had never worried about insufficient energy.

"This kind of swordsmanship does not belong to the innate realm, and it is imperative to break through Nirvana!"

Ji Chen had a hunch that the true power of this sword had not yet been exerted. This was not a sword technique that could be performed in the innate realm. Only after breaking through the Nirvana realm could the power of this sword be truly demonstrated.

The first sword of the nine swords to rob the demon was successfully practiced, followed by the technique of swallowing the sky, which is a supreme secret technique.

Strictly speaking, this is also a supreme magic skill, which swallows the origin of others and nourishes the divine fetus. This is a secret skill that harms the harmony of heaven and earth.

But Ji Chen doesn't care, Tianhe is nothing, strength is the foundation.

With the consumption of 500,000 killing points, Ji Chen once again entered that mysterious realm and began to practice the sky-swallowing technique.

The world is silent and the moon is turning eastward!

Ji Chen's body began to blur, and traces of demonic energy bloomed and swirled around him. His body seemed to have a suction force, and the surrounding spiritual energy from heaven and earth gathered towards him and was absorbed by his body.

As time went by, this suction force became stronger and stronger, gradually changing from absorption to devouring. Ji Chen's body was like a glutton, devouring everything around him, including spiritual energy, evil spirit, the blood mist that filled the sky and the earth, and even light.

The demon blood all over the mountain gathered towards Ji Chen and poured into his body. The trees in the distance dried up and decayed at a speed visible to the naked eye. The rocks and land under his feet lost their vitality, the rocks dried up and the land turned into desert.

Ji Chen's surroundings became a restricted area, and time seemed to speed up around him.

At this moment, he transformed into a glutton and devoured everything.

The bright moon completely set in the east, the sky and the earth fell into darkness, and Ji Chen's body also fell into darkness, as if the entire world's light was swallowed up by him and completely merged with the night.

At some point, the sky turned white, and Ji Chen opened his eyes, which were as bright as stars.

He breathed a long sigh of relief. He finally succeeded in practicing the Sky Swallowing Technique, and the mountain peaks under his feet turned into dry yellow sand.

It's getting daylight!

Ji Chen glanced at the killing point and saw that there were still 1.1 million left.

After thinking about it for a moment, I decided to practice the fourth step of the eight steps to ascend to the sky first, and then go through the tribulation.

The Eight Steps to the Sky technique was a familiar one, and as the 100,000 kill points were consumed, that familiar feeling came over him.

Eight steps to the sky is a kind of perception and control of space.

With his current state, he is naturally unable to access the mysteries of space, but this does not prevent him from using and understanding it.

Time passed, the sky was completely bright, a red sun jumped up into the sky, and the golden sunlight fell on the sky and the earth. Ji Chen also woke up from that state, took a step forward, his body was like a stream of light, crossing the void, and in an instant he was 10,000 meters away. outside.

Ten thousand meters, ten kilometers, any movement and speed will be weak in front of this.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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