I have a knife, I can kill monsters when I take it out of its sheath

Chapter 221 That sword is unrivaled in elegance

"he came!"

The Fox Fairy Scholar's eyes never left Ji Chen in the distance, and he saw the young man coming through the air with a horizontal sword in his hand.

"Arrogant, I'll kill him!"

Behind the fox fairy scholar, another fox fairy scholar holding a long sword rose up, turned into a stream of light, came down from the mountain, and killed the young man with a sword.

This sword cut through the sky, the cold light was dazzling, and it traveled several miles with one sword, and it came with his voice.

"I heard that your demigods are invincible. Is it possible to kill the demigods?"

The two people were like two streams of light, approaching quickly.

Ji Chen took out the sword, and the moonlight appeared again, overflowing from the scabbard and turning into sword light. With the same number of cuts, it was like a silver light being stretched in the air and passing over the body of the fox demon scholar.

The light flashed away, and Ji Chen's figure appeared behind the fox demon scholar, holding a knife and walking through the air without looking back.

The fox demon book's growth sword was broken, and a blood line was drawn from the middle of the body, extending from the top of the head to the crotch.

"Damn it!"

All the monsters on the mountaintop were angry, and several figures shot down from the top of the mountain. The powerful aura crushed the air, forming a kind of storm, rolling in.

"Well done!"

In just a few steps, Ji Chen spanned several miles and slashed down in the air with his sword.

Dragons fight against the sky!

The blazing sword light illuminated the top of the mountain, like a big sun, covering all the demon generals.

The sword energy engulfed the whole world, blooming with endless sharpness, and the sword intent swept across all directions.

This sword seemed to split the heaven and earth, and the vast pressure filled the entire mountain forest.


A huge trench was cut out in the forest, and the two demon generals bore the brunt of the attack. They were chopped into two pieces without even a trace of resistance.

The remaining few were also spitting blood and were seriously injured.

All the demon generals were horrified and couldn't believe it.

At this moment, the strength Ji Chen showed was unparalleled.

Ji Chen raised his hand and slashed down with another sword.

All the demon generals panicked and turned pale.

"Go to hell! Dragon Wars Jiuxiao!"

Ji Chen's cold voice sounded, followed by the blazing sword light.


The bodies of several injured demons exploded and turned into blood mist.

On the top of the mountain, the remaining eighteen demon generals all took a breath of cold air and were shocked in their hearts.

Especially the middle-aged scholar from the Fox Immortal clan, his face turned pale and he couldn't believe it.

Is this the power of a demigod?

Ji Chen used eight steps to ascend into the air, and in a few steps, he reached the top of the mountain.

The fox fairy scholar was frightened and shouted quickly: "Let's all come together, I don't believe that he can beat all of us with his innate limit."


The roar was earth-shattering, and all the demon generals took action at once. The terrifying demon power surged, like a tsunami, sweeping up into the sky, covering the sky and the sun, and making the entire mountains and rivers tremble.

Eighteen demon generals took action together, this kind of power was simply earth-shattering.

Facing this majestic power, Ji Chen did not retreat at all. He held a horizontal sword and slashed out the strongest sword so far.

Dragon fights underworld!

At that moment, a terrifying sword intent filled the air. The vast divine power was overwhelming, and the blazing sword light was like a big sun, illuminating the entire mountain peak like daylight.

The dragon fights the underworld, a last-ditch battle. There is no way out, and there is no need for a way out. Either the enemy dies or we die.

This sword was Ji Chen's strongest sword so far, and it was also the pinnacle sword.


The sky and the earth trembled, the earth cracked, like the sun exploding, and terrifying sword lights bloomed in all directions, one after another, dazzling, and the dazzling light made everyone unable to open their eyes.

This sword is extremely magnificent!

In the mountain, all the monsters and evil cultivators felt their souls tingling when they saw the light of the sword, as if a knife was slashing at their souls.

This is Ji Chen's sword intention, which is integrated into the light of the sword through the heart-cutting technique. It is seen in the eyes and cut in the heart. Through the irradiation of the sword light, a terrifying lethality is formed, like radiation. All creatures who see the sword light will have their souls hurt by the sword's intention.

The moment the sword lights up, all living creatures instinctively look at it. This is a habit and nature of chasing light. If there is a light in the dark night, they will instinctively look at it.

And Ji Chen's sword intention cuts directly into the souls of all who see it through this sword light.

In an instant, there were howls and roars all over the mountains and plains.

The soul has been cut, and it will be difficult to recover without a chance encounter. Especially for the demon, it is a fatal blow. If the soul cannot be restored, it means that it will never be able to evolve and practice, and even the current cultivation level will regress.

After the sword light dissipated, a huge gap was opened in the mountain peak. Twelve of the eighteen demon generals died, and the remaining six were seriously injured and fell to the ground, with blood streaming from their eyes.

They were blind, and not only their bodies were seriously injured, but their souls were also seriously injured.

In the entire mountain and wilderness, all living beings who had seen the light of the sword were blinded.

Ji Chen landed on the top of the mountain and killed all six seriously injured demon generals one by one.

For the inheritance of this ancient tomb, the nine demon clans gathered together their own strong men, and each clan’s elites came out.

These elites were also exposed to the sword light just now, and their souls were all injured and their eyes were temporarily blinded.

Hunting time!

Ji Chen was like a ghost, silently washing down from the top of the mountain.

The light of the sword flew, and heads rolled down the hillside. Monster corpses fell one after another. Blood soaked into the rocks, stained the hillside red, and flowed down the mountain peak.

Looking from a distance, one can vaguely see a ray of sword light moving through the mountains and forests like lightning.

This is what Su Muxue saw. The mountain peak was bloody and the entire mountain range was dyed red, emitting a strange red light. Reflected in the sky, the stars and moon above turned brilliant red.

She could feel the murderous intent soaring into the sky even from a distance of more than ten miles, and a chill was born in Su Muxue's heart.

After spending the past few days with Ji Chen, she felt that Ji Chen seemed quite kind, gentle, and unconventional in his work. Now that she saw him killing someone, she realized that his heart was as hard as iron.

The moon was turning to the west, Ji Chen was standing on the top of the mountain, the moonlight was shining down on him, his long hair was flying in the wind, his clothes were not stained with any blood, and even his shoes were not stained with blood.

The entire mountain range was swept away by him, and the blood flowed into rivers. The demon heads rolled down the mountains and piled up in the mountain streams and canals, and the corpses of the demons were scattered all over the mountains and plains.

Terrifying murderous intent and bloody aura filled Ji Chen's body, and he thrust the Pojun Hengdao next to him.

He took a look at his attributes and saw that he had accumulated 2.1 million killing points.

Among the attributes, you can continue to practice the Taixuan Sutra, you can practice the fourth step of the Eight Steps to the Sky, you can practice the first sword of the Nine Demon Tribulation Swords, you can practice the Heaven Burying Technique, and you can practice the Sky Devouring Technique.

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