I have a knife, I can kill monsters when I take it out of its sheath

Chapter 212: Confucianism and Taoism’s Killing Weapon, a Prosecution of Crime

Although Su Muxue's swordsmanship is extreme, her attacks are absolutely terrifying. If she were stronger, this sword would be enough to break the formation.

At this moment, Su Muxue's temperament changed drastically. She was completely different from before. She was as sharp as a sword immortal.

In the Taoist temple, everyone in the Corpse Refining Sect was shocked. They knew that there was a woman from the Fengjian Sect, but they had never paid attention to her. Only now did they realize that she was so terrifying.

"The brave thief dares to act wild in Qingfengguan."

A man wearing a grimace mask soared into the sky, broke through the formation, and headed towards Su Muxue, hoping to kill Su Muxue before she finished using her sword.

He had just stepped out of the formation when a flash of sword light struck him.

This sword light was so sudden and silent. It didn't have the sharp sword energy or the sky-shattering sword light just now, but it carried peerless murderous intent and an indomitable edge.

This is a killing sword, attacking swordsmanship, born for killing.

The man with the ghost face retreated in fear, and the short sword in his hand turned into a sword light, one into two, two into four, four into eight. In an instant, the sword light enveloped his whole body, and he was able to block the sword.

Just the next moment, a sharp edge appeared behind him. His neck hurt, and a sword edge penetrated his neck, from the back to the front.

The ghost-faced man looked at the tip of the sword that came out of his neck in horror. The cold sword body was not stained with a trace of blood.

The next moment, the sword light flashed, and his head flew up, spinning in the air. He saw a woman, a woman who looked like an immortal, holding a sword in one hand, standing in the void.

He saw his body falling onto the formation and rolling down.

Several more figures broke out from the formation and attacked Su Muxue at the same time.

The long sword in Su Muxue's hand was like a peacock spreading its tail, the sword light was flying, and it was killing several people.

She drew her sword very quickly, and as soon as the sword flashed, only a faint shadow was left, leaving no trace at all. The sky is filled with sword shadows. It is impossible to tell whether they are true or false, but every one of them is true.

Someone wanted to force a breakthrough, but suddenly, a silver light exploded like a firework, and a blood hole appeared between the man's eyebrows, which was transparent from front to back and pierced by the sword light.

Everyone in the Corpse Refining Sect was shocked, what a terrifying swordsmanship.

However, at this moment, another figure appeared above the formation.

Ji Chen took action. He walked through the air, came to the sky above the formation, and took out a scroll of documents from the ring.

This is the crusade he wrote. He wants to use Confucianism and Taoism to break this Feng Shui formation.

He had observed the formation and found that the person who arranged the Feng Shui formation was very skilled. If it would take a long time to break the formation using Feng Shui methods, the other party would not give him so much time and would simply blast it away using Confucian methods.

The document was unfolded and Ji Chen began to read out the charges. The rice paper in his hand began to glow. With each word he read out, the light on the paper became stronger.

His voice resounded throughout heaven and earth and could be heard for dozens of miles around. It was read to everyone in the Taoist temple, to all sentient beings for dozens of miles around, and even more to heaven and earth.

More than ten miles away in Weishui City, ordinary people who had taken a rest could hear it clearly.

The county king even jumped up to the roof and looked in the direction of Qingfeng Temple.

"Criminal Message!"

He was shocked that Ji Chen actually used a denunciation statement. He was a Confucian and knew this very well.

He did not participate in the attack on Qingfengguan tonight because he had to protect the county, and his task was no easier than the attack on Qingfengguan.

There is no forced curfew in Weishui County, and many ordinary people climbed up to the roof, looked in the direction of Qingfeng Temple, and saw this spectacle.

In the sky above Qingfeng Temple, in Ji Chen's sea of ​​consciousness, the villain was also holding a document, reading out the charges simultaneously with Ji Chen.

The words in the document jumped out of the paper and turned into a mighty sword energy, blasting towards the formation below.

In the main hall, the Venerable opened his eyes and looked above the formation.

"The proclamation of crusade is a weapon of Confucianism and Taoism. This formation can no longer bear it. Stop him and don't let him finish reading it."

One by one, strong men rose up from the sky, broke through the formation, and attacked Ji Chen, trying to prevent him from reading out his proclamation of crime.

The sword roar suddenly became intense, and the dazzling sword light enveloped all those who stood out from the formation.

"As long as I'm here, no one can get close!"

She exploded with all her strength, attacking to the extreme, dragging down seven or eight people with one person, and killing them one by one.

Ji Chen read out very quickly, and Liao Liao finished reading the thousand words in a moment, turning into thousands of awe-inspiring sword energy, bombarding the formation, filling the air with dazzling brilliance, and the holy light was burning.

Ji Chen's whole body exuded holy light and was filled with awe-inspiring righteousness.

The entire formation trembled violently, as if it was about to break apart.

Under the formation, everyone was shocked.

At this moment, a powerful Haoran sword energy fell from the sky, like a beam of light, bombarding the formation.


The formation shattered, and Haoran Zhengqi fell into the courtyard. The brilliance filled the air, and the entire Taoist temple was submerged. Everyone could not open their eyes because of the strong holy light.

Countless wronged souls and evil ghosts roared, and the people of the Corpse Refining Sect standing in the yard were all wiped out by this blow.

There was a terrifying roar from the well, and a bloody light rose into the sky. But the moment he came out of the well, it was burned by the awe-inspiring righteousness, like spring snow meeting the scorching sun.

Haoran's righteousness continued to fall and submerged into the well.

Frightened roars came from the well, and the ground cracked like a spider web, spreading throughout the yard.

As if being provoked, an even larger amount of Haoran's righteous energy blasted into the well. The well was filled with holy light and burned, as if a peerless treasure was about to be born.

Outside the Taoist temple, Su Changsheng and everyone else were stunned by this spectacular scene.

It was amazing, this scene was enough for them to brag about for a lifetime.

The Night Travel God and the Yin soldiers had already been hiding far away. The moment Ji Chen read out his crusade, they had run away. If they hadn't run fast, they would have been burned to death by Haoran's righteousness.

After a long time, Haoran's righteousness finally dissipated, and the yard was in a mess. All the yin energy was washed away by Haoran's righteousness.

More than a dozen figures shot out from the main hall.

At this moment, a flash of silver light fell from the sky. It was an arc of light and fell into the yard like a firework.

At this moment, everyone felt the terrifying aura and sharpness, as if a knife blade pierced their eyebrows, and the terrifying knife intent blasted into their bodies.

"What a terrifying sword skill!"

Everyone was shocked. This sword technique was even more terrifying and domineering than the sword technique just now.

In just an instant, the terrifying sword intent blasted into everyone's bodies, destroying life and causing everyone to collapse on the ground like mud.

With one knife, everyone was killed instantly.

Ji Chen was like a phantom and rushed directly into the hall. He felt that there was a terrifying energy in the hall, and he should be the leader of this mysterious force.

In the courtyard, Su Muxue held a sword in one hand and charged towards other courtyards, preparing to wipe out others.

At this moment, the door of a wing room opened, and a young man wearing Taoist robes burst out, holding a magic sword. The sword exuded black energy. The young Taoist also exuded black energy, and his eyes were dark.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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