Inside the Taoist temple, in the side hall, a Taoist sat cross-legged, carrying a long sword on his back, holding Buddha dust in his hands, making seals with both hands, his eyes were dark, and the Taoist robe on his body also exuded black energy, and a powerful aura emanated from him.

Beside him, stood three young Taoists, also wearing Taoist robes, carrying long swords on their backs, and their eyes were dark.

The Taoist temple is very large, with four courtyards. There is a well in the middle of the outermost courtyard. The Bagua is arranged at the wellhead. The moonlight shines through the Feng Shui array above the Taoist temple, converging into a stream of moonlight and shining into the well.

The well is bottomless, like an abyss.

In the Sanqing Hall, the original statue of the Sanqing God has been destroyed.

Sitting on the altar was a man wearing a mask with a ghostly face. He was tall and his eyes revealed a soul-stirring blood-colored light.

There were two rows of people sitting in front of the altar, more than twenty people, men and women, old and young. Each one of them exuded Yin Qi, making the entire hall look even more gloomy.

Many of these people wear ghost-face masks.

Anyone wearing a ghost face mask, without exception, exudes the aura of death.

The hall was silent, and everyone was waiting, as if waiting for some kind of ceremony to begin.


The door of the hall was pushed open, and a middle-aged man in gray robe walked in from outside the hall and saluted the man with the grimace.

"Sir! Something happened to the City God!"

"According to the report from the Yin Ghost we placed outside the City God's Temple, a young man went to the City God's Temple an hour ago. A conflict broke out soon after, and the City God was subdued. The young man summoned all the Yin soldiers under the City God's seat and came outside to attack us. Come."

Discussions rang out in the hall, but His Holiness did not react much.

After a moment, the venerable said, "That young man is the general bannerman of the Demon Division of Liangzhou Prefecture. His name is Ji Chen."

His voice was deep and hoarse, as if his vocal cords had been injured.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was surprised and surprised.

Everyone was a little curious. How could the Venerable know who the young man was when he stayed in the hall all day long to practice.

The Venerable's deep and hoarse voice sounded.

"I used the soul-moving method to control a maid in the county government's house. I knew it when the young man entered the county government's office. Not only did the city god's evil soldiers come, but also the policemen from Weishui County and the county government servants came. Well, tonight, there is going to be a battle.

Everyone started talking again.

"Why did the Demon Division of Liangzhou Prefecture suddenly send people to Weishui County, and they came with the general banner? Could it be that we have been discovered?"

The person who asked the question was a woman, sitting on the left side.

Her doubts were not unreasonable. One day, their plan would be successful, but at this time, the general banner of the Demon Suppression Department came, which had to make people suspicious.

They don't have the strength to go head-to-head with the Demon Suppression Division.

The Venerable said: "The Demon Suppression Department probably didn't notice the situation here. If they did, there would be more than one general banner coming."

"It should be a friend or relative of the previous Xiao Qi. I thought that if I didn't kill that Xiao Qi, I wouldn't alert the Demon Suppression Department, but I didn't expect that I would still recruit a general Qi."

"Everyone, be prepared. Don't let them break through and disturb the ancient corpse. Finally finding an ancient evil corpse is an opportunity for our Corpse Refining Sect to rise."

The Corpse Refining Sect, a notorious sect, is good at the secrets of Feng Shui, stealing ancient corpses, digging ancestral graves in the sect's holy land, digging up the corpses of human ancestors, and refining them into corpse soldiers or clones.

The most hateful thing is that when the conflict broke out between the Corpse Refining Sect and other sects, they actually manipulated the corpses of their ancestors to attack the other sect.

This kind of fucking is just disgusting and maddening.

As time passed, the Corpse Refining Sect finally aroused public outrage and was jointly besieged by many sects, directly breaching the mountain gate of the Corpse Refining Sect.

However, when the Corpse Refining Sect was breached, a scene happened that made all the sects and sects go crazy. A large number of countless corpse soldiers emerged from the Corpse Refining Sect.

These corpse soldiers even include their fathers, grandfathers, masters, wives, husbands, masters, uncles, senior sisters, junior sisters, and children.

As long as you search carefully, you can always find your family, relatives, friends, brothers and classmates there.

Since the Corpse Refining Sect has many disciples, one disciple can refine a dozen or even dozens of corpse soldiers, which is no less numerous than the combined army.

The powerful masters of the Corpse Refining Sect stole the corpses of the most powerful men in the Holy Land Sect.

Usually what ordinary disciples dig up are ordinary corpses.

Anyway, from strong to weak, from big to small, from old to young, from male to female, they were all treated.

Both sides were filled with anger and murderous intent, and a battle broke out, with rivers of blood flowing.

A strong Taoist man triggered the sky thunder and destroyed the Corpse Refining Sect. The thunder raged for two days and two nights.

The Confucian and Taoist scholars wrote a volume of crusade, which aroused great righteousness and cleansed the land, and burned with holy light for three days and three nights.

The martial arts experts dug hundreds of feet into the ground and dug up every inch of the Corpse Refining Sect's land.

The Corpse Refining Sect was wiped clean from the face of the earth, and its inheritance was cut off.

Some of the survivors were disciples who happened to be out digging graves and stealing corpses for a mission, and they were lucky enough to escape.

The Venerable ordered: "Gather everyone together to defend the courtyard. Don't let Ji Chen and the woman from the Fengjian Sect attack and delay our plan."

"It's just a general bannerman and a woman, wait until I go out and kill them!"

Someone took the initiative to ask for orders to kill Ji Chen and the other two.

The Qingfeng Temple was shrouded in a great feng shui formation, and the situation inside could not be seen.

Su Muxue frowned.

"How to get in, we have to discuss a strategy!"

She is not good at formations. Strictly speaking, she and Ji Chen are both aggressive types.

Ji Chen is slightly more hexagonal.

Su Muxue is quite partial to science. She is the first in attack and knows nothing about the rest.

"Of course, break the formation and enter. The Taoist temple is well protected. One person needs to attack to attract attention, and the other person breaks the formation."

This is the method Ji Chen came up with. Since he now has a companion, he doesn't have to be alone and can save some energy.

"Then let me attack!"

Su Muxue knew that she would not break the formation, so she took the initiative to attract firepower.

She flew over the Taoist temple, standing with a sword, her white clothes fluttering, like a fairy descending.

Her appearance immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the audience.

You can't see the inside of this Feng Shui array from the outside, but you can see the outside from the inside.


The long sword was unsheathed, the sword light was flying, the sword roared like a phoenix, the cold light was dazzling, and the sword energy soared to the sky.

That sword eclipsed the sky and the earth, like a meteor breaking through the fog. The dazzling sword light was dazzling, and the sword energy struck the formation, penetrating through it like a broken bamboo.

The Feng Shui formation was like a thin film, dented by the sword energy, all the way down, the sword edge almost touched the ground.

The entire formation was trembling, and the eyelids of everyone in the courtyard were trembling.

This sword is too terrifying.

"What a sharp sword spirit!"

Ji Chen praised that this is the purest form of swordsmanship, which focuses on attacking. It takes an extreme approach to attacking, abandoning everything and focusing on attacking.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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