At this moment, a small green snake shot towards Ji Chen.

Ji Chen raised his hand and pinched the green snake seven inches, squeezed it hard, and strangled it to death.

【One thousand killing points】

Green blood dripped onto the ground, corroding huge pits.

"Still a poisonous snake!"

There was blood on Ji Chen's fingers, and they started to smoke.

Fortunately, Ji Chen's physical body was perfect and immune to all poisons.

As Ji Chen thought, a trace of true sun fire appeared on his hand, and the blood was instantly burned clean.

This snake probably wanted to dominate the spiritual spring, so when it saw him coming, it launched a sneak attack.

Then, Ji Chen stood up, looking as light as a fairy, and returned to Liangzhou City.

He has one last thing to do now, and it is also the most important thing.

Kill Fang Jingyu, Xu Chengwei, and Prince Xu Yuzhai.

Now that he is sure that he is an enemy, he will not show mercy.

During the battle that night, several evil masters came from Fujun Yamen. During the battle, Ji Chen, based on his mysterious induction, finally traced them to Fujun Yamen.

Fu Jun had already taken action against him, but he did not do it himself due to his status, but he hired evil masters to plot against him.

They were also responsible for the conspiracy of the number one person in the world. Although they shot themselves in the foot in the end and fulfilled themselves, their original intention was still to kill themselves.

When it comes to enemies, Ji Chen's usual style is to kill them all.

He estimated the distance of the Heart Cutting Technique. With his current strength, he could kill all creatures within a thousand meters.

After all, it was the prince who wanted to be killed. The death of a prince would definitely trigger an investigation from above. In order not to leave any evidence, he had to use the mind-cutting technique.

Fang Jingyu and others were lucky enough to say that Ji Chen could definitely kill them with one strike, but Xu Yuzhai was not sure.

Ji Chen didn't know what level of cultivation he had reached. In order to ensure that he could kill with one strike, he could only close the distance infinitely.

He first changed his appearance, using shrinking bones and changing tendons to change his appearance, height, and even body shape. He also used the art of disguise to change his temperament, and then booked a room at an inn near Fujun Yamen.

After doing all this, Ji Chen returned to the small courtyard where he had moved.

If he wanted to create proof of alibi, he could only appear in public, appear in his own courtyard, and expose himself to the public eye.

When he appeared, he naturally caused quite a stir.

Too many people came to visit him. Ordinary people just wanted to admire his appearance. Practitioners basically came to him to answer their questions or ask for advice on how to practice.

Ji Chen didn't put on airs and gave advice to everyone who came to ask for advice.

In Fujun Yamen, Xu Yuzhai stood by the window, looking at the rockery outside the courtyard, holding a biography in his hand. But he was in a very irritable mood and couldn't read at all.

Ji Chen won the battle a few days ago and withstood the fate of the first person among demigods. This was not a good thing for him. The Xu family will have one more enemy, and an enemy with a bright future.

It is certain that with the blessing of this great fortune, it is a certainty that Ji Chen will break through Nirvana and become a demigod.

And the other party must know that he asked the evil cultivator to plot against him, so the two parties are already mortal enemies.

"Since we are enemies, do we want to deal with them?"

He was thinking, and soon made up his mind to deal with this enemy. As the backbone of the Xu family, he would not allow the Xu family to have such a potential threat.

In another small courtyard, Fang Jingyu and others also looked worried, even a little regretful and frightened.

In the past two days, Ji Chen still insisted on explaining the doubts about cultivation to those who came to visit him. There were already piles of gifts in the house.

He is waiting for an opportunity.

On this day, it was raining continuously, and the opportunity Ji Chen had been waiting for came.

It was just dark, and after Ji Chen received the people who came to ask for advice, he closed the door and left a breath in the room, pretending that he was practicing in the room.

After doing everything, Ji Chen used his invisibility technique and left the yard.

As his cultivation level increased, his comprehension and understanding of the art of invisibility became more profound, and his body blended into the world. Even people with a much higher cultivation level than him could not detect his existence unless he took the initiative to expose himself.

Arriving at a secluded place, Ji Chen revealed his true body. His appearance, height, body shape, and temperament had all changed.

Holding an oil-paper umbrella, he came to the inn, said hello to the innkeeper and went back to the room.

The rain has no intention of stopping, and rainy days are also the best time to cover up your breath.

After returning to the room, closing the door and performing an isolation technique, Ji Chen took out the Po Jun Hengdao from his ring and prepared to use the Heart Cutting Technique to eliminate the weeds and root causes.

Let’s start with Fang Jingyu. Because Ji Chen had close contact with them, he not only remembered their appearance, but also their breath and demeanor.

Fang Jingyu's appearance was pictured in his mind, and even his demeanor and breath were exactly the same.

Then, Ji Chen raised his sword, concentrated his thoughts, used the mind-cutting technique, and slashed out with one strike.

The sword cut across the void, as if it had cut into a mysterious place. Ji Chen clearly felt that a mysterious life had been wiped out by him.

Fang Jingyu, who was studying in Fujun Yamen, suddenly fell down. His soul was cut off without any sound, and he was scattered.

In the inn, Ji Chen began to perform his second kill.

The second kill was Liu Luoxian!

This person is an accomplice of Fang Jingyu. After several days of secret observation, it was discovered that this person also lives in Fujun Yamen.

With one slash, he slashed out into nothingness.

At Fujun Yamen, Liu Luoxian, who was also studying, instantly fell to the ground and died immediately.

In the inn, Ji Chen brandished his knife again.

The third kill was Wang Jiannan!

The fourth kill, Shi Hao!

The fifth kill, Qi Liqun!

The sixth kill, Wang Chaowen!

The seventh kill, Gao Yutang!

The eighth kill, Zhang Yupu!

The ninth kill, Zhu Guangyu!

The tenth kill, Wei Xianshi!

The eleventh kill, Xu Chengwei!

The twelfth kill, Xu Yuzhai!

In the study room of Fujun Yamen, Xu Yuzhai was also reading.

For some reason, he felt restless tonight, always feeling that something bad was going to happen.

At his level of cultivation, as long as he feels that something bad is going to happen, it will definitely happen.

His mood became more and more anxious, and his eyelids began to twitch, so he got up and prepared to go out for a walk.

At this moment, his hair suddenly stood on end, and the hair all over his body exploded. A huge crisis enveloped him, but he could not feel where the crisis came from.


His whole body burst out with awe-inspiring righteousness, guarding his surroundings.

At this moment, he felt a sword light slashing into his body and striking his soul in a trance. His fragile soul was torn apart in an instant, destroyed by the invisible terrifying sword intent, and his soul was scattered.

The light in Xu Yuzhai's eyes quickly faded, his consciousness disappeared, and his body suddenly fell to the ground.

The noise attracted the attention of the housekeeper outside, so he opened the door and came in. When he saw Xu Yuzhai fell to the ground, he suddenly exclaimed.

"My lord! My lord!"

I was so busy today. I worked all night to finish the manuscript and worked overtime until three in the morning to upload it.

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