Ji Chen looked up at the sky, used the dragon-shaped fist, and punched the sky.

A golden light glowed on his body, and the brilliance filled the air. His arms gathered together to form a real dragon, which struck at the old Black Mountain demon in the sky.


The real dragon roared and turned into a beam of light that blasted through the air, arriving in an instant.

"How brave!"

The old Black Mountain demon was furious. Ji Chen's attack was sudden, catching her off guard and unable to dodge. She was hit by the dragon-shaped beam, and her body exploded, turning into a rain of blood all over the sky.

Everyone below broke out in a cold sweat and wet their clothes.

The power Ji Chen showed was terrifying.

King Jinpeng was frightened and was about to run away. He was afraid.

How could Ji Chen let him go? He raised his hand to make a seal and transformed into a great sun.

A red sun evolved in the sky, as if a star was falling, hitting King Jinpeng.


King Jinpeng and his mount were instantly smashed, burned by the true fire of the sun, and turned into ashes.

The world was silent, a group of powerful old monsters were killed just like this, everyone had an unreal feeling.

Xia Ziran's eyes widened even more, and he couldn't believe it.

Zhao Qingcheng and Xia Liyun's beautiful eyes were looking forward to it, shining with a strange luster.

The most uncomfortable ones were Fang Jingyu, Xu Chengwei and others, who had personally pushed Ji Chen to the position of being invincible to demigods.

Just thinking about it makes me vomit blood in depression.

They originally wanted to push Ji Chen up, then pull him down and fall to his death, but they didn't know that it was easier to get up than to get down. It's like shooting yourself in the foot.

Ji Chen stood in the void, like a god of war, looking around in all directions.

"But there are still people who are coming up to challenge us. Let's take advantage of today's rise and come together!"

The whole city was silent, and no one answered him.

After a while, Ji Chen said: "If no one comes up to challenge me, then I will have to become a demigod and become invincible."

Then I will have no choice but to become invincible under the demigod!

What arrogant words, but no one would call him arrogant at this moment. This is a title, an honor, and a great luck. Ji Chen withstood it with his strength.

Ji Chen put his hands behind his hands and walked down from the void step by step.

"Brother Beigui, congratulations!"

Xia Ziran came over and congratulated Ji Chen.

"Let's go, Tianxiang Tower, I'll be the host."

The two left together, leaving many people who wanted to get to know Ji Chen in vain.

The battle ended, and the battle spread in all directions at an extremely fast speed.

This is a battle worthy of being recorded in history, and Liangzhou City will also become more famous because of this battle.

Ji Chen is invincible under the demigod. Ji Chen accepts this title and may face more challenges in the future, but he doesn't care.

The war ended and Ji Chen left, but many people did not want to disperse and still stood outside Ji Chen's courtyard, hoping to wait for Ji Chen to come back and get acquainted.

However, in the next two days, Ji Chen seemed to disappear, and no one knew his whereabouts.

Three hundred and twenty miles west of Liangzhou City, there is a hidden mountain stream.

Ji Chen found this place and prepared to make a breakthrough here.

In the battle two days ago, he killed fifty-five innate limits and gained 495,000 killing points.

The total number of killing points has also accumulated to 1,035,000.

The ninth level of Xiantian, killing 900,000 points.

With the consumption of 900,000 killing points, Ji Chen began to break through to the ninth level of innateness.

The surrounding aura of heaven and earth gathered crazily towards him.

Ji Chen chose this mountain stream because it was a place where spiritual energy gathered.

While he was making breakthroughs in martial arts, he visualized the sun and the moon and simultaneously made breakthroughs in refining Qi.

Spiritual energy from all directions gathered and formed a vortex.

This was not enough, Ji Chen took out the spirit stone from the ring and held it in his hand.

Pure spiritual energy was extracted from the spirit stone and poured into Ji Chen's body. The spirit stone in his hand also dimmed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

When the spiritual energy is drained out, the spiritual stone becomes dull and becomes an ordinary piece of jade.

Ji Chen did not throw it away, but put the jade into the ring.

Although it has no spiritual energy, it is still a piece of jade.

As the spiritual stones were consumed one after another, Ji Chen finally succeeded in breaking through after consuming ten kilograms of spiritual stones.

At this moment, he felt a closer connection with heaven and earth, and had a feeling of God merging with heaven and earth.

Ji Chen stretched out his hand and pressed down. The ground collapsed instantly, and a huge palm print appeared.

"Nine Heavens, finally complete!"

Ji Chen took a look at his attributes. This time, not only had his cultivation improved, but his reputation also seemed to have increased by a level.

Lifespan: 900

Strength: Innate-Nine Heavens

Kung Fu: Tai Xuan Jing - Introduction

Supernatural power: Eight-step kicking into the air - the third step

Supernatural power: invisibility

Secret Technique: Bloodthirsty Hand—Perfection

Divine magic: Burial of Heaven

Swordsmanship: Nine Demon-robbing Swords

Sword Skills: Dragon Fighting in the Wild

Killed: 135,000

Reputation: Famous everywhere

The reputation title has finally been improved, reaching the point of being famous all over the world. At the same time, he has been awarded a magical book, and the "Sky Burial Technique" has been burned into his attributes.

This is not a training method, but a magical Feng Shui technique for finding dragons and acupuncture points. It can determine dragon veins, search for spiritual mines, point out Feng Shui, change destiny, spy on the secrets of heaven, and even change mountains and landforms, move mountains and seas, change heaven and earth, and bury people. The earth buries the sky.

This is an extremely powerful divine art, and just getting started requires one hundred thousand killing points.

Looking at the remaining 135,000 killing points, Ji Chen chose to practice the Heaven Burial Technique. This thing might be of great use in the future. Not only could it be used to search for spirit mines, but it could also be used to set up Feng Shui formations to spy on heavenly secrets.

As the 100,000 killing points were consumed, the Heaven Burial Technique began to be practiced.

At this moment, Ji Chen seemed to have entered a wonderful space. The world here was actually black and white, and the sky and earth were filled with various black and white lines, which were chaotic.

Ji Chen walked among these chaotic lines, and the shapes intertwined by these lines turned out to be the shapes of the surrounding mountains.

Ji Chen instantly understood that these lines were the veins of the surrounding mountains and terrain. The human body is like the universe. The human body has veins, and mountains and rivers also have them.

The place where the most veins gather is the dragon's cave, which either contains treasures or spiritual stones.

Ji Chen flew high into the sky and looked down at the surrounding mountains. He had a panoramic view of the entire mountain range.

He discovered a land of shadows where many veins converged.

It was a col in the mountain stream, and the vegetation was more prosperous than other places.

Ji Chen flew over and landed there, and found that there was a natural spring with clear water flowing out of it.

Ji Chen held up the spring water and took a sip. It was cool and sweet, and contained a touch of spiritual power.

He was a little surprised. There must be spiritual stones under this clear spring, but the quality was not very good, or the spiritual stones were too small and did not form a vein at all, so they were not worth developing.

"'This Heaven Burial Technique is really powerful. Just after I started using it, I found a spiritual spring."

Although he was just getting started, Ji Chen already had considerable attainments in the secret art of Feng Shui.

This is the divine art of burying the sky, and it is simply not comparable to the ordinary Feng Shui secret art.

Moreover, there are many commonly used spells in this sky burial technique, such as the dust removal technique, the rain praying technique, the fire avoidance technique, the lightning drawing technique, etc...

After getting started with the Heaven Burial Technique, you will naturally master these Feng Shui spells, as if you have a blessed soul.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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