I Have a Godly Devouring System

Chapter 699: I am not something

"Go and go, but we still have to be careful, don't use our strength, otherwise...I'm afraid of being treated as a foreign race!"

Suddenly there was such a strong power all over them, which made them wonder whether they would be regarded as treasures.

It is better to be careful when you are away from home!

The two women first flew around the planet and found that there were indeed people living on it, but they were relatively few, then they found a secluded place and landed.

It's a coincidence.

They saw an evil fairy when they landed!

"Be careful, hide first!"

Although they have become gods, they still maintain the habit of Da Luo Jinxian in their consciousness, staying in the situation where evil immortals are dead enemies.

That evil immortal was only a big Luo Jinxian, but it reached the fifth rank.

However, the strength revealed above has already reached the 9th rank!

"My brother said that evil immortals are very evil, we must not be discovered."

Lan'er whispered, but Zi Yan didn't take it seriously, and said: "Lan'er, we are so strong now, are we still afraid of an evil immortal? Although they are two people, we even flew into the sky before."

"Zi Yan, don't move rashly!"

Lan'er glared at her and said, "Before that was a normal immortal, the evil immortal was different! Besides, look at this evil immortal walking with an immortal, talking and laughing, who knows what will happen! Outside, it’s better to be careful."

Hearing what Lan Er said, Zi Yan had to shut his mouth angrily.

At this moment, the two immortals, one righteous and one evil, walked towards the stone they were hiding from.

"Brothers, this time the evil immortal lair on Great Wolf star was taken in a pot, but it is all your credit. I think the princess will definitely reward you this time!"

"Brother Wu, don't say that! Helping the princess is to help the young master. This is our duty, what we should do, and what reward? The princess can take me in, it is a great kindness. , I have no other requirements."

It was the evil three that Jiang Ao brought out from the world of evil immortals.

And the other one is Wuhan University!

Both of them followed Nangong Mingyang to Great Wolf Star, and naturally became Nangong Mingyang's confidant.

After all, who Jiang Ao trusted, would she still doubt?

"Hahaha, the three brothers are polite! There will be a banquet today. When the time comes, you and I will get the management right of a fairy crystal mine. I don’t know if you can We are divided, and then we can also sit down when we have time and talk about how to cultivate is the right thing!"

The talent of Wuhan University is not high, but the victory lies in the ability to endure hardship.

The evil three talents are good, but because they were born in the evil fairy world, some common sense of cultivation still needs to be informed by Wu Da.

Although he had no evil intentions, the immortal power he used was a little strange and unpredictable, and he wanted to get rid of this situation.

But the others didn't know what to do, and Xie San didn't dare to ask others.

After all, his evil immortal's identity is still somewhat sensitive.

Although Nangong Mingyang repeatedly issued orders, Xie San is not an Xie Xian.

But the evil spirit revealed from this body is no different from other evil immortals.

This also made some immortals under Nangong Mingyang slightly dissatisfied.

Had it not been for Nangong Mingyang's suppression, I'm afraid Xie San's life here would not have been so easy.

The reason is that those immortals will not accept it for a while.

"Yes, now Great Wolf Star is completely under the control of the princess. I just don't know what the outside world is like. Some time ago, I heard that the young master has become the warden, so I can make the princess happy. It’s just that our Great Wolf Star is too far away from Dian Hell Mountain, and I’m afraid it’s been a long time since I knew this news!"

"Brother, I know you want to work for the young master, but with our current strength, it is still a lot worse, so let's concentrate on practicing. I wait for my life to be unlimited, and I can return to the young master one day and try my best. Use your own modest strength!"

Wuhan University comforted him carefully.

"Brother Wu said it is very true, now we should go back and meet the princess, let's talk about it. It's been a long time since I came out this time."

Xie San nodded, deeply impressed by the words of Wuhan University.

After the two separated from Jiang Ao, they went to the Great Wolf Star Pole and were taken care of by Nangong Mingyang.

Although the progress was rapid, in the eyes of some immortals of Great Wolf Star, they were nothing more than ordinary immortals.

Because of being favored by Nangong Mingyang, it has actually aroused the jealousy of others.

This is not.

People are coming!

I saw two figures suddenly appeared in the distance.

One after another, they stood in front of the two.

"Hahaha, Wuhan University, Xie San, it's a coincidence that we can meet here!"

The one who spoke was Luo Tianshang.

When the small realm reaches the fifth rank, this is not a weak cultivation base on the Great Wolf Star.

And the other person, Luo Tianshang Immortal Sixth Rank, was looking gloomy and staring at Xie San.

Even Zi Yan and Lan'er hiding behind the stone could feel a murderous aura.

"Zhao Wuchang, what do you mean?"

Wu Da took a step forward and blocked Xie San behind him.

Although Wuhan University is not strong, he can go everywhere in the immortal world, and he is full of experience. At a glance, he can see that Zhao Wuchang is not embarrassed.

Xie San had been living in the world of evil immortals before and didn't know much.

"It doesn't mean anything! It's just that the princess's entrusted him to come and pick the two back." Zhao Wuchang said, not smiling.

"We have feet and know the way, so we won't be able to lead the way!"

Wu Da snorted coldly, his eyes full of alert.

"You ungrateful animal!"

As Zhao Wuchang's face turned cold, he said, "Ben Luo Tian is here to pick you up. It is a blessing that you have cultivated for several lifetimes! If you don't give face, don't blame Ben Luo Tian for not giving face!"

"What if you don't?"

At this time, Xie San also stood up with a look of dissatisfaction.

These people always have opinions on him. If it weren't for Nangong Mingyang, where would they restrain themselves?

The evil three and two were afraid to cause trouble to Jiang Ao.

After all, they recognized Jiang Ao, not Nangong Mingyang.

"Hahaha! When did Da Luo Jinxian dare to be so arrogant in front of Ben Luo Tian? Wu Da, you retreat, the evil immortal is something that everyone in the immortal world has and punishes. You a horse!"

Wu Da did not move at all.

He is a man of righteousness.

At that time, it was obvious that I had worked hard for Jiang Ao several times.

"I am a thing, what about you?"

Xie San squinted his eyes.

He just doesn't understand the fairy world, it doesn't mean he can't speak!

"Boy, do you still want to compare with Ben Luo Tian? Of course Ben Luo Tian is not a thing!"

When Zhao Wuchang spoke out, he suddenly reacted. This was a routine given by Xie San, and he couldn't help being furious!

When preparing to shoot.

There were two clear laughs behind the stone.

It turned out that Lan'er and Zi Yan couldn't help but laughed!

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