I Have a Godly Devouring System

Chapter 698: The Godhead of the Sword God?

On the one hand, the two of them flew quickly in the void, while on the other they were talking about things in the God Realm.

After the stone's spiritual intelligence became higher, he also understood a lot of things that he didn't understand in the God Realm. These words have greatly benefited Jiang Ao. In addition to his yearning for the God Realm, he was actually more jealous. .

From crossing to the lower realm, Jiang Ao has always believed in strength.

And this, speaking from the mouth of the stone, the spirit is full!

Because there is no strength, it is the original sin!

Jiang Ao couldn't help clenching his fists.

Originally, without knowing the God Realm, he reached the pinnacle of the Fairy Realm in a short period of time, and became the warden.

However, when he knew that there was still the God Realm, and that people in the God Realm could come down at any time, the sense of security in his heart disappeared.

As long as there is a sacred man from above, and his divine power is exhausted, in the eyes of the upper realm sacred man, he is nothing more than an ant.

and so.

He still needs to keep getting stronger.

It will be a fresh start when it arrives in the God Realm.

He secretly made a decision in his heart.

After killing the Lord of Chaos, you must concentrate on practicing and continuously refine the world.

At the very least, raise your strength to the realm of Xianjun, and then wait for another chance to seize the godhead.

"Master, there are actually many kinds of godheads! Moreover, if you use a godhead of a different race, after becoming a god, you will become the corresponding **** race."

The stone said suddenly.

"Ah?" Jiang Ao was startled, "Then if what I get is the deity of the monster race, would it be that becoming a **** or becoming a **** of the monster race?"

"It's true, the three tribes of the God Realm are very powerful, but when I came down, the human race has gradually faded. Because the demons and the demons have united to suppress the gods. Since the fall of the sword god, the human race has not been able to produce the top The strong. If it weren't for the Human Race God King to rely on great wisdom to unite several small races to fight against it, otherwise, the Human Race might not have a foothold in the God Realm!"

Hearing this, Jiang Ao's face couldn't help becoming gloomy.

If this is the case, it seems that God Realm is not a good place to go!

But the more so, the more he wants to go!

He has a vague hunch.

As long as the entire human race of the God Realm is annihilated, then naturally, the Immortal Realm will not be much better.


The Demon Realm and the Demon Realm suddenly came to attack the Immortal Realm, do they...have a certain relationship with the God Realm?

Jiang Ao was not sure, nor could he be sure.

But I had to prepare for the worst.

It seems that becoming stronger is imminent.

I just don't know when I can become a god!


The sword **** fell?

What about his godhead?

Jiang Ao quickly asked: "Stone, doesn't it mean that the godhead will go to the lower realm after the gods fall? Why... never heard of the godhead of the sword god?"

Stone said: "Master, the Sword God is also a top-notch god, and his fighting power is also a resounding figure in the entire God Realm! At this point, the Godhead will naturally have a trace of the Sword God soul. So his The godhead must have been seized, but I don’t know whether to hide in the immortal realm or in the rest of the great realm. You must know that there are more than ten different races and realms, large and small."

"There are so many?"

There was an incredible look in Jiang Ao's eyes.

Because he only knows the demon world and the demon world, plus the underworld.

But the underworld is quite special.

While maintaining neutrality, it does not participate in any ethnic disputes.

Of course, there is also the fairy world he is in!

With more than ten interfaces, although the race has strengths and weaknesses, the spaces are all about the same size.

Even the fairy world is hard to find, let alone a total of more than ten interfaces.

"Yes, Master. Because the Immortal Realm has more than a dozen sacred transformation ponds. Each sacred transformation pond is a **** who comes from the ascension platform of the same realm."

"Hua Shen Chi... is it a place where people from the lower realms who have just become gods, such as demons, etc., burn their bodies after entering the gods?"

Jiang Ao felt that this was similar to flying from the lower realm to the immortal realm.

When he first entered the immortal world, he was a little unaccustomed to the pressure of the immortal world.

"You can understand it this way. Anyway, after arriving in the God Realm, if it is the first time to go to the God Realm, you will enter the Huashen Lake. The Huashen Lake has a spirit, and there is a huge and endless divine power in it. It will allow you to absorb more divine power. If your talent is weak, you may not be able to absorb it for an hour, and you will be kicked out."

"So mysterious?"

Jiang Ao has never heard of such things.

Although I found it interesting, I also knew the cruelty of the gods.

Just imagine.

A fairy with poor talent.

But through hard work, I won the Godhead.

Unexpectedly, the God Realm still depends on talent.

Because the talent was not good enough, it only absorbed one hour's divine power, this...it's probably the life of mining after going to the gods.

The day that I will stand up forever.

Thinking of this, Jiang Ao couldn't help sighing.

He doesn't know what his talent is.

Along the way, basically rely on the system.

However, there was one thing he heard.

Absorb divine power...

I don't know if I swallow the system, can I swallow as much of the divine power in the pool of God as possible?

Jiang Ao couldn't help but look forward to it.

at this time.

The two women in the void also gradually discovered something was wrong.

Because they had been flying for a long time, they didn't feel tired, but because they became more and more familiar with the power in the body, their hearts became more and more scared.

Such a terrifying power.

Even faintly felt an invisible pressure suppressing their bodies.

"Zi Yan, do you feel something is wrong?"

Lan'er asked, she didn't know that this was the power of confrontation that the fairy world gave them.

"Yes, I always feel as if I have a breath in my heart. Subconsciously, I dare not use my full strength for fear that my body will be suppressed."

Hearing what Lan'er said, Zi Yan quickly said, "Lan'er, do you feel that way too?"

"Yes, or... let's slow down a bit, maybe we will miss the young master if it is too fast?"

Lan Er suggested with a vaguely disturbed heart.

"Okay, let's slow down, by the way, where is this place?"

"It seems... the Southern Territory?"

This is also the first time the two women have left Dianhe Mountain, and they don't even know where they are.

On the contrary, they felt that they were galloping toward the south, so naturally this side was the Southern Territory.

"Look, there is a planet there. Why don't we go and take a break to get some news?"

Lan'er pointed to a planet not far away and said.

"Go and go, but we still have to be careful, don't use our strength, otherwise...I'm afraid of being treated as a foreign race!"

Suddenly there was such a strong power all over them, and they couldn't help but fear that they would be regarded as treasures.

It is better to be careful when you are away from home!

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