Chapter 68: Devouring a secondary planet! (First order)

Big sister Fang Ya, Xiong stayed in the Ascendas 4S shop.

The task Chu Feng entrusted to her was simpler than she had imagined.

Fang Ya learned a lot of useful information in half an hour.

Coupled with her own job convenience, as well as strong personal ability and deterrent effect.

Fang Ya took Zhou Xiaoke and Zhou Xiaoai directly to the Feitian 4S store next door.

This place originally belonged to the twin sisters’ parents.

The area is twice the size of the store next door, and there are more and more models in it.

Fang Ya walked in and said to the shop assistants: “Go and spray your boss out and cooperate with the police in handling the case.”

After a while, Zhou Xiaoke, Zhou Xiaoai’s second uncle, gritted his teeth and slowly walked out of the office, holding the active oil in his hand.

“You guys don’t end there anymore, right?”

“Someone has accused you of embezzling other people’s property. Come back to the police station with me.”

Fang Ya shook the information in her hand and said in a cold voice: “I have collected enough evidence, you just wait to go to jail.”

“I… We have raised them for two san years. Isn’t it enough to get something in return?”

“Save this sentence to the judge.”

Xiaoke’s second uncle was a little dumbfounded.

At first, they worried that what they did would break the law.

It’s just that houses worth more than two million yuan, and shops worth tens of millions or even more than 100 million have already been acquired.

The two little nieces were very angry.

But he never said that he should call the police to catch them.

Now, seeing the police collecting evidence and approaching him, Xiao Ke Xiaoai’s second uncle immediately felt scared and horrified.

“I…I will really be sentenced, I… Am I really breaking the law?”

Xiaoke’s second uncle, holding the last trace of luck.

Big sister Fang Ya, Xiong, dialed a phone number directly.

This is one of her young hair, but also a powerful lawyer.

“Zijun, help me popularize science, what is meant by infringement) ~ Crime of harming others’ property.”

“Good. According to the second paragraph of Article 117 of the “General Principles of Civil Law”, if the collective property of the country or the property of others is damaged, it shall be restored to its original state or compensated at a discount. Article 7 is in accordance with Article 12 of the State Law of the Chinese Empire

Professional legal knowledge, in Fangya’s fascinating little Liu Zijun, comes with open mouth.

Fang Ya, the eldest sister of Xiong who graduated from the police academy, was a little bit unconscious.

What’s more, Zhou Xiaoke, Zhou Xiaoai, and their second uncle.

After a while, Liu Zijun ended the popular science.

Fang Ya simply said a few words and hung up the phone.

“Well, quickly follow us back to the police station for investigation.

Xiaoke Xiaoai’s second uncle, his hands and feet were trembling, and Zui’s skin was also a little trembling:

“Comrade police, is my situation serious?”

Fang Ya shook her head: “It’s not serious.”

The second uncle of Xiaoke Xiaoai, secretly relieved that it is not serious.

This is, he is happy for less than a second.

I heard the elder sister Fang Ya say again: “It’s not serious, so you can just sit in jail for ten or eight years, or ten or twenty years. You are only forty years old, so you shouldn’t die in jail. ”


Xiaoke Xiaoai’s second uncle, a fart-) sat on the ground with no blood on his face.

“So serious?

He glanced at Xiaoke Xiaoai not far away, and then at Fang Ya, who was wearing a police uniform.

“Xiao Ke, Xiao Ai, please forgive your second uncle! Don’t tell your second uncle and second aunt, okay? Er uncle knelt down for you!”

The short and thin middle-aged man crawled on his knees in front of Zhou Xiaoke and Zhou Xiaoai.

His knee hurts terribly.

However, he can no longer take care of it.

While crying, he slapped himself.

There was a slap after another.”Little Ai, this is because your second sister is obsessed with money, I actually don’t want it!”

“I also searched the Internet at first. It’s really wrong for us to do that. However, as long as you don’t sue us, we don’t have to go to jail.”

“Xiao Ke Xiaoai, please, please spare the second uncle and second aunt! The second uncle promises to return all the property left by your parents to you!”

Zhou Xiaoai was already very disappointed with her second uncle and aunt, and she didn’t want to take a second look.

Zhou Xiaoke couldn’t bear it anymore and said, “As long as you give us everything that my parents left us, we won’t sue you.”

“Sister! Why are you so soft-hearted? Have you forgotten how they treated us?”

Zhou Xiaoai glared at her second uncle: “Anyway, if my sister forgives you, it doesn’t mean I forgive you too.

Fang Ya, who was on the side, followed: “Hurry back to the police station with me, don’t delay the time, or I will sue you for obstructing official business.”

“No!” Xiaoke Xiaoai’s second uncle slapped his face: “No, I don’t want to go to the police station!

He cried and wiped his tears, begging Zhou Xiaoai’s forgiveness.

He said that no matter what they ask them to do, they can.

As long as they don’t sue them and don’t let them go to jail, he’s willing to accept it.

Five minutes later, under the persuasion of her sister Zhou Xiaoke, Zhou Xiaoai reluctantly agreed, not to sue her second uncle and aunt.

However, they must apologize to them face to face, return the embezzled finances, and compensate them for their losses.

Those losses will be compensated by the cars in the Feitian 4S shop.

Soon, several people on both sides drew up a compensation agreement.

The second uncle and second aunt who wanted to embezzle Zhou Xiaoke and Zhou Xiaoai’s money, not only did not embezzle any finances, but also lost most of the property.

After the two sides signed, Fang Ya said to Xiaoke Xiaoai’s second uncle: “As for Liu Jinlian, she still needs her signature.

“Boss, you go to find a suitable grass first, and I’ll come with a bamboo mat right away.

Xiao Li is not only a keen eye, but also very strong in action.

After checking yesterday, I purchased all the necessary preparations.

Bamboo mat, tablecloth, tent…

Even simple barbecue grills are bought.

Chu Feng stood still.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Xiao Li, the new secretary walking beside him, and his heart moved.

Secretary Xiao Li, but I have said two or three times that she is a shrewd and capable secretary.

In such a hilltop park, looking not far away, a car is parked not far away, and beside me, there is a capable secretary

Central Hospital.

Zhou Jinlian, a fat woman who just had two tests, received a call from her husband.

“Where are you?”


“I asked where are you?!

Feeling the harshness her husband had never had before, Zhou Jinlian was furious: “woo woo woo woo.”

She tore her zi hard, and the pain was extremely painful, but she couldn’t move it.

Terrified, she sent a text message to her husband.

After half an hour.

Big sister Fang Ya, Zhou Xiaoke, Zhou Xiaoai, and their second uncle came to Zhou Jinlian’s ward.

Zhou Xiaoke and Zhou Xiaoai looked at the two buildings they hated, and as Chu Feng said, they will never be able to open again from now on.

“I am willing to admit defeat, no matter what Chu Feng asks me to do, I am willing.” Zhou Xiaoxin secretly said.

“Chu Feng has helped our family so much, I don’t even know, how should I thank him?” Zhou Xiaoke thought that an hour ago, for the first time in his life, he accidentally hugged a man.

She vaguely remembered that feeling at that time, it was very warm and beautiful) – wonderful. …

At this time, big sister Fang Ya handed some evidence collected to Zhou Jinlian.

|Xiao Ke Xiaoai’s second uncle also explained the stakes in it.

“Jin Lian, I have already signed it. If you don’t want to sign it, you can go to jail. I don’t want to go to jail anyway.”


The fat woman was reluctant, and finally signed the agreement.

Zhou Xiaoke and Zhou Xiaoai’s twins, in a short period of time, not only got back all the finances that belonged to him, but also received a lot of compensation.

The two were satisfied, and their gratitude to Chu Feng increased dramatically.

The two and Fang Ya left the hospital together.

“Fang Ya, thank you.”

“Don’t thank me, thank my brother-in-law Chu Feng if you want to.”

“Ah! Chu Feng is your brother-in-law? Isn’t it your boss?”

“It’s not my brother-in-law now, and sooner or later, too.”

Fang Ya is very confident about this.

“Okay, I won’t tell you anymore. I’m back to the police station. If you have something in the future, don’t hide it in your heart. Remember to tell me, you know?”

Fang Ya waved, called a taxi, and left.

Zhou Xiaoke Zhou Xiaoai glanced at each other, and the two discussed that Chu Feng has helped so much, how should I be grateful?

Or “, invite him to dinner, right?”

Chu Feng looked at the shaking Audi car and said to Secretary Dolphin:

Xiao Li “You see that car is so strange.”

A strange light flashed in Xiao Li’s eyes: “Yes, boss, it’s weird! You said the car is good, why is it wrong?”

Chu Feng smiled before he had time to speak, Xiao Li next to him wanted to explore.

He saw the strange light flashing in the eyes of Secretary Tun Dolphin.

Have a show?!

“Boss, it’s still early, so let’s get some sun.”

Xiao Li pointed to a piece of grassland with no one around.

“Let’s go there first and bask in the sun.”

Did not say, whether it is necessary or not.

Just to say, it’s still early.

So, mean, it’s okay later?

Chu Feng smiled and saw Xiao Li opening the trunk of the Maserati CEO, bending over, and taking out the bamboo mat and a plastic bag from it.

Xiao Li, who owns the dolphin tun, was originally a shadow killer.

The look of bending over makes her dolphin look even more beautiful.

“This fairy, is it on purpose?”

This figure is more beautiful and moving

Chu Feng stepped forward and took the bamboo mat.

Turned and walked towards the grass in the distance.

He suspected that if he continued to stay, he couldn’t help it. Now he wanted to explore Xiao Lihe and explore the secret of the wrong car.

Xiao Li closed the car door, her eyes bright.

“My aunt said that my back is very beautiful, especially when I am bending Yao. Just now, I don’t know if Chu Feng saw it?”

Xiao Li felt that Chu Feng should have seen it just now.

A smart woman will know how to carry forward her strengths.

She took the plastic bag and ran a few steps quickly.

Coming to Chu Feng’s body, he showed his perfect back in the eyes of the boss Chu Feng.

vBoss, give me the bamboo mat and I’ll make it.

Xiao Li held the bamboo mat, turned her back to Chu Feng again, and bent down.


This fairy!

Chu Feng, the boss, thought about it.

In this Baiyun Mountain Peak Park, the air is very fresh.

Many couples will come here to have fun.

Chu Feng looked at it casually and saw that there were quite a few men and women walking together.

There are some of them, directly on the grass, upstairs in a ball, biting each other’s ears, and talking sweet-sweet love words.

“Boss, it’s finished, come up.”

Come up?

Chu Feng discovered that he, the new secretary of the dolphin arm, likes to use some words that imply strong xing to himself.

“Well, then you are ready, I am coming up.”

Chu Feng smiled, took off his shoes and lay on the bamboo mat.

The feeling of basking on the grass in the park is indeed different from the feeling of being held in the presidential suite.

Ding Dong!

“Host, secondary planet, swallowed up.”

Chu Feng glanced at Xiao Li beside him.

“I slept all afternoon, and there was nothing wrong, so I didn’t have to call me.

Establishing investment companies, building chain hotel brands, developing 4S stores, and opening Ivy League private schools are all incidental things.

The most important thing is to devour the starry sky and evolve the planet.

Chu Feng’s consciousness descended into outer space and found the one-million-cubic-kilometer secondary planet he had swallowed.

After being swallowed, it increased San’s ten-point source power.

Today, Chu Feng’s source power is 58 points.

Chu Feng piloted a san-class planet with a volume of 10 million cubic kilometers, and once again began to devour various meteorites.

After devouring more than a hundred meteorites piecemeal, he found a meteorite Fu of a large scale.

A rough estimate, meteorites large and small, add up to more than a thousand!

This is the biggest meteorite that Chu Feng encountered.

He rushed directly, swallow! swallow! swallow!

It belongs to the source force in the xing list, and it increases steadily.

58 o’clock 9 o’clock…60 o’clock…

In just over half an hour, Chu Feng swallowed 1,260 san meteorites.

Earned 21 points for Li Zhao).

His source strength also reached seventy-nine points.

keep it up!

Chu Feng felt like he was playing a small game, constantly devouring and then devouring.

Later, Chu Feng was completely addicted to the fun of devouring various meteorites.

Looking at my own source of strength, a little bit of increase, I feel a sense of accomplishment.

Ding Dong!

“Host, do you start devouring the planet now?”

Chu Feng didn’t know how many meteorites he had swallowed.

The originally planned route was later discovered midway through a large meteorite skirt.

After swallowing the large meteorite skirt, Chu Feng found that he had changed his position, so the small map showed a picture that he could not see before.

She found out more than a thousand meteorite skirts.

Chu Feng swallowed these massive meteorites all the way, unknowingly, deviated from the original planned route.

Although it will take more time to return to the light green San-class star with a volume of 18 million eighth.

However, there are many benefits.

Chu Feng’s current source strength has reached 218 points!

Moreover, Chu Feng also found another san-level star!

Twelve million in volume!

“Begin to swallow.”

Chu Feng gave an order.

Ding Dong!

“Now it starts to swallow the planet, and there is still one hour away from the end of the swallowing.. One hour, twenty-nine minutes and fifty-nine seconds…

One and a half hours sentence.

With a thought in Chu Feng’s heart, his consciousness returned to reality.

Opening his eyes, Chu Feng noticed his state at the moment, and his expression was a little weird.


The shrewd and capable secretary of Dolphin Tun, when he came, said it was still early.

Before I knew it, it was already evening.

do not know when.

Chu Feng has a thin blanket on his body.

And beside him, there are more

ps: Seeking flowers evaluation first custom quack…

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