Chapter sixty-sixth ohh (seeking support)


“woo woo woo woo……”

Covered with gold and silver jewelry fat woman, about to continue reprimanded Zhou Zhou Xiao Ke love.

Suddenly I discovered that wants to say, have become ooo, ooo.

“Ooo, ooo hum ……”

Suddenly dish fat woman very frightened.

I just feel that he’s always been very agile in two utter words, like being forced to glue to glue together.

No matter how she tried, simply can not remain silent.


Fat woman kicked Aishou middle-aged man: “hum hum!”

Aishou middle-aged man, more fainthearted, rolled into a ball.

Fat woman seen like this, once again kicked.

Men love watching Zhou Zhou Xiao Ke, to persuade: “The small can small love, or else, you promised lotus, right?”

Zhou small can a deep sigh.

Zhou Love angrily: “? Di, do you really think that we two sisters, should sign a contract this shit.”

Di-small small can love, then do not speak when the fat lady Zhou Jinlian, to kick turned to the ground.

Aishou man from the ground up, glaring and small can small love:

“I mean, you two, you see the lotus gas into what looks like? After all these years Sa, if she had lived for you to eat for you, you would have starved to death, you and your family to store what can not?”

Zhou Zhou Xiao Ke little love, a little affection for the last uncle, also disappeared, do not want to speak to him.

Their uncle, and rage against the sentence, the result was the fat woman Zhou Jinlian, was kicked again.

Zhou Jinlian extremely frightened expression: “hum hum!”

She found that no matter how to do, her mouth are not open.

Even their own hands, straining want to break apart, they simply can not do.

She found her husband, do not you care about their meaning. We can not remain here, she hurried ran out.

Between Zhou Jinlian hurry, forget the car to open their own, frightened face on the roadside hailed a taxi.

“Where?” The driver asked.


“Ooo, ooo …… what?”

“Ooo, ooo hum ……”

“Ooo, ooo hum …… is what?”

“Ooo, ooo hum hum ……”

The driver, impatient :: “I said in the end you’re going, I’m driving a cab, also more than a decade, not to mention the city, even around the city, I know that you said that the hum hum ooo, ooo …… this place, I really do not know. ”

“Ooo, ooo ooo, ooo ooo, ooo hum hum ……” Zhou Jinlian cry.

She started to say, go to the hospital, but zui bar not open, then, becomes ooo, ooo.

The driver asked, she answered:. “I’m going to the hospital.”

As a result, it can only be ooo, ooo hum ……

The driver sitting on the driver’s position, seeing the fat lady Zhou Jinlian only answer ooo, ooo, the heart that this guy, this is not messing with me? Or neuropathy?

His resistance to the pressing anger xing son, asked again: “?. No kidding, go ahead, I’m going to catch you in the end want to shift it.”

“Ohh ohh ohh ohh hum hum ……”

“! FML, especially what you do is open the train,” the driver complete anger: “Get off Get off!”

Almost cried of Zhou Jinlian, complete crying.

She pointed to his zui, and shook his head.

Finally holding a cell phone, edit a message: I’m going to the hospital.

Took some effort, fat woman finally came to the Central Hospital.

“Excuse me, you want to hang what subjects?”


“speak English!”

Zhou Jinlian burst into tears, again spent a lot of effort, came to the eyes, ears, nose and mouth department.

Doctor: “What ails you?”

“Ooo, ooo ……” Zhou Jinlian took his cell phone and pointed.

Oh oh…

Once again we spent a lot of effort, done a lot of checks.

The doctor said: you this disease, only to see his life, unprecedented!

“Hospitalization it, ready money, I went to arrange a meeting of experts discuss.”

Doctors whisper: “This man does the special adhesive on the aircraft carrier, applied to the zui up?”

Fat woman had no idea how, Chu Feng shot to cute little twins, using the last random lottery, get shut up character.

He shut character, shape into a small ball of paper, a fillip Mitac, so shut up breaks between silent, fell Zhou Jinlian fat woman’s body.

Shut up character, so vicious Zhou Jinlian mouth shut forever, forever not open mouth!

Chu Feng love looking at small or small di twins, after Zhou Jinlian fat woman ran out, ferocious stare at his two nieces.

“You see, you see, put your Ershen gas into what looks like? You two hurry to sign the contract, otherwise, do not blame di tough talk!”

Chu Feng Zhou Jinlian punish the fat woman, thought twins uncle, a little bit of conscience, but the fat lady Zhou Jinlian forced – forced it.

It now appears that the two men simply birds of a feather, have special What is not a good bird!

Chu Feng flexor with bombs, two small stones from his fingers, lasing.

The next moment, di-small small can of love, by knee pain suddenly, plop, fell to his knees.

He hoarse grin, can not help Tonghu whoops!

“what happened?”

Just stood up, a pain in the knee again.

Three consecutive stood up, knelt down three times in a row.


Di-small can small love, panic shouting climb out.

Just scenes, the presence of many beautiful women, is within sight.

At this point, we have to look handsome handsome Chu Feng.

Not long ago I said to Chu Feng, helped clean up the fat lady little love Zhou Zhou Jinlian, walked in front of Chu Feng.

PS: ooo, ooo, shelves broke out tonight in the morning, seeking their support at the old iron. . . *

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