Chapter 64: Blood Earnings Multiplied by Two (please support a wave)

As a bad boss, it’s understandable to have a bad mind.

Holding Zhou Xiaoke’s little hand, Chu Feng, who is not Loli-controlled, feels like he is a hidden Loli-controlled?

For the petite and small Loli in front of him, he also had bad thoughts.

“Well, I am looking for more talents for the future business empire!”

Chu Feng felt that Zhou Xiaoke in front of him should also be a good personal secretary.

Today, Chu Feng has a personal secretary with long legs, a professional secretary with a dolphin butt, and a little Loli secretary, which is also very good.

“In the future, I will build the largest business empire in the country or the world, or even an interstellar business empire that rushes out of the earth. Not to mention three secretaries, even thirty secretaries, that’s not enough!”

Several people greeted each other, after getting to know each other.

Xiao Li told Zhou Xiaoke what happened just now.

“The four of you are already involved in a crime, do you know? If I were to be investigated, you might go to jail.”

Zhou Xiaoke looked at the four pale-faced car salesmen in front of him.

The four people’s faces became paler.

The scene just now was videotaped, and there were police officers in it.

The four of them didn’t know if they counted as a crime, but for a while, they couldn’t help shivering.

“Sorry, we are also forced to be helpless.”

“Please, don’t hold us accountable, we won’t dare anymore!”

“Boss, we have followed you for more than a year, no credit and hard work, please let us go this time!”

“Boss, please…”

The four people begged one after another.

Zhou Xiaoke couldn’t bear it.

“Forget it, you all go.”

Waved, let the four people leave.

Zhou Xiao apologized to Chu Feng and smiled: “I’m sorry, although they are not quite right, but I really can’t open this store anymore.”

She told Chu Feng that she could sell the car that Chu Feng needed at the cost price.

“You come with me and see what kind of car you like?”

Zhou Xiaoke leads the way.

To be honest, her 4S is not big.

Moreover, it seems relatively empty.

There are not many cars inside.

The best car is only more than one million.

Chu Feng, who has received thirty-three million in one hour, is not impressed.

Chu Feng glanced, and shook his head.

Zhou Xiaoke, who was enthusiastically introduced, was slightly sluggish.

“Boss, do you think that the discount is not enough? Or, I will give you a 5% off on the cost basis?”

Chu Feng still shook his head.

Zhou Xiaoke bit his lip: “10% off! Although we have no choice but to provide follow-up after-sales service, this is a regular car, not a smuggled car. All cars can be sold at the brand after-sales point. After-sales service.”

Chu Feng glanced at the new secretary Xiao Li.

Xiao Li immediately understood.

She pulled her good friend Zhou Xiaoke aside:

“Xiao Ke, our boss, not bad money, not wanting your discount.”

“Ah, don’t you want my discount? What do you want? I’m not as tall as you, and not as beautiful as you, so I won’t look at me, right?”

Zhou Xiaoke laughed mockingly.

“That might be right, you are legal Loli, maybe my boss likes you like this.” Xiao Li smiled:

“Men often say that three years of blood are earned and the death penalty is not lost. They are talking about you. In Loli’s opinion, you are much more beautiful than me.”

The two of them were aside, whispering, not knowing what to say.

Chu Feng took a look with interest and thought to himself, as a new secretary, he claims to be very capable.

Now it’s time to see her performance.

Chu Feng and his sister were chatting, Fang Fang Fangya and the two sisters were also biting their ears, not knowing what they were talking about.

At this time, the four shop assistants who had just left walked in again.

In addition, there is one more fat woman with all kinds of gold and silver jewelry on her body.

“Xiao Ke, have you considered it?”

Little Loli Zhou Xiaoke, who was talking to Xiao Li, frowned and walked over.

“Second aunt, the price you said is really too small.”

“Xiao Ke, it’s a lot. You have to know that I am willing to buy your shop because of the parents you are going to. The average person is not willing to ask for it at all.”

The fat woman covered in jewels glanced at Zhou Xiaoke, took out a contract, and said again: “This is the assignment contract. Hurry up and sign it.”

“Second aunt, do you want to add a little more? You know, my cars add up to more than the price you gave me.”

“You still count this with me? You two sisters have lived for nothing in my house for three years. Do you think you don’t need money?”

The fat woman covered in jewelry impatiently urged Zhou Xiaoke to sign the contract quickly.

“Why hasn’t your sister come yet? I have urged her several times. It’s really no use raising her for several years!”

Just as she was talking, a petite girl ran in with a schoolbag on her back.

Another little Loli!

Moreover, it looks exactly the same as Zhou Xiaoke! *

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