Chapter 63: Three Years of Blood Earning, No Loss of Death Penalty (seeking support)

The new secretary Xiao Li made a special trip to bring her boss Chu Feng to buy a car with her friend.

Unexpectedly, I encountered such a thing before entering the door.

She stared at the two sales clerk who ran from the store next door, and said coldly:

“Your competition is too unorthodox, right? People, this store, is here? What do you say they are going to close down?”

“You really don’t believe it, just take a look, can someone come out of their store? If it’s not going to go bankrupt, how could this be?”

The clerk in the store next door also made some sense.

Chu Feng frowned slightly, he didn’t want to waste too much time on buying a car.

If you have time, it is better to have consciousness descend into outer space, devour meteorite planets, and evolve stars.

However, it is Xiao Li’s friend’s shop after all, and will be coming soon.

Chu Feng was patient, ready to enter the store and wait for a while.

He walked into the store. Unexpectedly, even a clerk in the next store followed in.

“Boss, don’t believe us. This store is really going to collapse. Even if you buy a car here, it will be very troublesome if you don’t have complete after-sales services.”

The two clerks in the next store specialize in this business.

It can be seen from the same that Chu Feng and others are the customers who really come to buy cars.

And it’s still a big customer!

They are not willing to let go of this opportunity to make money.

However, they followed into the Ascendas 4S shop.

This makes Chu Feng angry and funny.

Liu Ruyan beside her couldn’t help laughing.

My sister kindly reminded: “You go out quickly, others will rush you later.”

No, the two people in the store next door didn’t panic, but smiled attentively: “Don’t worry, the clerk in this store hasn’t paid for several months, and they are about to jump to our store.”

After speaking, two people walked out of the store slowly.

“Yeah, we haven’t paid a salary for a few months, and we are about to go. You can go to the next store to buy a car.”

If it is an ordinary person, it may have been troublesome for a long time, and went straight to the next store to buy a car.

However, Chu Feng and others are not ordinary people.

Since they are Xiao Li’s good friends, the relationship between the two is the same as Fang Fang.

They are all very good.

My friend’s shop obviously had some kind of trouble that I didn’t understand.

Even the employees in the store are biased towards outsiders.

In this regard, Xiao Li could not sit idly by.

“Boss, I’m sorry, you wait a moment.”

Xiao Li took the phone and pressed a button.

“Boss, don’t believe us. This store is really going to collapse. Even if you buy a car here, it will be very troublesome if you don’t have complete after-sales services.”

“Don’t worry, the clerk in this store hasn’t paid a salary for months, and is about to jump to our store.”

Xiao Li just recorded all the words of several shop assistants.

“I tell you the truth, this shop belongs to my friend. As far as I know, she has never owed employees’ wages. What you said just now constitutes a slander!”

The big breasted sister was serious and stepped forward.

He took out a certificate and said, “I am a policeman. You’d better confess, otherwise, the evidence just now will be enough for you to stay in jail for a while.”

The four clerks’ complexions changed drastically.

At this moment, a woman hurriedly walked in.

The woman is petite, with long hair shoulder-length.

Chu Feng glanced at it and thought it was a little Loli.

It was not until the woman walked up to Xiao Li and the two communicated cordially that Chu Feng knew that this little Loli was Xiao Li’s friend.

“Xiao Ke, this is my boss Chu Feng.”

“Boss, this is my good friend, Zhou Xiaoke.”

Xiao Li introduced Chu Feng and Zhou Xiaoke to each other.

“Hello, thank you for taking care of my 4S shop that is about to close down.”

Zhou Xiaoke generously extended his little hand.

Chu Feng looked at the little Loli in front of her, and saw that she was very well-proportioned, as if she was a reduced version of the Venus goddess.

Even though, Chu Feng is not controlled by Loli.

At this moment, I can’t help but breed bad thoughts.

In the past, I often saw in the novels that the death penalty was not lost for three years of blood earned.


Chu Feng finally knew that Zhou Xiaoke’s Loli was the type that allowed men to earn the death penalty for three years’ blood!

“Boss, does Xiao Ke have flowers on his face? Shake hands and make friends.”

Zhou Xiaoke was surprised when he saw Chu Feng.

She had never seen such a handsome and handsome man.

Moreover, she was so good that her good friend Xiao Li voluntarily gave up her job as a bank vice president and became a secretary for her.

“Maybe this handsome guy, Chu Feng, is already so good that he is conscientious?!”

Zhou Xiaoke, who was whispering in his heart, couldn’t help but actively wanted to make friends with Chu Feng.

Chu Feng stretched out his generous palm and held Zhou Xiaoke’s slender hand.

PS: It will be on shelves early tonight, begging to support a wave of 2333. . . *

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