However, changing destiny comes to changing destiny. Why does Ocean Goddess temporarily change its plan?

Isn鈥檛 it more in her interest to continue her old profession, sacrifice to believers and Archid, and then pit her own kind to death?


I can kill those foreign gods for her…

Zhang Yun touched the chin, thinking about it, I realized that it seemed to be the case.

These outside gods are afraid that the Inheritor will stand up to their position, so they want to kill the Inheritor.

And I am a special existence that is not restricted by the heart of the world, no matter how they take the heart of the world, destroy the heart of the world, there is no way to prevent my inheritance level from increasing.

In other words, as long as I let me get up, one day, I will surpass the outer gods and drag them off the current altar.

It will not be discovered yet.

As long as the ocean Goddess keeps helping me cover.

The Inheritor of this World alone must put the heart of the world in place, and several other observing gods will know this, and the Goddess of the ocean is to disguise his identity as a “loyalist” , It must be reported to those outside gods who are not here.

When the time comes, once those guys know about this, they will definitely try their best to stop it, lower the body and fight the Inheritor for three hundred rounds.

In the end, who will win and who will lose, simply can’t tell…but it feels like the power of the outer gods who control multiple worlds is stronger. After all, they have time to accumulate and they can win. The probability of success is definitely higher than that of this World鈥檚 Inheritor revolution.

Consider one more level. The Ocean Goddess chose to put aside the “fire” and retreat, leaving the whole thing clean with himself. It was not intended to overthrow the rule of the outside god in one fell swoop.

Instead of using this World鈥檚 Inheritor revolution to filter out confidants who have a consensus with me, or cause great turmoil, and then sprinkle the “fire” of the revolution in more manipulated worlds, waiting for the future More awakening broke out.

Otherwise, she would just join the Inheritor of this World directly. She generously announced her rebellion and let the foreign gods who have the same idea as her join her. Isn’t the success rate higher?

Why bother specially arranging the two pieces of “villain” Edward and “decent” Kuula?

As an undercover agent?

Support secretly?

Even if she wants to be an undercover agent for the Inheritors and secretly help the Inheritor, there is no need for it. After all, the whole thing is the beginning of her initial failure of responsibility, and the source of the rise of Inheritor also comes from her Here.

If problems continue to occur in the follow-up, the Inheritor knows the information and subordinates of the external gods well, and pushes the external gods all the way, then the external gods will be the first to suspect her, and then lock her up. trial.

Unless the brains of those external gods are not good…

No doubt…

You don鈥檛 even have to wait for the follow-up, as long as the other external gods are suspicious A little bit more importantly, after the heart of the world was taken away by the Inheritor, immediately all the outside gods who were observing this World were taken to jail, and their communication with the outside world was blocked. Wouldn’t it be possible to completely avoid “traitors” from getting into it?

Anyway, if Zhang Yun were the leader of the outside god, he would definitely be the first to suspect that there is something wrong with this group of observers, and then control them, and then gather strength to attack those Inheritors who are going to make trouble…

At this time, Zhang Yun is conducting in-depth analysis, and Lucina and the others also emptied the alchemy props of the entire Archid branch, and also searched for several drawings for making alchemy props.

Unfortunately, the blueprints for the most valuable “explosive balls” and “magic firecrackers” are not there. They are all medicine manufacturing formulas with side effects, or some daily small objects that improve the quality of life.

Kuura came to Zhang Yun and said indifferently: “The search is over, Lucina Your Majesty asked me to come over and ask you what to do next, do you want to search the ancient Evil God Avatar in the vicinity? Whereabouts.”

Zhang Yun came back to his senses: “en? It’s over?”

He asked: “Have you found the drawings of the explosive ball and magic fireball?” “

Kuura shook his head: “No.”

“Uh…Is that so?” Zhang Yun touched his nose, trying to say what he had analyzed in his mind, and Kuula explored whether the old woman god who has been for thousands of years considered that way.

But he changed his mind and felt that he didn鈥檛 need to rush to figure out the cause of this incident. First, he slowly followed the clues to explore the details, waited until the time was enough, and then picked them out, and questioned Edward and him. The ocean Goddess standing behind.

After all, the outer gods are now being kept in the dark and will not affect this World. The Ocean Goddess is also considered a half ally, and Archid鈥檚 greatest threat is still in front of him.

Now that this matter is said, it is easy to affect the morale and loyalty of the team, or even if you have to break with Goddess of the ocean, when the time comes, the gain is not worth the loss.

And if this speculation is true, the whole thing was planned by Ocean Goddess. Everyone was her chess piece, and she was also used by her to become a deadly machete hanging on the outer god鈥檚 head. …

To be honest.

It doesn’t matter.

Little problem that’s all.

After all, the ocean Goddess uses herself, so why is she not using her?

If there is no shelter from the Goddess of the ocean, just relying on the mysterious and secretive appearance of the group of outer gods, and also like to kill Inheritor, the battle strength is definitely higher or weaker than the ancient Evil God. Forced to be beaten and run everywhere, there is no time and opportunity to develop.

To change the situation, I am the first to know that Ocean Goddess wants to revolutionize the plan, and Ocean Goddess does not know that he is a transmigrator with countless resurrections, and he is likely to take the initiative to find her to achieve the current cooperation… 鈥?/p>

So Zhang Yun threw away all the thoughts in his mind, and turned to look at the tied up Misriko Hanyu, and asked: “Misriko Hanyu, they told me that they did not find the explosive ball and Do you know where the drawing of the magic firecracker is?”

Hanyu Miriko said: “Yes, but I can only give you the drawing of the magic firecracker first. The drawing of the explosion ball will not be mentioned temporarily. , When you fulfill your promise and let me go, I will send someone to give it to you.”

“You don’t have to worry that I will regret it.”

“Now Archid knows me Betraying them will definitely not tolerate me. If I want to survive, I can only help you defeat Archid.”

“But I cherish my life, so I won鈥檛 participate directly. In this war, I will go to Vantakinia, get more alchemy drawings, send them across the Northern Ocean, and finally hand them over to you…”

Zhang Yun does not bring it He hesitated and said: “It’s okay.”

He extended the hand, took away all the Savilian steel and special ropes that restricted Misato Hanyu, threw them into the backpack, and waved: “We Now I鈥檓 going to the imperial capital of Great Xia Dynasty. Just send someone to send the drawing. Remember to let your person stand at the city gate and I will find him.”

“Nothing else, you Go by yourself!”

After listening, Misato Hanyu was taken aback and didn’t react: “Let me go?”


Just let me go?

She thought Zhang Yun would still tie herself for ten days half a month, and at least she had to kill the ancient Evil God Avatar before she let herself go, and when she left, she had to impose some restrictions on herself , To prevent yourself from speaking out of words and not giving drawings in follow-up.

As a result, let it go without doing anything?

Hanyu Misato frowned: “Are you not afraid that I will regret it? Don’t give you drawings and other alchemy props, and then rejoin Archid and continue to deal with you?”

Zhang Yun drew his ears: “It’s okay. These drawings are pretty general. It doesn’t matter if you don’t give them, but the ones that are really useful, such as magic cannons and magic airships… I don’t think you can get it, right? I used it before, there鈥檚 no need to hide it.”

“As for you to rejoin Archid?”

“It’s up to you, anyway, this time I promised you to let you go, but if I run into you next time, then I won鈥檛 let you go.”

“Specifically… just take the one next to you A little brother who died tragically as a reference!”

After that, Misato Hanyu looked at a member of the Archid who was hacked to death by his elder brother. A trace of fear flashed in his eyes, involuntarily squeezing. He took a mouthful of his lips, and his slender arms trembled slightly.

It didn鈥檛 take long for her to regain her composure and calmly said: “Hehe, Mr. Zhang Yun is really confident! But please rest assured, I will not break my promise. Those drawings will definitely be presented. You can wait in the capital of Daxia.”

“However, the Avatar of Archid’s entourage, I hope Mr. Zhang Yun will consider it carefully and not meet him for the time being.”

“Its power…”

“Even if you are all Inheritors on your side, sir, it is not its opponent. You can only rely on the power of the Kingdom and Daxia, and use a sufficient number of elite professionals. It takes countless sacrifices to repel it.”


Enough quantity?

Is this thing an epic meat shield?

Do we need to rely on the crowd to grind it bit by bit?

I want to return to thinking, worry about it, and not lose face, so Zhang Yun waved his hand and said: “You don’t have to worry about this. I know how strong your Archid鈥檚 ancient Evil God Avatar is. How to beat them.”

“That guy is willing to hide the best, don’t mess up, pipe down.”

“If you want to jump out, I don鈥檛 mind spending a bit Time, break it up, and give a little gift to the body of Ancient Battlefield.”

Miriko Hanyu sighed: “Ai, let鈥檚 go, I won鈥檛 persuade you too much. Wait until the husband meets. Those monster Avatars know how terrifying their power is!”

“Then I will go first.”

“We’ll meet again some day.”

After all, Misato Hanyu urges the power of Archid within the body. The incarnation is a monster with a height of four or five meters, with slender wings growing out of the branch of Archid. , Disappeared in the distant jungle.

Kuura standing next to him can鈥檛 understand the words of the Rising Sun. She doesn鈥檛 know what Zhang Yun and Kuura have just said to Barabara, but she knows that this guy is without the slightest hesitation. The guy who gained the power of Archid is let go!

You this bastard don鈥檛 ask our opinion?

Lucina Your Majesty’s opinion?

Damn it!

She asked: “What are you doing? Just let her go? Aren’t you afraid that she will go to tell the news?”

Zhang Yun gave Kuula a white look: “Hey! What kind of news? Believe it? Do you even pry at a dozen or so bases, and be someone stupid? I don鈥檛 know what you are going to do in Great Xia Dynasty?”

“I guess this group of goods has been ambushing in Great Xia Dynasty long ago. .”

“No matter how far we go, we have to face their ambush in the end, simply can’t escape.”

Kuura frowns saying: “That can’t be put right away!?”

Zhang Yun waved his hand indifferently: “Don’t worry, she will not affect us, but will help us and bring us something that can reverse the outcome. The key item.”

“Just talk about the explosive ball. In the future, we will meet Archid on the battlefield. We start with a circle of magic, break their magic shield, and shoot thousands of explosions. If the ball is over, don鈥檛 you just blow them up?”

“Not to mention this magical firecracker, it can directly make the unprofessional people become a lot of battle strength, cover us from the side, and strike the enemy remotely. Soldiers.”

“These things are more valuable than her life.”

More importantly, the map just now shows that the big sister of Archid鈥檚 traitor has already I completely figured it out. Transformed into green, which stands for “Friendly Army”. This kind of direct killing is reckless waste of natural resources……

Kuura continues to question: “Yes, these things are valuable, but you Can you guarantee that she will hand over the drawings instead of taking the opportunity to escape?”

Zhang Yun patted Kuula鈥檚 shoulders, tidying up the folds of her clothes accidentally during the fight, and then said: “big sister, please You protect our holy king Your Majesty, complete your duty, don鈥檛 think about other things, and don鈥檛 worry about it.”

“I will not cheat you here.”

“Ah there is OK?”

Kuura rolled her head indifferently: “hmph!”

At this moment, Lucina walked over, not entangled why Zhang Yun suddenly let go Hanyu Miriko asked instead, “Zhang Yun, have you decided? Do you want to check in the vicinity? Where is the ancient Evil God Avatar?”

“Lily just said that there is something special here The taste of is different from ordinary members of Archid, but it can be distinguished from Archid.”

” I suspect it is the smell of the Avatar. “

Zhang Yun lifts the head: “Oh? Special taste? That should be the Avatar of the ancient Evil God! “

Zhang Yun is very relieved of the smell of the deep sea Huangya. After all, it could smell the illusory shadow of Batya from the sea so far, and now there is a stronger Avatar, I can definitely smell it in an instant.

It鈥檚 just that the many Archid branches were lifted up front, but they didn鈥檛 smell the ancient Evil God Avatar and came to this last base. , Just smell it?

Did it only come here?

Or it was “born” here at first, but I didn鈥檛 intend to care about being in the country of the rising sun Did we go directly to the abdomen of Great Xia Dynasty?


It鈥檚 a bit weird…

Obviously capturing the “Master Key” is the priority The highest-level mission can directly release the body of their ancient Evil God. It doesn鈥檛 make sense to ignore this goal, and run to make some mess, right?

Unless there鈥檚 something better than Great Xia Dynasty over there. The “master key” of Kina is more important.


This guy didn’t plan to let us go, but was preparing in advance, making a strong enough trap, and waiting for us directly Step in, and then use the power of the thunderbolt to destroy us.

Just like what Hanyu Misato and the ancient Evil God did, we set up an illusion array in advance, and the top secret underworld is our hand.

And these killed Archid members are the victims who used to delay time, sacrificed their lives, in exchange for a trap that can catch Lucina 100%.


From the perspective of Archid鈥檚 way of doing things like arranging four or five backhands…

The second probability is bigger…

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