“Alchemy weapons?”

“There are many, magic cannons, magic mechanics, light swords, poison mist balls, light zigzag cloaks, etc.”

“If you go bigger, they also have magical airships like giant dragons, equipped with special explosive balls that can land and explode, and can cause enemies on the ground to have a magical effect like the’sea of ​​fire’, killing hundreds in an instant. Thousands of soldiers.”

“Including the golden tower they used to defend the city. The energy comes from magical energy and some special materials. The formidable power is comparable to the magician forces of the Western Kingdom to release large-scale magic, but not It needs manpower to maintain.”

“And their…”

Then, Misato Hanyu Barabara talked about a long period of Vantakinian alchemical civilization, not just In terms of weapons, even the things needed for daily life, Vantakinia’s are more advanced than all the kingdoms on this continent, it’s like two centuries.

The Middle Ages and the Steam Age.

Miriko Hanyu smiled softly: “As for I can know these things and get their construction drawings…hehe, Mr. Zhang Yun, as a man, should know that some men are very cheating , As long as you fascinate them with Divine Soul upside down, they will do anything for you.”

Zhang Yun wondered: “You mean someone from Vantakinia has come to your Rising Sun country? “

Huh? This is an accident! Beidayang is so dangerous! Is anyone willing to travel back and forth between the two continents?

Even in such a small place as the Rising Sun Country? Instead of going to a great kingdom like Albertia?

Hanyu Misato covered her mouth and said, “Of course, but it is not an ordinary person who came here, but Vantakinia’s meticulous work. Their purpose is to investigate the situation of this continent.”

“It’s just.”

“The few who came to our country of the rising sun were confused by my beauty, and then rebelled and became my people.”

Zhang Yun: “…”

Yes, cowhide, it’s okay to rely on beauty to instigate rebellion!

paused, Misato Hanyu said again: “Archid will give me strength, and he also likes me because they have tried to expand their power to Vantakinia, but unfortunately they have encountered various In the end, I didn’t succeed, I didn’t say it, but suffered heavy losses.”

“And if they use my network, they will be able to finish cooking countries such as Albania and Great Xia Dynasty. Slowly invade Vantakinia, develop brand new believers there, and finally collect the territory there.”

“At the same time, when this side fights with the believers of the outer gods, they also You can use Vantakinia’s alchemy to greatly increase the battle strength of your army…”

Zhang Yun asked: “Wait, you mean, Archid only occupied this place now. Most countries on a continent, and the world outside this continent, haven’t they gotten their hands?”

Hanyu Misato glanced at him: “What? Is it strange? The North Ocean is so dangerous. The most powerful Nanyang Kingdom on the Sea dare not cross it. Archid will definitely find it difficult to go to another continent on their own!”

“And, you know, Archid What I want to do now is to grab your side, Her Highness the Princess, and liberate all the Archid entourage locked in Ancient Battlefield.”

“They want to exhaust the occupation of this continent. Let alone distracted to conquer other continents.”

“The previous expansion of power will fail. It is just that they tried a little bit and used a group of elites to cross the ocean. The loss was beyond expectations. Only then will you give up strategically.”

“If you really do your best to go to Vantakinia, relying on the Avatars that they can summon out, don’t you just cross the Northern Ocean casually?”

“But it’s totally unnecessary…”

Listen, Zhang Yun frowns saying: “Could it be that Archid originated from Alberia?”


What’s the situation?

Isn’t it said that the ancient war is all the ancient Evil God vs all the Inheritor, and then the outer god followed the Inheritor’s buttocks back to the water and stole the victory?

Then Archidgou survived and was not completely sealed. He secretly developed believers for thousands of years, planning to return again?

Then why would there be no Archid members in kingdoms like Vantakinia on other continents?

is it possible that?

They are only active in Alberia?

Then expand to the disorderly places of the desert, and then to the Great Xia Dynasty. By the way, do you harm the Nanyang Kingdom and other countries?

And Fantaquinia is a late target that has not yet invaded?

Miriko Hanyu nodded and said: “Yes, they have been active in Albania at the beginning, secretly developing believers and power.”

“Until the Shensheng Clan Edward Archbishop cooperated with them, and only then began to appear just and honorable, and sent the main members to other countries, established branches, and then developed believers and forces.”

“This is also what they will do to Albert The reason why the power of the Kingdom of Leah reached Peak…”

“Presumably, your Her Highness the Princess should have a deep understanding of this matter and know the status quo of the white capital.”

After listening, Zhang Yun glanced at Lucina, who was studying alchemy props with Kuula, then turned around, lost in thought.


Archid’s control over Alberia has reached Peak. If it weren’t for Holy City’s defeat in World War I, even if they don’t have the master key of Lucina, they can still command Alberia. The whole army fights for them, and it is no problem to attack any country.

But facing the disorderly land of the desert, and the small projectile land like the Sunburst, they didn’t even shovel out the most powerful existence among them, Archid, and replaced them as the leader… …

This kind of strange phenomenon, if explained by the information given by Hanyu Misato, is normal.

Archbishop from the very beginning is just a small cult organization in Albania. It gradually developed and expanded with the help of Archbishop until Edward Archbishop gave them “help”. Over the years, it has developed and grown, and slowly invaded such remote places as the Great Xia Dynasty and the Rising Sun Kingdom.

But because they don’t have enough time to develop, they can only control the Kingdom of Alberia, but cannot completely control other countries.

Combined with the information previously drawn from members of Archid, this World has no other ancient evil God Organization, only their Archid…

It is equivalent to saying that there is only ocean The believers of the ancient Evil God appeared in the territory where Goddess Siren had the greatest faith, but the Great Xia Dynasty, Vantakinia, and the South Sea Kingdom did not believe in the Goddess of the sea in places where there were no traces of the believers of the ancient Evil God.

Perhaps the Nanyang Kingdom and Vantakinia also believe in the old woman the Siren… But it doesn’t matter, anyway, just write it down as “the ancient Evil God believers developed wantonly on the land of the ocean Goddess”.


I understand!

Before the ancient war was over, the Ocean Goddess Siren felt that her companion was wrong in manipulating this World, so he deliberately left a hand in the aftermath work of erasing memories and let the followers of Archid. Survive, or give the Archid entourage locked in Ancient Battlefield a chance to “talk” with the outside world and let them develop their own believers.

If this is not the case, it doesn’t make sense, why only Alberia’s Archid is active, while other ancient Evil Gods have never appeared, and no believers who save them exist in the world.

Then, Siren deliberately allowed these Archid to develop, and when the time came, such as the birth of the “master key” of Lucina, he asked Edward to contact Archid to speed up their development. , At the same time give Lucina’s holy sword hands and feet, so that Archid can track Lucina’s location.

In this way, Lucina’s holy sword will be positioned by Archid, and she will wear it stupidly, without putting a space ring, and it can be explained clearly.

After all, it was the baptism that Edward gave her when she was a child. Only Edward, who is Archbishop, can touch the holy sword. Other ordinary persons can’t touch the holy sword at all. .

So, the idea of ​​the ocean Goddess at first is to sacrifice Lucina, let Archid successfully liberate the bodies of the ancient Evil Gods, and then use the power of the ancient Evil Gods to resist My own kind…



If she thinks like this, there is no need to cancel this plan and instead help herself and Lucina against Archid.

During the battle of Holy City, relying on the hard power of Kuula and the Butterfly Gemini, and the group of Archid who attacked Holy City, it was better to cut himself and Lucina. it is good?

Uh, let me think about it, the Goddess of the ocean deliberately left the ancient Evil God a chance, letting Archid act freely, and let Edward help them to capture Lucina, but the battle was fast in Holy City When I succeeded, I suddenly turned back to help Lucina and I, without telling the truth to Pope John, these people…

In addition, when I didn’t cross, I just rely on Lolo Island’s Akid and the demonic beast tide, Lucina will be caught by the members of Akid 100%, and then successfully liberate the ancient Evil God……


I understand!

It turned out to be like this!

The coverage of the ancient war is indeed the whole world. All the ancient Evil Gods were sealed by the outer gods, and the Inheritor was mostly killed by the backstab of the outer gods!

It’s just that after this World was defeated, the higher-ranking gods among the outer gods withdrew from this World, leaving only a few of them to observe the situation of this World.

After all, Edward said that the world controlled by the outer gods is more than this one…

And the ocean Goddess is one of the outer gods who observe, and her observation range is in Al Beria, or bigger, just included the “Archid” card she secretly dropped.

The other Great Xia Dynasty, and Fantaquinia on another continent, are the territories of other outer gods. They are separated from the ocean Goddess. There may be a connection between gods and gods, but Basically, I will not carefully observe the territory of others.

So the ocean Goddess operated in the dark, allowing Archid to grow and develop, but he didn’t show much fanfare, in case he was discovered by other outside gods.

This is her 1st move.

Then it was 2nd move, she let Edward and the Divine Punishment army know the truth, so that they would follow themselves in order to get the world back on track, but deliberately did not tell Pope John the core personnel of the sect. , Resulting in the separation of the two factions in Holy City.

According to normal development, Lucina will be captured by Archid, and the ancient Evil God body will be released, and Holy City will also be attacked by the inside and outside at this time. A large number of members of the God-born Sect will not know the truth. Escape and spread the news of Edward’s betrayal of the God-born Order.

When the news spread, Edward, the group of people who knew the inside story, took the initiative and said that they wanted to pursue Archid in order to gain strength and immortality.

Kuura, the insider on the second, pretended to be a “pious believer”, with the remaining members of the Theocratic Order, fought Edward and the others, intensified this contradiction, and once again Send a message.

“This rebellion was premeditated and well planned, as well as the powerful existence of Archid’s entourage. That’s why we are kept in the dark.”

“However, although we suffered a loss because we did not know, we did not give up. For the sake of gods and faith, we will fight to the end with this group of traitors and those who escaped from the ancient Evil God!”

twice When the information appears together, it will give the other observing gods the illusion – this matter has nothing to do with the Goddess Siren of the ocean, it is exactly that Edward, who knows the truth of the ancient events, betrayed her and used some The special ability concealed what Archid had developed secretly.

Next, the “unknowing” Goddess of the ocean must deal with this matter, first to deal with the believers who betrayed Edward, then destroy the group of Archid members, and finally destroy the group The escaped ancient Evil God was shut back into Ancient Battlefield.

What does she do?

Two methods, the first is that her body descends and fights head-on with the ancient Evil God to reseal the group of undead monsters.

Second is to learn about ancient warfare, sitting atop a mountain to watch the tigers fight by yourself, so that ordinary humans can gain inheritance, and then become stronger and become “big fish”, and then use the ancient Evil God. “Boss Fish” eat it.

From the fact that she wants to reverse the destiny of the world and fight against her companions…

Yes, you don’t have to guess, she will definitely choose the second method to let those ordinary The humans gain inheritance, and then fight against the group of ancient Evil God!


Next is the 3rd move!

The ancient Evil God escapes collectively. The number is large and the intensity is high. These external gods who observe the world are not opponents. They must seek external power, which is the so-called “new big fish” eating the “big fish”. “.

But the current strength of Inheritor is severely weakened, because the “heart of the world” was taken away by the outer gods, so if you want to defeat these escaped ancient Evil God bodies, you must let the “heart of the world” “Return to this World and fill the group of Inheritors like empty bottles with energy like water, so that they can fight the ancient Evil God.

In this way, the heart of the world returns, this World equivalent to rejuvenates, and those Inheritors can return to the strength of the ancient war!

At this time, there was a slight accident, allowing those newly emerged Inheritors to “discover” the truth of the ancient battlefield, and to know the importance of the heart of the world and the conspiracy of the outer gods.

They will rely on the powerful inheritance power to snatch the heart of the world from the ocean Goddess, a group of foreign gods who observe the world, and then declare war on all the foreign gods and roll up a new revolution.

At the same time, because the Inheritors already know the truth of ancient wars and know the untrustworthy group of outer gods, the situation of being “back-stabbed” by the outer gods a year ago will not happen again.

That is, there was no resistance at all, so he was wiped out by his teammates.

After that, the Inheritors relied on the newly acquired powerful power to confront all the outer gods head-on, while the Ocean Goddess pretended to be “victims”, retreated to the team of the outer gods, and secretly gave the Inheritor of this World Support…


Isn’t this going to be?

Sacrifice Edward, sacrifice the believers of Holy City, sacrifice Lucina, sacrifice countless human beings, sacrifice Archid by the way, and rekindle the fighting spirit of this World!

And the “world on track” of the Sea Goddess Siren’s words, relying on countless layouts, has pulled it back!

For this.

I can only say.

It is indeed an old woman who has lived for thousands of years.

What a good game!

But strange things have come, why did the Ocean Goddess Siren change this plan?

Obviously according to this conjecture, she can re-spread the strength of Inheritance to the humans of this World without any risk, and then resist the “wrong” rule of the outside god, and she can retreat completely, and finally the revolution fails. It will not have any impact on her.

What is the reason for this?

Conscience discovery?


If the Ocean Goddess Siren could conscientiously discover that so many people would not have died before, let alone those faithful believers of Holy City who died tragically when Archid attacked Holy City. Suicide Squad in the hands.

She can sacrifice people so much, she is by no means a softhearted person, and she will not easily change her plan, especially this grand plan that has been laid out for a thousand years!

Then it is because Lucina will gain the power of the current Saint King?

It should not be.

After all, Lucina from the very beginning is the one chosen by the holy sword. She has top grade inheritance, but because the heart of the world is taken away, the energy density of this World is not enough, which makes her Inheritance is incomplete.

So, if the Goddess of the ocean is for the power of Rukina’s Holy King, there would be no such series of pursuits before.

It was Edward who sent the Divine Punishment army to secretly protect Lucina from going to Holy City and kill those who were chasing Archid along the way.

At the same time, according to the assumption just now, in order to fight against the ancient Evil God, the Goddess of the ocean will inevitably take out the “heart of the world” taken away, which means that the “heart of the world” is observing the gods of this world In the hands, not in the hands of other foreign gods far away.

In other words, the current Rukina has become so strong, it is probably because Goddess of the ocean put the heart of the world in place and let the energy of this world flow again, which made her awaken.

Of course, this is not a guess, but from the perspective of Lucina’s direct rise to stars and the evolution of innate talent, this kind of unfathomable mystery improvement is really hard to think of, only that. The “heart of the world” can only be explained by returning to its place.

There are also the Inheritor Butterfly Gemini and Kuula, their strength seems to be growing, but they are covered by the effect of Lucina’s invincible title, so the display is not obvious.

But as long as you look closely, you can find that their inheritance is constantly getting stronger, their own level and professional level are also continuously upgrading, and soon…

So, the ocean Goddess in the end Why change the plan?

Could it be that?

Is it because of my transmigrator that suddenly appeared?

If I don’t show up, everything will go on the right track, Lucina is captured, the ancient Evil God reappears in the world, inheritance descends again, the power of mankind begins to expand…

And I As soon as she appeared, she rescued the mortal Rukina, and then advanced all the way, and passed the Butterfly Gemini test, everything was disrupted.

Or change it.


Is it the meaning of the original destiny decision task?

I changed the fate of this World?

The original fate?

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