I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 496 Split, internal friction, prevent it!

Chapter 496 Split it, internal friction, prevent it!

Soon, it was only seen that everyone discussed the matter in the Xianyang Hall.

A group of important ministers, Han Xin, Zhang Liang, and even Shen Wansan came over, including those who were obscure in Daqin in this era, and expressed their opinions on this matter together.

After thinking about it for a while, Zhang Liang said slowly: "If this is true, then even if he intends to conspire to invade the south, it is not Huyanchi's original intention. Although he is expensive for his own country, he has no real power. There is no unity among them.

"In our Daqin, even though there are 11 nobles from the Six Nations who secretly do something wrong, they are always just petty troubles, and these Huns, under the guise of these guise as their own protective umbrellas, are really hateful.

"But if Da Qin has always adopted a tough attitude, maybe a big victory can bring back decades of peace, but after a few decades, once they keep a low profile, they will make a comeback again because they don't have enough food. , If we Daqin have no good generals, what should we do?"

"If you encounter natural and man-made disasters at the same time, and you have to face the northern Xiongnu, what should you do?"

"So, since this Huyanchi intends to surrender, why don't we take this opportunity to support him as the Xiongnu Shanyu, eradicate the main war faction in other Xiongnu tribes, or let his tribe separate from other tribes and make him The war between Da Qin has turned into internal friction between their own tribes, so that their power can be naturally decomposed, so that they can no longer pose a big threat to Da Qin."

Han Xin, however, sneered at this strategy, "Well, seeker Zhang Liang, I ask you, what if they surrendered by fraud?"

Li Xin nodded, "It's really possible that it was a fraudulent surrender."

"It's not impossible!


"Because at that time, it was a teenager named Huo Qubing who was under my command who brought him back alive, not his own initiative to surrender."

"If you surrender after this incident, the suspicion will be very big."

Zhang Liang still insisted on his own point of view, "Even so, his life is at stake. If he is really the main battle, then with the character of the Huns, I am afraid that he will never do such a confused thing, because he If people were originally unconvinced, and now they take the lead in surrendering, I am afraid that they will lose people’s hearts…”

"So, he should have surrendered on his own initiative, and wanted to use the power of Daqin to appease the leader of the Xiongnu tribe named Udirhaci, and then become a veritable Xiongnu Shanyu, but we can't make him too powerful, nor can we Let Udyrhaci be too weak, and they must be evenly matched and regard each other as an enemy, so that it will benefit us Daqin

Han Xin snorted coldly and said, "It's quite naive to think. Since ancient times, who can drive straight in from the heavily defended northern border and hit Huanglong?"

"This Huyanchi is definitely not an ordinary person. The matter of surrendering, whether it is true or false, but there is one thing I can be sure of, the second half of what he said may be true."

Xiao He frowned, "You mean, the Han family in Yingchuan County is suspected of mutiny?"

"It's more than a betrayal of the 530 change, the purpose of others is to stab Da Qin from the back, and a single knife will damage your vitality and collapse the country..."

As soon as Han Xin said this, all four of them were stunned.

If this is the case, then the intention is too vicious...

Just as everyone was amazed, suddenly, a sharp voice came from outside.

"Paper, Yingchuan County, the people of the Han family are here!

"What are they doing at this time?"

With the suspicious eyes of the ministers, the eunuch who passed the message said: "I brought a large amount of food and supplies, as if I came to donate to the national disaster...


Did you hear it right?

White and black are confused again, where is this going? It's getting more and more outrageous?

Who is telling the truth and who is false?

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