Chapter 495 Is there another reason?

"Besides, the scene of the last defeat is still vivid in my mind, but I have no actual control over the tribal army, and those leaders will not listen to me, especially the army headed by Na Udyrhaci, more It is aggressive and determined to go south!

Li Xin snorted coldly: "What about others?

"In the rear, we are still fighting with the Qin army.


"You think we "Five Three Zeros" are fools, don't know what you are thinking?" Li Xin should have another attack, but at this moment, Xiao He, who was in front of him, stopped him.

"Don't touch him.

"This matter is not simple at all.

Just listening to this Huyanchi tried his best to defend himself: "If you don't believe me, why would I find an opportunity to surrender at this time?"

"If I want to fight, it's easy. But if I want to save the lives of my clan in exchange for a peaceful and stable life, it's impossible for Duan to do such an unreasonable thing."

Immediately afterwards, he was only heard saying: "This disaster in Daqin was not provoked by us, the Huns, but in the end, it was a disaster that occurred within Daqin...

"And we are the real victims.

"Nonsense, you killed so many of our brothers, and even General Wang Ben was killed in Huangquan, what else is there to say for such an act?

"Don't you still think about letting the account go?"

Li Xin was furious, "The last commander begged Lord Baihei to immediately execute this nonsense Xiongnu Shanyu."

"This is a petition!"

I saw Huyanchi, who was tied up with five flowers, suddenly knelt down in front of Bai Hei with a plop, "If what I said, if there is a half-truth, I will not die.

"If the Han family in Yingchuan County hadn't created bait and fake news for us, no one in our clan would have advocated a southern invasion..."

"If Lord Baihei, the auspicious beast of the Great Qin State, can believe me once, I will lead the army back to serve as the vanguard of Great Qin to pacify the rebels of the Six Nations, and execute the leader of Udyrhachi, who took the lead. Atonement for the merits, for Da Qin, to get back a statement.


Xiao He didn't know what to do for a while.

Even Bai Hei, who has always had a lot of ideas, was stunned there, and the potato chips in his mouth seemed to stop all of a sudden.

What the heck is this?


How could the Xiongnu Shanyu let go of this great advantageous situation and turn to himself to surrender?

This is simply impossible..

The deep blood feud between the Huns and the Qin people has been hatred for generations. Even if they advocate power and don't care about these, the Qin people are quite careless.

The hands of the Huns were stained with the blood of too many Qin people.

How many Qin people fell under the saber of their Huns?

Maybe Qin people can't count them.

But the ornaments hanging around their horses' necks, those are the heads of the Qin people, or the bones of certain parts of the body, are all regarded as the trophies of the victors and hung on their horses, often arousing the belligerent hatred of the Qin people. Love 5.9 Threads…

Of course, no matter what kind of enemy this is, it is both a deterrent and a provocation. No one can stand this arrogant arrogance, but these Xiongnu, who advocate the power of nature, just believe in such a thing.

No way, who let them live on this grassland for generations?

"Take him down."

With Bai Hei waving his hand, soon, two people came and took him down.

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