Chapter 492

This kind of commitment, even if it is placed on the body of a local official, I am afraid no one will believe it, but this Xiao He is different, he is the Prime Minister of a country, his status is below one person, above ten thousand people, and only this The ministers of the emperor are above all officials.

Such a person with such an important position made such a promise. The people think that the year of the catastrophe at this time will happen almost every three times and five times. Therefore, in the disaster year, you can get one of the first three times. times the rations, or minus three months of taxes, is a pretty good deal.

It is equivalent to buying an insurance for your future, although the authenticity is really to be studied.

Xiao He also saw through the minds of the majority of the people and made this decision. Although he was a bit suspected of fraud, he always did what he said.

Often times, even being a prime minister entails certain responsibilities and risks.

A person without courage cannot be a good prime minister at all. It just so happens that this Xiao He is such a negative teaching material.

His views on this matter are completely different. When soldiers come, they will block water and cover up. There will naturally be other solutions at that time. It is just a matter of urgency, and these things can be done first.

In fact, he also has a budget in his heart, that is, the canned fruit and immortal food that Bai Zhu has been thinking about all the time, but they are all first-class good treasures, no matter which of these two things he gets, for For him now, they are all supreme treasures.

As a prime minister, he still has a good salary and can buy a lot of fairy grain potatoes. Thinking that potatoes can be farmed on the spot, he specially set out a piece of land to grow potatoes. The scale of production is a bit like the feeling of re-investing after making a profit, and it turns out that there is nothing wrong with his approach. Instead, he took the lead and set a good example to promote fairy food, and it was not long before In the future, he fulfilled his present promise, made up for the lack of food supply in the disaster year, and saved the lives of most people.

And it is precisely because of his commitment that most people are willing to do such things and donate their own food. After all, at this time, none of them do not believe that Daqin cannot do this matter.

In fact, in the Daqin period, the common people were still very simple, because they didn't know anything. And this time Xiao He's statement is also very clear. The more you donate now, the more you will get in the future. Not only that, if you don't have any food because of the donation, the imperial court will take care of your food. But at least not starving to death, and without paying a penny, it is really worthwhile.

No one is not tempted by this kind of temptation. Most of the people donated a lot of food from their homes. Soon, the military supplies were filled, and Xiao He's goal was achieved.

At this time, it is up to God to give him this luck, but as long as he is a little better, and there are no major disasters, then everything will be fine.

But once a disaster really happened, he would inevitably take out the food he had already planted to deal with the urgent need, and then use (Li Liaozhao) another way to implement the same policy for other areas, and so on, It can increase the mutual trust between the court and the people.

Once the management system is perfected, it will be the best way to govern the country.

Not only did it shorten the distance between the court and the common people, but it also gave the common people a sincere guarantee. Once in the disaster year, when there was no harvest, they would be able to get several times the amount of food they invested in, and they would not Thank you Dade, did you say that in the past?.

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