Chapter 491 Don't Worry

"Although he was ambushed by the underestimated enemy at the beginning, but after recollecting the pain, these soldiers of Great Qin who can survive in this war will definitely be the strongest who have experienced life and death, and the fierce people who have gone to the gate of hell for a while, their combat effectiveness is certain. There is no doubt about it.""

"These people will be the best swords for our Daqin troops to annihilate this group of Huns.

"It must be able to let them go where they came from. 99

"It's amazing that the general can have this determination. I really admire it, but if a general ever comes to the battlefield in person, the logistics after the war will definitely go all out." Xiao He said immediately.

After he finished saying these words, Li Xin, who was only in sight, nodded his head and praised: "Master Xiao is indeed a good candidate of my great Qin generation. 35

"Although you have never had any dealings with the generals in the army, no one has ever said anything bad about you in your work, and you also know that your predecessor, the one who was in charge of the military logistics , the food and grass have never come in time for you, this food and grass, but we are the lifeblood of the war, in fact, to tell you the truth, in the war, it is only by licking blood on the knife head to get a full meal Eat, if you can’t even eat a full meal and don’t get dressed, who would dare to work for Da Qin in the future?”

Xiao He shook his head, "Ashamed, ashamed, these are actually all the credits of Lord Baihei. If it wasn't for him to come up with good recipes, even if it was me, I'm afraid it would not be so easy to arrange the food and grass in time and quantity."

"Don't say that, if it weren't for you to take care of you, most of the food and grass would have been divided into layers and layers of oil and water by the officials in the middle of the road. Maybe when we have it, it will be all the same. Chen Sesame is rotten millet."


"do not talk.

"You have repeatedly escorted grain and grass to Master Xiao yourself, even if there is a corrupt official, even if he has ten thousand courage, he will definitely not come out of it.

"Master Xiao, Li Xin has not admired many people in this life, but you are one of them."

"I've said it, I've said it."

In fact, Xiao He in history is a versatile man who can go to the battlefield, know talents, manage logistics, and transport troops. He is a veritable generalist. A rare gospel.

This is even more so now. In fact, most of the time, due to some special reasons, even if the output of immortal grains increases, it cannot meet the normal military needs. .

But Xiao He has come up with a very good solution to these problems. As long as the people hand in the food, the court can guarantee the supply of food rations for you in the recent period of 527. The minimum supply here is equivalent to the level of starvation. On average, it is equivalent to sending some food for you to cope with, and then you promise that if the year of the catastrophe comes, and if it is verified that it is true, you can get double the supply of food according to the military ration donated in that year. For those who have no food surplus at home, they can use this as a basis to deduct three months' tax.

Perhaps after the meaning was conveyed layer by layer, the taste changed in the ears of the common people.

But this time is different, because Xiao He's character is like this, he is not afraid of trouble, and he will never put the blame on others for anything he can do himself.

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