I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 476 Relying on the Son of Heaven to Order the Princes!

"Don't think that you will be complacent when you have conquered these barriers in Daqin. Let me tell you, there are thousands upon thousands of barriers like Xianyang. There are thousands of generals who are more powerful than me. You want to Go on, you can, how long can you stretch the front, how many troops can you have, and how much energy can you spend?"

"Falling, it's just a matter of time. If you surrender early, maybe I, the Emperor of Qin, can see that you are forced by life, and Rao Er will wait for your life.

The voice has not yet fallen, when even the voices of people around you can be heard, "The yellow-haired child, I don't know how high the sky is! 35

"Simply delusional!

"Now that the conditions of Daqin are getting worse and worse, and many barriers have been broken, my grassland iron cavalry is like a broken bamboo, and within a hundred days, I will be able to annihilate all the remnants of Daqin!

"Since ancient times, the fertile land has been inhabited by the strong, and the weak eat the strong, which is the law set by God.

"The reason why you Qin people can annex six countries is precisely because you have a strong army and crossbow arrows, and you are full of benevolence, righteousness and morality, but you are just empty talk!"

Huo Qubing looked at them coldly and said, "Have you finally shown your original face?"

"There is still a chance now, boy, I advise you, don't do stupid things, surrender, maybe it will give you a way to live!

After he finished saying these words, his face changed sharply when he saw him, "Get off my horse!

With a cold sentence, these arrogant Huns were all slapped back to reality.

"I, Daqin, can clean up the Six Nations, and naturally I can clean up you Huns. Don't think that it is your ability to use some conspiracy and tricks to instigate the army of the Six Nations to deal with my Great Qin. "5


A fat Xiongnu general next to him couldn't help it, when even rushed forward, "Boy, it's a man, just duel with Laozi, if you win, we won't fight, just withdraw our troops and leave. , If you are incompetent, Laozi will solve you on the spot, dare you?"


Huyanchi also said slyly: "If you really have the ability, I promise you that as long as you defeat the best warrior in my army, Kaga Chamul, I will take the initiative to hand in the weapon and be willing to surrender to the Great Qin Emperor... "

Huo Qubing cut off Huyanchi's ear without saying a word!

White light flashed, and with a puff, blood spurted out!


After the roars of the Huns fell, a bloody ear appeared in front of everyone.

"Ah! 35

Huyanchi's head was dripping with blood. Now, it's not hard for him to think of what he's going to do, so he shouted on the spot, "Listen to him, get off the horse!"

The surrounding Xiongnu troops did not dare to disobey the leader's words, so they dismounted one after another.

"Drive the horses away!"

Huo Qubing spoke again, but this time, the Huns were stunned.


"These horses are our lives. Once we let them go, we will become Qin Jun's ghosts!"

"Absolutely not!"

"Listen to him and let go!

In order to save his life, Huyanchi roared wildly.

"If I die, how can you fight against Da Qin?"

Huo Qubing sneered, "Throw away your weapons and give them all to go to the valley!

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