"I ask myself that I haven't killed a single Daqin commoner. At best, I just came to their house to get a grain of food because I couldn't get enough to eat."

"If it was me who became the emperor, I would definitely cancel these brutal Qin laws and formulate a set of benevolent and generous laws that would definitely be far superior to Qin!"

"So, what reason do you have to kill me?


"Don't say it anymore, this Qin man "Nine Six Zero" is stubborn and will never understand your painstaking efforts..."

"Yeah, Great Khan, you are a holy monarch rarely seen in a thousand years. If you die, then the world will fall into the rule of the ruthless and violent Qin again..."

"This is misleading the country! 35

Several Huns generals around began to speak.

Huo Qubing snorted coldly, and the sharp sword in his hand turned around in an instant, and his figure appeared behind Huyanchi at this time.

Huyanchi didn't dare to move at all, because his life now lies on the sword in this kid's hand.

If he wants to live by himself, he may still have a chance. If he wants to die by himself, no matter how many people around him, he can only watch him die.

"A piece of nonsense!"

"The current country was built by millions of Qin people, and it is a country that provides life to the entire Central Plains people, but you, the barbarians from the north, are doing business of burning, killing, looting, and looting. In the name of giving the people a good life?"

"It is because of your perennial violations that the people at the border gates of Daqin have lived a life of misery, and now they still call it Daqin's ruthlessness?"

"Where's the face, no more?"

"If you dare to talk nonsense again, I will kill you with one knife!"

After Huo Qubing's words fell, Huyanchi didn't dare to say a word in front of him.

Seeing this, the surrounding Huns were even more impatient, but they had to pretend to be calm in their hearts, so soon only a stick-faced Huns opened their eyes and said, "Actually, we When you come out to fight in the army, isn't it just for a peaceful world, where the first wife and children of the family can have food and clothing, and be prosperous and rich?"

"How much military salary can Daqin give you in one year? 99

"So, I see that you are also a man. 35

Immediately afterwards, he put away the weapon facing Huo Qubing in his hand, and the others around him looked at each other in dismay, but his position seemed to be not small, but the other Huns around him were still practical, and put away all the machetes in their hands. ..

Because they felt that the stick-faced general should have meant it like this, and asked them to accept the weapons, so as to appease the emotions of the big Qin soldier, so as not to accidentally hurt the big sweat.

"As long as you promise to let go of our sweat, even if I owe you a huge favor, as long as you are willing to surrender, then I will recommend it for you at any time!"

"Although you are only a pawn in Daqin, your bravery and courage are obviously far beyond ordinary people. As long as you are willing to come to our side, you will at least be a general!

After the Xiongnu finished saying these words, Huo Qubing, who was just in front of him, nodded his head and said, "Nowadays, when Daqin is in a difficult situation, you are taking the opportunity to recruit the generals of the Qin army. With such a wolf-like ambition, do you still want to? Think I don't know?

"What you want is not for Daqin to live and work in peace and contentment. After all, you are just outsiders. When you come here, you only want to reduce Qin and the original people of the six kingdoms into your slaves and lackeys, for the good of Daqin? Hmph, I Seeing that you guys want to get the Great Qin Jiangshan, you are going crazy!"

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