I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 473 Victory in danger, chestnuts in fire!

It turned out that in the moment just now, Huo Qubing immediately rushed towards the head of the enemy army at the fastest speed when the Huns drove their horses to start.

It just so happened that at this time, the Xiongnu people's defenses were the weakest, and their ability to adapt to changes was also the weakest.

Huo Qubing seemed to have the ability of a prophet, and he had already predicted that most of the enemy troops would only focus on the fleeing General Li Xin behind him, and would not care about this inconspicuous and unknown person at all.

So people like myself don't need to pay attention?

Of course you have to take care of it, but more people in the Huns team at this moment just want to simply get more credit. As for this young general?

The Huns who have broken through several checkpoints in Daqin along the way, 957 is afraid that they will not look down on it at all, right?

There must be someone blocking the block. When he just rushed over, he faced two layers of obstacles. The first layer was a few sharp-eyed Xiongnu soldiers, and the second layer was the personal guard beside Huyanchi.

And how did Huo Qubing rush over and directly capture the enemy general?

First, although the few pawns who were staring at him had the consciousness of chasing him, the Huns at that time all wanted to kill the Qin emperor in front of them, and they all rushed forward with their eyes straight. The charge was quite intensive, and it was like (bbcc) a river that cut off Huo Qubing and the few Xiongnu pawns.

Second, the guards around Huyanchi didn't pay attention to him. This was actually a very fatal point. It wasn't because they couldn't defend well, it was just too reassuring. After all, they had fought so many victories along the way, almost The army is strong and strong, and the emperor of Da Qin will be poisoned to death. Don't the Qin people care about the safety of their emperor first, and then come to assassinate the Huns?

Besides, surrounded by elite cavalry of the Huns, there is no need to worry.

And the cavalry on the periphery also had the same idea. Not only did they want to capture the First Emperor as soon as possible, but they also wanted to make great contributions and get a big reward. At this time, no one would think of a different The eye-catching pawn would go directly to their army at this time.

After all, they felt that they could do their best to chase and kill him. After all, General Huyanchi behind him still had a bunch of personal guards. It was enough to have these people to protect him, and there was no need to worry at all.

It is for these reasons that the elites of the Huns' assault cavalry are on the periphery, but they only want to leave the matter to the guards in the inner circle, but these guards in the inner circle also underestimate the enemy, feeling that the elite cavalry in the outer circle will completely take care of the enemy. The assassin was intercepted in the middle of the road...

Most of the Xiongnu generals who saw Huo Qubing were unwilling to take care of him, because his horses were a certain distance away from the charging team of the Xiongnu, and they were extremely fast. For the Xiongnu who had just started, even the best The speed of a good horse is also a process, and it is impossible to reach the fastest speed all at once, but Huo Qubing started to rush when he was bidding farewell to General Li Xin and others, although the warhorse under his crotch was not good. The horse, but it had already reached a fast and steady speed, which was like a gust of wind. Before the Huns could react, he almost rushed in front of the general.

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