Chapter 472

Huyan Chi snorted coldly, and immediately pulled out the big sword in his hand, then bent down sharply, took out a stiff bow from the saddle bag on the side of the war horse, and immediately pointed at the first emperor not far away in front of him. Aim, draw the bow, and fire fast!



With a muffled sound, General Li Xin was hit by an arrow in his butt, and his face suddenly looked ugly.

Huo Qubing was young and energetic, and suddenly turned around and asked, "General, what's the matter?"

"It's okay, let's keep going. 99

Seeing that an arrow came down, there was no effect, Huyanchi simply did not do it, and kept going.

"General, the reinforcements from the Qin army have arrived, what should we do?"

The time can't be delayed for a minute or a second, otherwise, if the Daqin army in the rear reacts, they will be attacked sooner or later, and they will be even more passive at that time.

"Catch the thief before the king!

Huyanchi was extraordinarily calm, "Anyway, the combat arms have the most cavalry, and I have the advantage."

"Press it all up, scare their courage, and let these Qin thieves see the power of our grassland men" "!"

His strategy is correct.

In this era, Huyanchi is definitely the master of the party. His command, as well as his tactics and leadership are definitely at the level of the founding sage, but what he is facing now is from the future. It is an unknown thing, so even if he loses, it is not ashamed.

Even if it is wrong, it is the weapon that his opponent uses, but it is a fire gun from the future, a weapon that has crossed the times, and in the past, it is simply an artifact.

Even if they don't know how to use it now, it will be more powerful.

But all in all, after mastering the simple launching skills, as long as you can hit accurately, it is quite easy to face the small Huns cavalry in front of you.

On the other hand, the pressure on the Xiongnu side is very high, and Huyanchi's heart is in a mess. He is actually very confused now, because he has an extremely anxious conjecture in his heart. If this conjecture is confirmed to be true, then they, the Huns, All will die without a place to be buried.

But at the moment of the enemy, in the quiet canyon, he would rather believe that 99% of them are fake, rather than believe that 1% is true.

Because even just because of this 1% will lead to a complete failure, and in the future, I will no longer be able to lead the army to counterattack...


"The enemy has weapons that are more powerful than bows and arrows in their hands, we warriors of the grasslands, we have to rush faster than the wind, get close to them, and deal with them!"

Countless Huns lay on their horses and waited to rush over before getting up and slashing, greatly shortening the attack distance and avoiding unnecessary casualties.

And this just happened to prove that it was actually the right choice.

The Huns who used this trick soon caught up, and under pressure, General Li Xin could only leave a few people to deal with them.

Bang bang bang!

Three dull voices sounded, and suddenly, a war horse fell down, and the Huns, who were crawling on the horse's back, fell directly, almost dying.

Huo Qubing hurriedly pulled him over, "...General Li, go first!

"I'll hold back the enemy! 39

(Nuo Li Zhao)



After a push, Li Xin has never been an indecisive person. In order to rescue the First Emperor, he brought people back to support him as soon as possible, even if he left with people.

However, at this moment, Huyan waved his hand fiercely.

"Kill it!"


The cold light came, and the sharp sword was brought directly to his throat.

The person in front of me was actually, the one who came to the rear of the enemy army at an unknown time, a pawn in the Qin army, Huo Qubing! So.

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