I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 465 Insulting the Fame Festival

Chapter 465 Insulting the Fame Festival

"General? 35

The lieutenants were almost impatient, but Li Xin, who was in front of him, shook his head.

"No, you have to wait.

So everyone turned their attention to Zhao Wugen, who had been humiliated by the Huns in front of him.

In their eyes, this Zhao Wugen was wounded by an arrow and carried the Great Qin Emperor on his back. Once he collapsed, the whole of Great Qin would also fall down because of this "Nine Five Three"


Overwhelmed, he fell to the ground on one knee.

Everyone's mood was lost and heavy, seeing him gasping for breath, again and again next to the Xiongnu's horsewhip...

This is simply a very painful thing.

But now there is no shortcut to take, he can only stand up and continue to move forward.


With a violent force, the wounds on his entire body burst open, and suddenly, an indestructible belief burst out from his head.

The aura of the whole person has changed.

Suddenly, he stood up in severe pain.

In this way, the Huns on horseback behind him couldn't help but be stunned.

"You still have the strength to stand up?"

"He's a man with a kind!"

"But unfortunately your allegiance is our enemy."

The Huns looked at him and continued to stride forward without waving the whip in his hand.

"Why don't you go and kill him?"

A Xiongnu lieutenant asked suspiciously, but Huyanchi waved his hand and said, "He is different from those who are greedy for life and fear death, this is a rare and loyal warrior.

"Da Qin, having people like him around is the biggest obstacle for us to enter the Central Plains. 99

When the Huns lieutenant heard this, he felt contempt, "It's just stupid loyalty!"

"Let me kill him with a knife.

"Do not.

Huyanchi rebuffed: "I don't want to give such a person a pleasure, I want to watch him die slowly, because only in this way can he feel that his will is being destroyed bit by bit. exhausted."

"Of course, this is also the highest tribute to him.

"I definitely don't believe that in this world, there really are people who value friendship more than life and death. 55

After saying this, he opened his mouth and said: "Now almost all the wounds on his body have been opened, and the blood will drain, and he will die, but it is only a matter of time."

"Now let's go ahead of him, surround him, mock him, and see how far he can go.

"What he asked for was only a clear name, and I will definitely fulfill him."5

"However, apart from this clear name, he can't take anything with him.

"Including his emperor, and his country, will cease to exist."

After saying this, everyone around him stepped forward and rode beside Zhao Wugen.

He walked step by step with difficulty, but his eyes were full of hatred. The Huns around him did not kill him, but this kind of behavior made him even more disgusting.

"This is an insult 2.2 to him."

"I am definitely not doing these things in front of me for the sake of a temporary clear name."

Just as he glanced back at these people, all of a sudden he heard the surrounding Huns raise the blades in their hands and shout.

The faces of one or two people are really arrogant and domineering.

And his eyes seemed to be numb, he gritted his teeth, turned around desperately, and walked forward step by step.

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