I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 464 The hunter becomes the prey!

Chapter 464 The hunter becomes the prey!

Before he could catch his breath, the second messenger soon ran back.

"What's wrong?"

Li Xin looked at him panting in front of him, extremely confused.

"I found a large number of Huns cavalry chasing in our direction.

"How far is it from us?"

Li Xin asked with a bit of a radical expression, but he could only hear the person in front of him slowly opening his mouth and saying, "It's not too far, it's coming soon."

"They were fast, as if they were daring to catch up with someone before anything else.


"Didn't you say just now that there are two of us~ Are our people here? 35

"Is it?"

A bad thought appeared in Li Xinxin.

If it is really the first emperor, then this is an urgent matter.

"Hurry up, send a team of clever soldiers to follow me forward and rescue them."

"The rest of the people wait, all stay in the position for me. If the Huns come back first, they will all be shot and killed!"

Following the general's iron orders, everyone quickly filled the guns with fixed gunpowder and lead pellets, ready to go, waiting for the enemy's cavalry to come.

But Li Xin himself, with a team around him, touched it directly, came to the opening close to the front, and hid behind his body.

The messenger said: "It's here, General, we can't go any further, if we go any further, we're afraid we'll meet the Huns, and it's hard to escape.

"Everyone, stay still and don't move."

I saw a pro-military general with disheveled hair covered in scars and stains, wearing a tattered black armor, and carrying a disheveled guy on his back.

What made Li Xin unbelievable was that the guy who was unconscious on his back was wearing a black-gold dragon robe.

"Your Majesty, help me..."

"Wait! 39

Whoosh whoosh-

The sound of three sharp arrows breaking through the wind came.

Fortunately, Li Xin stopped the team.

That Zhao Wugen had already walked extremely hard with the First Emperor on his back, but at this time, suddenly two arrows completely penetrated his calf.

Kneeling suddenly, his expression was completely tense, and he exhausted all his strength.

The body is already close to the limit, and if it goes further, I am afraid that it will be dead.

Although the arrow was hit in the leg, he still shouldered the heavy responsibility and never let go, because he also knew that he was carrying nothing else on his back, but the future of the Daqin Empire, the first emperor of Daqin.

The great emperor they embraced.

With him there, Daqin's sky would never collapse.

Even if he was just doing it for the sake of saving the world, even if he was a fake, he had already turned the fake into a real one.

· · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

No matter what, it's hard to tell the difference.

Today, if he is dead, he is a martyr, and if he is alive, he is a hero.

Seeing that the arrow had been hit, the Huns in the back were already disdainful of pursuing them, so they all slowed down, "Run, I'll let you run again?"


"Why didn't you run away?"

With the sturdy body of the Xiongnu lieutenant exuding a deep ruthlessness, the whip in his hand slapped on Zhao Wugen's body again and again.

Enduring the severe mental and physical pain, he vomited.

He laughed and spat out a mouthful of blood.


Daqin's men are never afraid of death.

Even though he is still very young, he knows what responsibility and burden are.

On the shoulders of the man, after all, he has to bear a piece of the sky.

As long as he can pass through this place, there is hope to take the emperor out.

Even if he could not live by himself, he would definitely not be able to make the Huns feel better.

Even if they die, they have to bite them down and let them die here completely.

At this time, he never imagined that now, he is no longer the prey that the Huns are chasing, and the role of hunting has changed.

The arrogant Huns in the back would never have imagined that he actually stepped into an endless abyss step by step.

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