Chapter 413 The Rescue Is Here?

But what's the use of waking up now?

Now people are knives, and I am fish.

God knows how this first emperor and his own destiny will develop.

Maybe they haven't thought about attacking themselves at this time, but once they have completely lost their patience, it will be their own death.

At that time, whether it is himself or the first emperor on his back, I am afraid that it is impossible to escape death.

However, Zhao Wugen was seriously injured, but he still carried the First Emperor on his back and continued to run not far away from him.

However, the Huns beside him pulled the big bow again.


The sharp arrow swiftly pierced his leg.


Kneeled down to the ground.

At this time, he had nothing else in his mind except to climb, and he would also climb to Xianyang.

They must not die at the hands of the Huns in 910.

But no matter when, strong strength is always the capital of speech, and now he obviously does not have the capital to compete with the Huns behind him.

Even though he was humiliated, he was very firm in his heart.

The severe pain spread all over the body, and after (bbcc) his legs became numb due to the severe pain, he soon stood up again.

"Interesting, I want to see how long this guy can last.

I could only hear Huyanchi speaking with a little interest not far behind.

However, at this moment, the sound of horse hooves suddenly sounded.

"Any leftovers?"

Huyanchi listened to these voices in astonishment.

Even Zhao Wugen in front of him was very puzzled. In this wilderness, he hardly knew where he was, let alone finding support.

Perhaps it is very possible that he died in this barren place so ignorantly.

He has long been desperate, and the reason why he can continue to persevere now is that he is holding on, because he understands that his life is not long.

In fact, even deep in his heart, he was surprised that he could not do these things, but he did it abruptly.

The manifestation of a person's growth does not mean how many difficult things he can accomplish in the peak state, but depends on him, in the low state, what kind of arrangements and plans he can make in the face of obstacles.

A person needs a strong concentration to be able to do more things.

Blood quickly flowed from the corner of his mouth, but he swallowed it violently, he wiped it with his hand, and saw the blood in his mouth, and laughed frantically, "I can't imagine that I, Zhao Wugen, can also have today.

"You savages, do you think this will break my will?"

"The generals of Daqin will never bow their heads to you barbarians of the Huns.

"Will you burn, kill, loot, do all kinds of evil, and slaughter the poor and common people, it is an unpardonable crime, and the crime deserves ten thousand death!

"Hate it!"

"I hate that my body has no strength to fight, otherwise, Laozi will die, and he will take one of your arms off!"

Perhaps Zhao Wugen could no longer bear the enormous pressure. At this time, he did not run away, but turned around and scolded the Huns on horses behind him.

"Come on, kill me.

Followed by his order.

For a moment, what was about to happen shocked him.

The Huns did not rush up quickly, but at this time, someone suddenly came over and helped them up.


Looking back, I saw that several veteran soldiers had appeared in front of him.

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