Chapter 412 Regret

It's no wonder that the soldiers on the Black Ice Platform easily fell into their hands.

That is to say, the few Heibingtai soldiers who had just stayed behind to block their way and delayed the time were directly crushed and killed by them, and there was no room for them to fight back.

I saw the body of the fastest and fiercest rushing Huns almost turned into a straight line with the galloping warhorse. Suddenly, just as he was about to catch up, he made a sharp turn and leaned forward, digging out of his saddle bag like lightning. He threw out a stiff bow with a dragon's head, and shot at Zhao Wugen's back in front of him.


Flying arrows came and hit the back of Zhao Wugen's horse. While the war horse panicked, it frantically raised its legs.


Both he and the first emperor fell down.

The two of them rolled on the ground for several laps before they recovered, and fell into a mess.

The Huns looked happy, as if they saw their prey being captured, and rode their horses excitedly.

However, Zhao Wugen, who saw this, was unwilling to give up, even though he knew that he had no way to escape.

His two legs could not run past other people's war horses at all, and it was only a matter of time before he was caught and captured.

This is a fact that cannot be changed at all.

It's okay to be caught, but the first emperor on his back is the honorable ninth five, and he must not be captured on his back.

Even if it is death, even if there is only a glimmer of hope, I will take him to escape.

"Let me go up and kill him"""9

Huyanchi shook his head, waved his hand and said: "This is our prey, the most interesting way for hunters to hunt is to tease their prey to show their superb hunting skills.

"The one on the back of this general of the Qin army, but the current emperor of Qin, must treat me well, and must not neglect him.


"We must treat it well."

After the ministers around him finished saying this, they all walked towards Zhao Wugen in front of him.

However, while Zhao Wugen's face was full of viciousness, he turned around and carried the First Emperor on his back, and walked away in the direction of Xianyang with difficulty.

But that's not of much use.

The other's warhorse deliberately slowed down and shouted loudly behind him, as if to show off.

Not only that, the Huns who were chasing behind did not intend to do anything to him, but took out a bundle of thick ropes from the saddle bag, tied a large loop in front of them, and threw them on his head.

Seems like it was going to be fun.

Play him like a fat sheep.

Zhao Wugen, who had treasonous and surrendered to the enemy in his heart, realized that after all, these people are barbarians outside the customs.

Even if he wins the world, the world he has won will be recaptured by millions of Qin soldiers sooner or later.

After all, they are just a group of brave and incompetent men. Even if they have the advantage of horse riding, they do not have the ability to govern the world. They only know how to burn, kill, and loot.

They don't have any supporters at all.

(Nuo's Zhao) Blind suppression can only lead to greater riots and uprisings.

If he had taken refuge with such a group of barbarian tribes, then his disloyal hat would have been put on, and if that was the case, it would have been fine.

Since ancient times, whether it is the Central Plains people or the Huns, the most hated are those who betray the enemy.

Selling intelligence resources to an opponent is tantamount to completely disregarding one's own clansmen, narrow-mindedness, and only knowing how to fight for the petty profits in front of them, which often misses the big picture.

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