Chapter 409 Advantages and decadence

The turbulent rush to kill made the Huns feel at a loss for a while.

The tenacity of the Qin army's combat effectiveness was completely beyond their expectations.

This seems to be like a group of boxing matches without any rules. As long as they can defeat the opponent, any tricks can be used.

The Huns were originally few in number, and when they saw their beloved war horses being taken away so easily by the Qin soldiers, they felt a deep unease in their hearts.

Because when they charged before, they always emphasized the slogan of invincibility. In this way, every Huns thought that they were very strong in their hearts. It was just that they came down to the Qin soldiers - a big one. Chance.

Now that they have seized the war horses of the Huns, on the contrary, they have allowed them to try their own so-called "power".

"Don't run away!"

General Udi shouted loudly in the lineup, and at the same time quickly killed one after another retreating Huns cavalry with the broadsword and spear in his hand.

"This general will personally supervise the battle, and those who take a step back will die!"

Without saying a word, he slashed with his sword fiercely again, and the two Huns who had just looked back didn't have time to dodge and died directly under his machete.

He gasped fiercely, his anger took out a mask of pain, the blade pointed straight ahead, waving and shouting to boost morale.

But what he never imagined was that in the current situation, he really didn't know that this would be of any use other than bringing convenience to the soldiers of the Qin people?

Perhaps now he has been swept away by anger, and he no longer understands the saying that a soldier never tires of deceit, and now he just wants to ask for a quick victory.

After all, the soldiers of the Qin people in front of them are just a group of wandering soldiers and the soldiers of the defeated army. They are so fragmented, it is not enough to talk about their own teeth, not to mention the Xiongnu elite cavalry who have won every battle on their side. confronted.

Zeng Jin blew in front of the Great Khan how amazing, how embarrassed he is now.

The invincible team in the world exists only under the charge.

After all, this is just a means to stimulate the soldiers' belligerence, and it cannot be taken seriously at all.

It is precisely because of this that his tentative kick this time was like stepping into a quagmire. After sinking deeply into his ankle, the more he struggled, the deeper he fell. In the end, he could not escape.

· · Flowers · ·

Although the soldiers of the Qin people did not lose out on the bright side, it was because of the lack of weapons and the lack of unified training of cavalry to hack and slash. Come.

The Qin soldiers were defeated and retreated.



"General! 95

"Xianyang is ahead!

"According to the brothers who came back from exploring the road ahead, this road is very safe and there is no danger, please go quickly!"


After Zhao Wugen heard the news, a surge of ecstasy and grief filled his heart, "Your Majesty, did you hear that, we finally... arrived home!

If the First Emperor at this moment heard his words, he would only wish to condemn him to death immediately.

It's a pity that the first emperor is pale now, and his lips have a deep purple color that can only be seen when he is poisoned.

In this case, the situation is really bad.

Of course, he also clearly knew this, so even when he set off, he didn't rush to Xianyang Knife in a hurry.

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