Chapter 408 Death Attack

Of course, among these people, all of them are Lan Tie's personal soldiers, and each of them is a Daqin warrior who has been picked out of thousands of miles. All of them are personally selected by him, and they are guaranteed to be loyal and reliable. road.

During the bloody battle, none of the Huns ever crossed the Thunder Pond.

Almost everyone was blocked, and their strategic tasks were almost completed. In this moment, they were like invincible gods of war, blocking the thousands of Xiongnu elites from attacking in turn.

The angry General Udi looked at this scene angrily, "Trash, it's all trash!

"Come on, give it to me!"


Seeing him pulling out the sword hanging from his waist, he pointed directly at the people in front of him, "This general, follow you to kill, how can these remnants of the Qin State still be able to make waves?


However, Huyanchi suddenly raised his hand, "Someone!"


Seeing his behavior, General Udi was very puzzled.

"grown ups!"

An elite cavalryman quickly appeared in front of them carrying a banner.

"General Udi is going to wipe out the remnants of the army, and we have to do something.

"Is it?"

General Udi asked suspiciously, "What's the matter? 35

After he finished saying these words, Huyanchi slammed his horse whip and walked away with this elite cavalry team, leaving him confused, he really didn't know what to do.

But soon, it was only a sturdy figure that flew into the battlefield, driving the horse under his crotch.

In any case, he never imagined that the Daqin army, which had been retreating steadily, would be able to erupt with such a powerful fighting force at this last moment.

The dignified army of 20,000 to 300,000 people was defeated by them, and now the remaining army of less than 30,000 people has been broken up, and even the basic formation has been broken up, and it can still last for so long.

They can consume like this, but the elite cavalry themselves can't waste a minute or a second.

If they waited for the Daqin reinforcements from other places to arrive, then no matter how elite and powerful the Huns' iron cavalry was, they would not be able to defeat Daqin's millions of heroic divisions.

This further shows how necessary it is to annihilate this remnant of the Qin army.

However, General Udi could never have imagined how unwise it would be to dispatch the main elite troops to fight against the remnant army of the Great Qin in front of him in the near future (bbcc).

"Within half an hour, if this remnant army cannot be taken down, this general will punish himself!"

Regrettably, General Huyanchi did not look back at him even after he left.

It seemed that he was extremely disdainful of his words and sneered at his choice.

General Udi has hatred in his heart, which is simply the biggest insult to himself.

Because he knew deeply in his heart that the army of defeated generals of the Qin army in front of him was just a remnant of the army. Not only did the army disintegrate, but it had completely lost its organization, had no command, and was weak in combat.

Even if he defeated such a remnant army, he would not be able to restore his lost face. He could not even handle a remnant army properly, and even needed a large army to attack. What kind of humiliation was this?

This humiliation came not only from Huyanchi, but also from his opponent. He was also very puzzled. Could it be this time? According to common sense, if the Daqin army was not organized, it would immediately collapse into pieces. At this time, the Huns only needed to drive the horses to slash one by one, and then they could win the war.

But he never imagined that these remnants of the Qin army went against common sense. After they were separated from the establishment, their combat power seemed to have increased...

Here, who is to blame?

Who is the general that Daqin is currently guarding?

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