Chapter 378 Plague

Report the situation truthfully.

Xiao He shook his head: "You are right, we will settle this account with them sooner or later, but it is definitely not now. 99

"You sent the iron eagle swordsmen from the Black Ice Terrace, and without the knowledge of the Yingchuan County officials, they disguised themselves and lived in the inn near the Han house, hiding arrows in ambush.

Xiao He's face immediately became extremely fierce.


After he finished saying this, he immediately left this place of right and wrong.

The minister of household, Shen Wansan, once again came to Xianyang City in 893.

Inside the empty lobby, there was only his alone voice.

On the opposite side of him, there stood Bai Hei and Princess Yinman, quietly listening to his report.

In fact, Bai Hei was very curious about his arrival. It can be said that none of his colleagues liked him as the Minister of the Ministry of Household.

He is lonely, but also a capable person.

With his business skills, Daqin has come down year after year, and he has no worries about running out of money to fight.

But often the more afraid of something, the more something comes.

Under his remarks, bad news soon came out.

It is not the defeat in the front, but from the rear.

But it wasn't because of the remnants of the Six Nations, but because of the floods in the south of the Yangtze River, the bacteria were growing badly, the plague was rampant along the coast, and it even infected other counties. The money for disaster relief has become an astronomical sum.

Even if it can be paid now, it is not a long-term solution.

Shen Wansan took the ledger and said, "Because of the long-term flooding in Changsha County and Nan County, after the floods receded, the land rotted badly, breeding plagues, and countless deaths. In order to calm the civil unrest and resettle the refugees, a lot of copper coins were spent."

"Total, 123,600 money, three cents and five cents.

"Longxi County and Beidi County had a large-scale locust plague in the past two months, resulting in no harvest of the rice seeds planted by the people, and the people all gnawed on the bark for food. They are all bare bones, and tens of thousands of victims have received food from the imperial court's disaster relief, and they are somewhat stable, but if the locust plague is not eliminated for one day, the imperial court's relief will not stop for a day, otherwise people will die."

"Once too many people die, it is bound to cause unrest."

"The monthly distribution of food is now sixty-three thousand one hundred and ninety-five cents.

"The national treasury currently has about 1.5 million shi of grain. Counting military rations, immortal grains, and all kinds of grains, they will definitely not exceed 600 shi of grain, that is, just over 500 shi of grain. look.

"And the existing money in the treasury is only 300,000 taels of copper coins. In addition to the natural disasters in the above two places, there are still the salaries of various officials that are distributed all the year round, as well as military salaries in various places, and the establishment of gunpowder factories and canning factories. , and have to cut off 100,000 copper coins.

"The year of the catastrophe is not easy, the taxation is difficult in various places, and the disaster of the Xiongnu outside the city of Xianyang has endangered the foundation of the country. If the various places respond and rebel at this time, I am afraid that the situation will only become more difficult. control."

"The treasury is already stretched thin.

"This minister has come here to explain the current situation to Lord Baihei.

"Hmm. 35

Bai Hei nodded, and Yin Man turned: "You did a good job at this point.

"If you know anything, let me know.

"But what are the proper solutions to the things you reported?"

After Bai Hei asked this sentence, when even he could only hear him say: "Of course there is.

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