Chapter 377 The Leftovers

After pondering for a while, Fan Kuai suddenly turned around and looked at Xiao He in front of him and said in surprise, "Since the words are for this sake."

"Then if every member of the army of the six countries is likely to be the enemy's spies, then aren't we vulnerable to the enemy both inside and outside?

A trace of panic flashed in his eyes suddenly, "The holy man..."

"This time, I even brought Young Master Fusu with me on my personal expedition. The sage's intention is also good, and I will bring the future king to the battlefield to experience it, but this battle is very difficult!

"I'm only worried that the holy dragon is not in good health, and these thousands of rumors are circulating outside, not to mention those soldiers of the Six Nations, in fact, even if I heard these words, if it was white and black, I would still hear it. If you don't care, you will be anxious, and you will have trouble sleeping and eating."

"Maybe in a few days, I really can't wait, and I will join a few other old generals and go to Baihei to take the initiative to fight. 35

After he finished saying this, Xiao He shook his head, "The current situation is really not optimistic."

"But the top priority is for the general to quickly lead the troops to practice firearms to prepare for the battle."

"This time, it will be an extraordinary feat, a great feat, waiting for you. 35

"General, it's not too late, hurry to the fire gun factory, hurry up, the sage is waiting for you to rescue, Daqin, waiting for you to rescue!

"This time, there are only 30,000 troops, but we have to deal with hundreds of thousands of enemy troops, including the 100,000 elite cavalry of the Huns. What a daunting task, general, take care!

Xiao He looked at him in front of him, and after saying these words, he gave him a key, "In a shabby house on the outskirts of Xianyang city, there is a secret room. These things are what Baihei asked me to give to me. Yours has always been with me. Now the things belong to you. Take these things and go to the gunpowder factory to find Xi Yingzhen...'


What is it?

Fan Kuai's eyes were filled with doubts, but more or less, he could guess one or two.

"Don't ask too much, you and I know it well.

He nodded in understanding but not understanding, and soon became awe-inspiring, clasped his fists and said, "Thank you, Mr. Xiao. 35


Xiao He patted his body.

Fan Kuai looked at him excitedly, and his eyes were even a little rosy, "Sir Xiao, although I am a first-time martial artist, I really admire you. The last generals will only lead troops to fight, and the battles between officials within the court are really difficult. can't help you...

"..The remnants of the Six Kingdoms are the biggest source of chaos in Da Qin, and it is also a big worry in the emperor's heart. The remnants of the remnants are no better to deal with than the attack of the Huns outside Xianyang City, and even more dangerous. You must also take care.

"I'll take care of what's going on behind me. You just need to fight the war. When we come back, we'll make an appointment and we'll have a good time."

"I am content with what Master Xiao said."

After Fan Kuai said this, he quickly turned around (Qian Nuo's), "The order is assembled! 35

As more and more elite soldiers came to gather here wearing armor, Xiao He turned around and left, not seeing this mess again, but his face became solemn.

"Where are you coming.


"What did the spies say? 99

"The Han family in Yingchuan County, at this moment, is quietly building weapons and assembling a family of tens of thousands of people. This move is simply a conspiracy and should be checked immediately." Xian.

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