Chapter 369: A Pool of Muddy Waters

"Since the Qin army is so cold-blooded and ruthless, I don't know how tragic the fate of the people will be after the city is broken. Our country has already been broken once, and we must not watch the same thing happen to us again! "


They picked up the wooden sticks and mallets used in the drills and the sticks on the dummies. The Qin soldiers managed to justify their losses in a short period of time. It was hard to stop them, but they gave them a chance. But I still rushed to do it without hesitation, so I would naturally try my best to do it.

But what he didn't expect was that doing so would make the black-hand behind him laugh incisively and vividly.

Among the people and the military camp, there were people who left the scene when people were unprepared.

The situation became more and more serious.

Some people among the Qin people actually said these words, "The soldiers and brave soldiers of the six countries have already destroyed their countries and their families, and they have long been grass on the wall. They choose the right ones to live in. The so-called loyalty to Da Qin is just a quibble for themselves. It's just a high-sounding reason used! 35

"I'm afraid they are out of this Xianyang city gate. In the chaos, it is easy to distinguish their position. Are they our people or the rebels of the Six Nations?"

"Let the soldiers of the Six Nations deal with the rebels of the Six Nations outside the city, and the acquaintances deal with the acquaintances. What is the most likely thing to happen? Isn't it just to let them restore?"

"If we let tens of thousands of them go out of the city and counterattack the first emperor's pro-military troops, then it would be our Daqin who would be at stake!"

After they finished saying this, Qin people died in succession.

"That's right! 39

"If you let them go back, it's tantamount to scheming with a tiger and letting the tiger go back to the mountain!"

"Never let them go!

For a while, the voices of the Qin people and pawns resounded throughout the world.

"Mother, you people from Xianyang are really bullying people."

With a roar, the leaders of the soldiers of the Six Nations couldn't bear it any longer, and rushed forward. Unexpectedly, they just hit the sharp knife of a Qin soldier.


A sharp knife pierced through his body, revealing a blood-stained red sword.

A brief silence.

The crowd still didn't realize what happened.


"not good!"

The generals of the Qin army immediately shouted wildly: "Don't mess up, don't mess up!"

"Don't mess up!


· · Flowers · ·

"Too deceived, fight with them!"

The soldiers of the Six Nations rushed up, and they fought with the Qin people and pawns in front of them. The battle was fierce and unstoppable. The enthusiasm was no less than that of the earth-shattering battle outside the city gate. battle.

The swords and soldiers faced each other and pierced into the deep flesh and blood. In the dim world, it seemed as if panic shrouded the earth.

The crowd was surging, and the situation in the entire Xianyang City that was not very clear suddenly became precarious.

"It's messed up! It's messed up!""

"What a mess!"

"It's just bullshit!"

Xiao He angrily listened to the urgent report from his subordinates.

"My lord, do you want to report this news to Princess Yinman?

"Nonsense, hurry up!"

Xiao He, as the prime minister of a country, after saying these words, even opened his mouth and said again: "Come here, prepare a horse. 35

"Can't wait, the battle of the Huns in front is imminent, once the army's position is lost, how can the chaotic cities in the rear be the opponent of the Huns? 35 knives.

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