Chapter 368

"In this case, you should stick to your position. At this critical juncture, if someone dares to cause chaos again, don't blame me for being ruthless."


These soldiers, who were originally from the army of the Six Nations, had a feeling of fear for these Qin soldiers.

But at this time, there was only a burst of scolding from the common people outside the barracks: "These people who are greedy for life and fear of death are still serving as soldiers, it really embarrassed us Qin people!

"Throw them!"

"The enemy is coming, and he is still being suppressed by corrupt officials. He really is not a man!

"If I were a soldier, I would have to rush out with a sword and a gun, and fight the enemy to the death! 35

"Will there be a war?"

"If you don't know how to fight, don't take empty pay?"

"We don't even have the courage to go to the battlefield, why should we pay taxes every day? 887"

"Da Qin took the money we paid and raised your group of turtles for nothing?

"Sad! Ridiculous!"

"Don't be merciless, everyone, throw them to death!"

As the number of people making troubles increased, a large number of people threw the vegetable baskets in their hands into it. Those who could not take the vegetable leaves picked up soil and stones from the ground and threw them into the high wall of the military camp. Behind.

The smashed soldier's nose was blue and his face was swollen. It happened that the people led by the generals of the Qin people were standing at the door. The smashed noses were not noses, and the eyes were not eyes. They were extremely embarrassed. These riotous soldiers?

At this time, although the soldiers of the Six Nations in front of them saw a glimmer of hope, they still did not do anything too excited.

However, a voice like this suddenly came from nowhere: "Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of a country!

"Even the soldiers of the Six Nations of the past were like this. How could the sons and daughters of the Great Qin shrink back? Isn't that being ridiculed by the world?"

"How can we Daqin soldiers go back to face the elders of their hometown in the future?"

"If the Huns occupied our capital, our families would also live here, and they would live in dire straits and be brutally persecuted by the Huns! 35


"If Bai Hei has no further orders, we will go out by ourselves and save the emperor!"

"Who dares!

Fan Kuai's general and a few entourages beside him pulled out the blade in their hands with a squeak.

"How can you Qin people be so soft-hearted?"

"I am a dignified general of the state of Qi, how could I be easily defeated by you?

After a soldier from the Six Nations said these words bravely, the pot exploded as if a stone stirred up a thousand waves.

The contradiction between the soldiers of the Six Nations and the soldiers of the Qin people was lifted, and the two sides fought together for a while.

"Brothers, they are too bullying, fight with them!"

After the soldiers of the Six Nations took the lead in saying these words, they responded immediately.

"it is good!

They have always been resentful to the Qin people but have nowhere to vent, but now they finally broke out in silence.

"Take them down!"

"If you dare not disobey the order, let us go out, and we will bear all the responsibility! 55

Following the ultimatum sent by the brave leaders of the Six Nations, the generals of the Qin army also issued a final warning to them, "Don't be ignorant of what is good or bad, going out now is tantamount to going to die. The more chaotic the battlefield, the more unfavorable it will be for us. ""

"Hurry back, disobedient, kill without mercy!"

"Damn, let's fight!"

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