Chapter 352 The way to make money

"Mr. Shen Wansan said that he helped with this, but the carriages and the hammer tools used for mining must be purchased from him, and the vendors under him were also allowed to set up stalls to sell food at a higher price than outside. Much cheaper.""

"I didn't think too much about it, I just thought that if he did this, he would be able to make a fortune without paying back the money. Fortunately, what he did was not too much, otherwise I would definitely not agree.

[This Shen Wansan is really a good person. I'm afraid I didn't know that I valued this firearm factory and put my mind on other things. 】

[Once the fire gun factory can be used in the military, it will inevitably expand its scale. The firewood, rice, oil and salt he made, he set up vendors in the deep mountains and forests of mining, and sold tools, carriages and food. The behavior is not enough, and the profit is limited. Once the industry is officially developed, the number of people and tools will increase, and then, it will not be just a simple fortune, it will be a wealth of oil! 】

[However, he is also really good at being the Minister of the Household. It is indeed right to choose him, but he still has to beat and beat to prevent him from doing some wrong things that condone his subordinates. 】

【When you have a lot of money, it is easy to change. If their subordinates sell low-quality hammers that they bought at a low price from nowhere to make money, the people who use the low-quality hammers will definitely break down soon. If you don’t have enough money, Mr. Xi will have to report to the Ministry of Household for approval. Although it’s a bit like his own money is going in and out of his pocket, in fact, he doesn’t know how much oil he has made secretly. . 】

[The money allocated is the expenditure of the household department, and the number of accounts entered into the account" "?"]

[When you enter the account, you can make a fortune, falsely report the amount, as long as the profit is large enough, the top will not go into it, and when the account is released, you can make a fortune, buy a large number of low-quality hammers from remote villages, and spend very little , It's not bad to spend half of the principal, and then turn it over and sell it to the fire gun factory at the normal price, and then you can make a lot of money. 】

[This abacus is really good. 】

【Shen Wansan, Shen Wansan, you really deserve to be, I don’t care about making money, I can use any means, but if I don’t complete the goals and tasks I set every month and can’t pay taxes, then Don't blame me for being ruthless to you. 】

After Yin Man nodded, even when he waved his hand and called to Sir Xiao He, who had been on standby beside him, "Master Xiao, please pass on your orders, and send the soldiers from the Black Ice Platform to be placed by Shen Wansan's side to closely monitor his every move."

Xiao He quickly understood, "I understand.

"Xiao will do it soon.""

After he finished saying this, when even the yin man in front of him nodded and said, "Go. 35

"and many more!"

"Now hurry up and run, let him come to Jingyang Mansion, and have something to tell him.

Yin Man spoke again.

(of money) "Yes.

"Wei Chen will do it right away.

After saying these words, Xiao He's figure disappeared outside Jingyang Mansion.

After that, Bai Hei, who was in front of him, took a breath, picked up the water bottle in front of him, carried it up, and drank it loudly.


A hiccups, really comfortable.

I ate too much in the morning, and my mouth was so dry that I could drink a mouthful of sweetness and quench my thirst. It was really comfortable.

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